Daryl Urbanski and Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez discussed their experiences in creating successful online businesses through digital marketing and relationship advice. They emphasized the importance of building a team, creating a market for one's content, and establishing authority and trust in digital marketing.

They also stressed the need to balance work and personal life, prioritize customer satisfaction, and persevere through obstacles. Jose shared his journey of becoming a successful business coach and entrepreneur, while Daryl highlighted common mistakes in the online entrepreneur community. Both speakers, who are individuals seeking growth, emphasized the importance of continuous learning, collaboration, and taking action to achieve success.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Understand how to transition from self-employment to a team-centered business structure.

  • Discover the art of deriving value from individual team members without pushing them out of their comfort zones.

  • Learn how to establish genuine, solid relationships in a digital-based working environment.


  1. "Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment" by George Leonard
  2. You may connect Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez on LinkedIN
  3. For more Informative Interviews Click Here

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Interview Highlights of Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez: 

Entrepreneurship, wealth-building, and personal growth with a self-made millionaire.

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews Jose Louie Lopez on relationship advice and personal growth.
  • Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez shares his story, lessons learned, and how to improve online marketing results.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares his personal story of entrepreneurship, from seeing wealth and opportunity to struggling with money and learning to build it himself.
  • Urbanski's grandfather built a successful business in Mexico, but his uncles and father struggled with money due to a lack of financial literacy and poor decision-making.

Entrepreneurship, MLM marketing, and online marketing.

  • Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez shares his frustration with MLM marketing and seeks a way for better quality leads.
  • He discovers internet marketing through Mike Decker and purchases his courses, starting his entrepreneurial journey.
  • Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez faced financial obstacles but found a way to afford a coaching program that changed his life and generate leads.
  • He resigned his job, took out a loan, and started building websites with a friend, eventually transitioning to selling knowledge and becoming an online expert.

Dating and relationship advice for women

  • Jose learned from Gustavo that selling someone else's information can be challenging due to competition and cost per click.
  • Jose shifted focus to becoming an expert in online dating advice, following David DeAngelo's approach.
  • Jose launched their business by researching top-selling books on dating and relationship advice for women, then offering free one-on-one sessions to understand their needs for establishing meaningful relationships.
  • Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez got 100 people to sign up for free sessions by sharing articles on Facebook and in female groups, with the help of their friends and female friends.
  • Jose coached 45 clients and gained perspective on their needs and wants.
  • Writing a book sooner could have changed his life and built his current success sooner.

Building an online business, overcoming challenges, and managing a team.

  • Jose shared their journey of building an online business without formal business training, emphasizing the importance of experience and being in the right place at the right time.
  • Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez highlighted the biggest challenges they faced, including figuring out how to run a business and overcome self-doubt, and offered insights specific to each stage of the business.
  • Jose realized they needed a team to grow their business and impact more people by establishing meaningful relationships.
  • Jose prioritized building a team of smart, like-minded individuals seeking growth and whom they enjoy spending time with.
  • Jose learned to respect and appreciate team members' strengths and weaknesses, and motivate them to do their best.
  • Jose's role became inspiring and motivating team members' individual potential, rather than teaching them how to do their jobs.

Building relationships online through genuine care and authority.

  • Daryl emphasizes the importance of accepting people for who they are and recognizing the value of different personality traits in a team.
  • Jose highlights the distinction between skills and characteristics, and how it applies to hiring and training instructors.
  • Daryl shares personal experience and relatability to build connection with audience.
  • Jose emphasizes the importance of caring for audience to build solid relationships.

Online marketing strategies, including avoiding overpromising and under-delivering value.

  • Jose emphasizes the value of establishing authority and providing value before making a sale.
  • Daryl agrees and suggests that digital marketers or aspiring entrepreneurs should focus on building rapport with their audience before making an offer.
  • Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez identifies common mistakes made by aspiring entrepreneurs in Mexico, including over-promising and not walking the talk.
  • Jose emphasizes the importance of being genuine and transparent in online marketing, especially when dealing with Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Underpromise and overdeliver: a better company strategy
  • Lifetime value of customers matters more than one-time sales

Creating valuable free content while promoting related products.

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of building long-term relationships with customers, rather than just focusing on making a one-time sale.
  • Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez agrees, highlighting the need to ask for the sale and timing is crucial in making sales.
  • They discuss balancing free content and product sales by providing valuable information and subtle product recommendations throughout their content.
  • Both emphasize the importance of building trust and credibility with their audience before making a sale and ensuring that the product recommendation is relevant and valuable to the audience.

Personal habits for business success, including learning and self-improvement

  • They agrees that in today's information-overload era, people seek precise, relevant content to solve specific problems.
  • Jose prioritizes individual potential and personal growth by learning continuously and seeking better ways to improve.

Building a successful business with a supportive partner

  • Jose highlights the importance of collaboration and learning from others in business success.
  • Jose finds emotional stability crucial for business success through supportive relationships.

Work-life balance and the importance of enjoying present life while pursuing business goals.

  • Daryl:  Routine can be liberating, making it easier to accomplish tasks.
  • Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez: Purpose and quality of life are important for business success.
  • Daryl: Enjoying present life is crucial for business success.
  • They discusses work culture in Japan, including long work hours and the term "karoshi" (death from overwork)
  • They emphasizes the importance of balance between work and personal life, and making money as a means to become a better leader and serve others

Enjoying the journey and overcoming challenges in business and relationships.

  • Jose Luis Lopez Velarde Gonzalez advises enjoying the journey, not just the end goal.
  • Daryl agrees, citing Joe Polish as an expert.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes fixing problems before changing industries.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Louis express gratitude and respect for each other's mentorship and friendship.
  • They invite listeners to reach out for help overcoming challenges and achieving dreams.

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