Daryl Urbanski and Brad Martineau discussed the importance of business success in small business processes through automation and systemization to increase profitability, save time, and enjoy life. They emphasized the value of simplifying operations to remove confusion and gain clarity, and shared their experiences in automating marketing and building more systematic in business success. 

Brad Martineau shared insights on building a sustainable business through gradual growth, emphasizing the importance of understanding what works in business success and developing features to help customers. They also discussed the challenges of entrepreneurship and small business success, including finding passion and purpose, building a successful business, and avoiding common mistakes. Finally, Brad Martineau emphasized the significance of strategic planning in entrepreneurship, highlighting the need to prioritize and focus on a limited number of tasks to achieve business success.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview:

  • Learn how to gain clarity on your business goals and the importance of specifying monetary aims.
  • Discover the strategic wisdom of slowing things down before implementing new strategies.
  • Understand the art of delegation through the 'ninja' strategy and the significance of systems and automation in today's business world.

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Interview Highlights

Business success, Infusionsoft experience, and layoffs

  • Brad Martineau started his career as an online admissions counselor at University of Phoenix in 2002.
  • In 2004, Brad Martineau joined Infusionsoft as the sixth employee and worked in various roles, including support team, implementation team, and product management.
  • Brad Martineau was involved in every feature release for about 6 years and gained insights into business strategy and technology, leading to a front-row seat to both successful and unsuccessful businesses.

Entrepreneurship, self-discovery, and business growth

  • Brad Martineau realized freelance consulting wasn't for them after 6 months, hated working alone.
  • Brad Martineau discovered they need people and energy to be productive, not just projects.
  • Brad Martineau struggled to launch a membership site, realizing it takes time to build a business beyond one event.
  • Brad Martineau connected with a business partner and started six division, learning from past mistakes.

Entrepreneurship journey, growth, and team development

  • Daryl Urbanski and Brad Martineau sold a ton of flagship offerings at Infusion Con, generating $7 figures in revenue.
  • They experienced "pure hell" during the first year of their success, with 5-6 businesses coming in for one-on-one consultations every week for 4-5 months.
  • Brad Martineau describes a chaotic year in 2012 where they overworked themselves and their team, leading to burnout and a lack of focus on their business goals.
  • In 2013, Brad Martineau and their business partner cut their schedule in half and focused on growing their business by at least $1, while transitioning their business partner out of doing services work.
  • In 2014, Brad Martineau was able to step out of doing services work and think more strategically about their business, setting them up for opportunities in 2015.

The importance of making decisions and taking action without perfect information

  • Brad Martineau shares their resistance to taking action, fearing they'll do it wrong.
  • Daryl Urbanski highlights the importance of taking action, even if it's imperfect, to learn and improve.
  • Brad Martineau reflects on how indecision in one area of life (weightlifting) affects other areas, such as relationships and work.
  • Brad Martineau suggests developing an attitude of making decisions with available information, recognizing they may not be perfect but lead to better decisions.

Leveraging automation to grow business, despite initial resistance

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of action and implementation in building a business.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares his experience of automating tasks to save time, but realizing that more tasks emerge to replace the ones automated.

Building a sustainable business with slow growth

  • Brad Martineau emphasizes importance of slow, incremental growth in business.
  • Core foundation of business must be built through effort and time.
  • Product launches can provide quick wins but are not a sustainable business model.

Common mistakes small businesses make and how to avoid them

  • Brad Martineau identifies fear and indecision as major obstacles holding people back in business.
  • Brad Martineau advises entrepreneurs to "just go attack" the things that scare them to make progress in their business success.
  • Brad Martineau emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals in business, citing a quote by Brian Tracy.
  • Brad Martineau encourages entrepreneurs to wear "glasses" to see their business goals clearly and make decisions accordingly.

Entrepreneurship, delegation, and modular thinking

  • Brad Martineau discusses the importance of letting go of tasks and delegating responsibilities to others.
  • Brad Martineau advocates for modular thinking and the Lego principle to manage chaos in entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship, strategy, and implementation

  • Brad Martineau emphasizes the importance of creating a framework for business growth, prioritizing tasks, and implementing strategy methodically.
  • Brad Martineau highlights the need for discipline in selecting one thing to implement at a time, creating an executable blueprint, and going slow to achieve success.
  • Brad Martineau emphasizes the importance of knowing what you're trying to accomplish and creating a plan to achieve it.
  • Brad Martineau advises against trying to do everything by yourself and instead, focus on the most important tasks.
  • Brad Martineau encourages listeners to start small and gradually build up their skills and knowledge, rather than trying to be a "ninja" straight away.

Developing a list of key points for a business success

  • Developer of 6-step business success list shares insights from top entrepreneurs.
  • Brad Martineau focuses on helping small businesses leverage systems and automation.
  • Brad Martineau schedules every week with clear goals and buffer times.

Systems and automation for small business success

  • Systems are key to success in business, automate mundane tasks.
  • Identify critical systems for client fulfillment, sales, and marketing.
  • Identifying and addressing specific areas of the business for improvement in business success.
  • Emphasis on creating a vision, purpose, and culture for the company.

Habits for business success, including prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively

  • Daryl Urbanski and Brad Martineau discuss habits that lead to success.
  • Brad Martineau emphasizes the importance of staying disciplined to objectives.
  • Brad Martineau shares a quote from Bill Gates on the limitations of success as a teacher.
  • Brad Martineau prioritizes calendar management to avoid overcommitting.
  • Brad Martineau believes in the importance of slow and smooth progress.
  • Brad Martineau emphasizes the value of accepting limits and focusing on one task at a time.

Simplifying small business operations with automation and software

  • Daryl Urbanski and Brad Martineau discussed the importance of setting clear goals and priorities to manage time effectively.
  • Brad Martineau shared a quote by Robert Heinlein about the dangers of lacking clearly defined goals in life.
  • Six Division is launching a new product to simplify small business automation and implementation.
  • The company is expanding into new areas, including hiring and team building, and software products.
  • Brad Martineau provides valuable insights on business growth and marketing.
  • Listeners can reach out to Brad Martineau through his website or social media channels.

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