Predictions Revlon Bet $35 MILLION DOLLARS On Every Year Plus Life Secrets For Happiness & Success – With David Leddick

This engaging interview features a candid conversation between two acclaimed figures, David Leddick and Daryl Urbanski. It delves into critical life lessons, choices, and the essence of fulfillment and success. David is a well-traveled multilinguist with a rich perspective on life and career choices, having experienced life in various countries. On the other hand, Daryl Urbanski is a thought leader with penetrating insights on life, death, and legacy. This interview is crucial for young professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to find fulfillment in their life and career. Listening to this discourse offers invaluable lessons on resilience, adapting, and understanding life's multiple paths to success and happiness.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to navigate life's critical ages, primarily your 20s and 30s, that shape your future trajectory.

  • Discover the importance of choosing profit over passion and how these choices eventually intersect.

  • Understand the idea of legacy, how it transcends material achievements, and how you can intentionally create yours.


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Interview Highlights

Test Run Period: 20 to 30 years (David Leddick)

  • Emphasizes the importance of experiments and failures early in life.
  • Discourages viewing career as the complete fulfillment of life.
  • Promotes the concept of career as only a part of life.

"When you're very young, I always say 20 to 30 is sort of the test run period. If you fail, it's okay. You just paid for the experience."

Catching Up: 30 to 35 years (Daryl)

  • Offers the advantage of finding what one loves and pursuing it.
  • Discusses the long-term benefits of passion-driven work.

"If you test run 20 to 30 and then finally, like about 30, say, OK, this is what I'm going to do at 35; you will have caught up with everybody else."

The Abundance Mentality (David Leddick)

  • Demonstrates how one can make a living in varying circumstances.
  • Advocates for the ability to adapt and switch careers if necessary.

“The world is abundant. There are so many ways to make a living out there. Always be able to go back down and do something else.”

Role Models for Death and Legacy (Daryl Urbanski)

  • Defines legacy beyond material wealth.
  • Stresses the importance of people in your life, especially towards life’s end.

“How many of us have role models for death? After all the lights and screams, that's when the people around you really start to matter."

Remember the keys to results: Learn, Implement, and Give back. Listen to the full interview for an in-depth understanding of life's truths and more.

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