Daryl Urbanski and Roland Frasier discussed strategies for growing and scaling businesses, including creating value, providing value to clients, repositioning businesses, negotiating deals, and leveraging strategic relationships. Roland emphasized the importance of protecting intellectual property, while Daryl highlighted the value of treating a business like a business and identifying scalable offers in digital marketing. 

Both Roland Frasier and Daryl emphasized the importance of delegating tasks effectively, managing a team, and surrounding oneself with the right people for success. They also discussed the latest trends and strategies in SEO and digital marketing, including optimizing for mobile devices and utilizing apps to increase visibility and traffic.

Reasons to Listen to the Full Interview

  • Learn how to assess the scalability of your business ventures in specific niches.

  • Discover how having multiple "mids" or merchant IDs can save your business even if one channel closes down.

  • Understand the pivotal role of a diverse team including a CFO, copywriter, media buyer, graphic designer, and a merchant account manager, in scaling up your business.


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Interview Highlights

Legal aspects of business ownership, including intellectual property and employee agreements

  • Daryl Urbanski and Roland Frasier discuss real estate and business law, with Frasier disagreeing that real estate law is particularly helpful for business owners.
  • Frasier identifies key areas that business owners need to be aware of, including legal landscape, partnerships, and marketing.
  • Roland Frasier emphasizes the importance of proper intellectual property ownership documentation for businesses.
  • He highlights the potential consequences of not having a written agreement, including loss of ownership and significant financial losses.

Protecting businesses from liability through intellectual property ownership and licensing structures

  • Roland Frasier advises layering entities to protect brands from liability.
  • Roland Frasier learned about intellectual property law through litigation with clients while practicing law.
  • Frasier has discovered a passion for negotiating and enjoys it immensely.

Business partnerships, growth strategies, and acquisitions

  • Roland Frasier prioritizes fairness in deals, turning down good deals if they're not in the other person's best interest.
  • Frasier advocates for mutually beneficial agreements, avoiding litigation and hassle in the long run.
  • Roland Frasier advises entrepreneurs to partner with someone who can handle tasks they dislike, such as webinars, to avoid burnout and improve business performance.
  • Frasier emphasizes the importance of finding a good partner, as bad partnerships can be detrimental to a business.
  • Roland Frasier emphasizes partnering and strategic relationships for business growth.

Business growth strategies, including identifying a good offer and expanding to new audiences

  • Roland Frasier highlights importance of bench strength and partnerships in business growth.
  • Roland Frasier emphasizes the importance of earnouts for business owners, citing protection and maintaining the business's trajectory as key benefits.
  • Roland Frasier expresses reservations about earnouts without clear terms or a learning curve for the buyer, potentially leading to negative consequences for the seller.
  • Daryl Urbanski looks for offers that are currently selling well to their target audience and can be scaled to other markets.
  • He prioritizes offers with a good balance between Facebook traffic and other channels for reaching a similar audience.

Diversifying marketing channels to avoid dependence on a single source

  • Roland suggests testing offers on multiple channels to determine scalability.
  • Roland Frasier advises against relying on a single channel or merchant account for business success.

Common mistakes entrepreneurs make when scaling their businesses, including not delegating tasks and failing to anticipate the need for additional team members

  • Roland shares lessons learned from past mistakes in business, including relying on a single product and not delegating tasks.
  • Roland highlights critical roles for scaling an online business, including CFO, bookkeeper, copywriter, media buyer, graphic designer, and merchant account manager.
  • Failure to delegate tasks and manage growth can lead to significant financial losses in the long run, according to Roland.

Delegating tasks and overcoming perfectionism in business

  • Roland emphasizes importance of starting with end goal in mind and reverse engineering to achieve it.
  • Roland encourages thinking about how to improve personal and business life to reach goals faster.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares tips on managing a team, including delegating tasks effectively.
  • Roland discusses challenges with delegating, including perfectionism and lack of training.

The importance of mentorship, masterminding, and personal habits for success

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of partnerships and delegating tasks effectively.
  • Roland highlights the importance of taking time to think daily and being physically active.
  • Roland emphasizes the importance of relationships and mentoring for success, citing examples of successful individuals who prioritize these aspects.
  • Being both a mentor and mentee, and participating in masterminds, can provide valuable learning experiences and help raise others' success.

Business strategies for success, including modeling, mentoring, and giving value without expectation of return

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of modeling, mentoring, and masterminding in learning and skill development.
  • Successful people give without expectation, a habit that can lead to positive outcomes.
  • Roland emphasizes the importance of building personal relationships before making business deals.
  • Roland Frasier offers to introduce a person to someone who could add $200,000 to their business in exchange for no compensation.
  • Roland advises being selfless and giving value without expectation for personal gain.
  • Helping others do better is the most manipulative thing you can do for long-term success.

Mobile-first design, messaging apps, personalization, and email marketing trends in 2017-2018

  • Roland predicts mobile-first design and messaging app growth in 2017-2018.
  • Roland predicts messaging apps will subsume freestanding apps, making interactions more seamless and personalized.
  • Personalization is a huge deal, with companies using machine learning to deliver customized content and offers based on user behavior and demographics.

Leveraging technology for marketing and SEO success

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the evolution of marketing, from face-to-face sales to digital channels.
  • SEO has changed recently, with desktop and mobile results differing.
  • Roland discusses Google's new algorithm, which prioritizes apps and structured markup language for rich snippets in search results.
  • Predictive technology and personalization of search depend on device and Google's quantum computer.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Roland discuss the importance of staying up-to-date with SEO and social media trends to remain competitive in business.
  • Roland highlight the benefits of hiring an SEO expert to handle strategic tasks while outsourcing grunt work to other employees or contractors.

Digital marketing certification programs and mastermind groups with Roland Frasier

  • Digital Marketer offers training and certification programs for digital marketing.
  • The company hires interns and trains them through their certification suite.
  • Daryl Urbanski invites listeners to join his mastermind group and grassroots program, offering access to him and other experts.
  • Listeners can visit DigitalMarketer | Marketing Tools & Training for more information.

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