Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor
Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor


Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” top_margin=”15″]The Internet has given us vast opportunities to develop and succeed. It provides us with massive information and connects us with millions of people across the globe. The challenging part is figuring out how to utilize this platform to create profits—that is, online entrepreneurship. Fortunately, successful entrepreneurs have discovered the techniques and mindset necessary for a profitable online business.

In this episode, entrepreneur and podcaster Jon Nastor shares with us the hacks of online entrepreneurship. He talks about his transition from an offline to an online entrepreneur. Jon teaches us the proper techniques and mindset for a successful online business. He also shares how his habits and routine help him become successful. If you, too, want to create a successful business online, tune in to this episode!

About Our Guest:

Jon Nastor is the founder and host of Hack the Entrepreneur. He helps professionals scale their businesses through digital marketing. He also provides different online courses on business development and marketing strategies. Jon is also an author and SEO consultant.

What Are the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship?

Jon’s Journey to Online Entrepreneurship

  • Jon belongs to a family of entrepreneurs.
  • When he was younger, he printed shirts and stickers and sold them for profit.
  • When something bothers him, he builds something and sells it to other people.
  • After his daughter was born, Jon wanted to stay at home as much as possible. Several years later, he figured out how to do business online.

The Transition from Offline to Online Entrepreneurship

  • For Jon, the impact on his mindset was transformative.
  • He went from being a consumer of things to a producer of things.
  • The beauty of the Internet is that you can scale your audience from 1 to 10,000.

Surpassing the Hurdles

  • Jon struggled with the idea of perfection. For a time, it stopped him from launching his projects.
  • It is normal to look back and be embarrassed by the product you first created.
  • It is better to create something and improve it than expecting that it will instantly be great.
  • Jon also had trouble with launching things nobody buys.

The Value of Partnerships

  • Most of Jon’s big successes are with partners and co-founders.
  • His partners help him deal with things he is not capable of doing.
  • He can scale his strengths in a bigger capacity when he partners with people.

Tips for Startups

  • Before creating an online business, start first with a blog, a podcast, or a YouTube channel.
  • Build an audience who wants to hear from you.
  • Jon suggests finding an audience first before building a product. Listen to what your clients want.
  • Find your thing, start talking or writing, and reach out.
  • To master anything, talk to the experts. In the process, you will become an expert yourself.

Habits and Routines of Successful Entrepreneurs

  • Break things down. Collapse your goal into smaller tasks.
  • After writing your ideas, organize them. Put them in a logical sequence.
  • Jon uses Trello to organize his tasks.
  • Worry only about the next thing; otherwise, it will become overwhelming. To accomplish something, keep it simple.
  • Momentum is essential. Once you get into motion, things will start to happen.

Insights on Future Trends for the Industry

  • Podcasting is just getting started. In five years, people would wish they started early.
  • Podcasting will become bigger and more powerful.
  • When a platform is free, consume it. You are then the product.

Why Sacrifice Is Important

  • Jon had to cut back expenses for a year to build his business.
  • If you are not willing to sacrifice, you do not want this bad enough.
  • The success you will earn in the coming years is worth the sacrifices you make at present.

Jon’s Ongoing Projects

  • Jon created 1,000 Maniacs. It teaches people to transform their subscribers into their maniacs.
  • Hack the Entrepreneur is his main project.


For more insights about online entrepreneurship, connect with Jon through Hack the Entrepreneur website. You may also reach him through Facebook and Twitter



  • Do you already have a successful business, meaning you’re up, running, and paying your bills with some profit left over?
  • Are you interested in growing your business, automating/streamlining things, and staying one step ahead of your competition?
  • Do you want to achieve your goals, get more things done in less time, and double your sales? Sign up for our 21-Day Double Your Sales Challenge.


? If you can answer YES to all three questions, please reach out to me through Facebook:, and describe your situation, goals, and the best time/way to contact you.[/text_block]

Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

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Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor

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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]My mission is to create 200 new multi-millionaire business owners who solve world problems with entrepreneurship. How? You’ll do better when you know better.

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Mastering the Hacks of Online Entrepreneurship with Jon Nastor