Lamar Tyler and Daryl Urbanski discussed building a massive following and growing a successful business through social media and creating valuable content that resonates with an underserved audience. They emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of experience and passion, adapting to changes in social media platforms, and maintaining direct communication with the audience through email lists. 

Daryl Urbanski and Lamar Tyler also highlighted the importance of authenticity and community connection, structuring an online business like a legitimate venture, and scaling a business through effective marketing and building a supportive community. Finally, they discussed various challenges entrepreneurs face, such as focusing on readers' needs, generating products and services catering to them, shifting mindset towards direct sales, and overcoming dependence on ad revenue.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to balance inbound and interrupt marketing strategies.

  • Discover how serving your customers effectively can fast track your business growth.

  • Understand the underrated power of demographic data and its impact on successful marketing.


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Interview Highlights

Building a massive following and growing a successful business with Lamar Tyler

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews Lamar Tyler on leveraging social media for business success.
  • Lamar and Ronnie have directed and produced 5 full-length documentaries on marriage in the black community, with sellout crowds nationwide.
  • The couple has received recognition from Ebony magazine's Power 100 list, including being named one of the top 100 movers and shakers in the black community.

Building a massive following through creating content that resonates with an underserved audience, overcoming challenges, and adapting to platform changes

  • Lamar started a blog in their bedroom in an underserved community, knowing the audience well.
  • Lamar resonated with their audience by speaking to their experiences and needs.
  • Lamar created black America Search and Found - Instantly - to uplift and promote marriage and parenting in the black community.
  • The platform became a movement, with couples and singles expressing gratitude for a different representation.
  • Lamar faced challenges such as building an audience from scratch and navigating the MySpace era of social media.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Lamar discuss how their business adapted to changes in Facebook's algorithm, prioritizing email list growth and direct customer revenue.
  • They emphasize the importance of creating content that resonates with their audience and serving their readers' needs, leading to increased revenue from direct customer sources.

Building a business with a focus on list growth and lead capture

  • Daryl Urbanski and his wife recognized early on that treating their business like a hobby would limit its potential.
  • The size of their list depends on the power of their business, and they focus on catering to their audience.
  • Free tools can hinder the growth of a business, and investing in quality resources is crucial for success.
  • Lamar emphasizes importance of having a home base (website) for business.
  • Changing user behavior and platform updates require adaptability.
  • Capturing leads and converting them into customers is crucial.

Using data to create products for an audience

  • Daryl Urbanski shares insights on inbound and outbound marketing, emphasizing the importance of having a home base and meeting people where they are.
  • Urbanski highlights the value of building a reputation and offering valuable content to attract and retain an audience.
  • The company analyzes data and surveys to understand audience needs and create products to fill those needs.
  • The company creates documentary films, ebooks, and other resources to address specific topics and attract potential customers.

Using data to create content, surveys to gather audience feedback, and the importance of analyzing actual user behavior versus assumed preferences

  • Lamar uses data from Google Analytics to understand their audience's needs and preferences.
  • Lamar Tyler surveys their audience to gather information on what they want to learn and experience during a cruise.
  • Lamar highlights the importance of analyzing data rather than relying on assumptions or focus group results.
  • Daryl Urbanski agrees, emphasizing the need for accurate and reliable data collection methods.

Using surveys to gather valuable information from audiences

  • Lamar discusses the importance of understanding audience demographics and survey sample sizes for effective marketing and sales copy.
  • Lamar highlights the value of using real language from surveys in sales and marketing copy, citing examples from marriage organizations.
  • Lamar discusses the importance of understanding the language couples use to describe their relationship issues.
  • Lamar Tyler's lead magnets include a 4-part video series on unbreakable relationships and free communication checklists.

Creating a lead magnet for a business website using a simple ebook based on top articles

  • Lamar emphasizes importance of website as asset for business protection from platform changes.
  • Lamar created a lead magnet (ebook) based on top 5 articles, capturing 10,000 email addresses within a year.
  • Lamar stopped waiting for perfect lead magnet and delivered something basic but complete, providing value to readers.

Entrepreneurship challenges and overcoming them

  • Lamar Tyler discussed challenges of shifting focus from brands to readers, generating products and services that serve them better.
  • Lamar had to shift mindset from free content to selling directly to consumers, overcoming resistance to paying for value.
  • Lamar started a Facebook page for their documentary and set a goal of 700 followers in 30 days, which was exceeded with 7000 followers.
  • Paid advertising on Facebook was a game-changer for the speaker's business, increasing sales from 5-6 DVDs per day to 25-30 packs per day.

Scaling business growth through inbound and outbound marketing strategies

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of bringing new blood into a business while also retaining existing customers.
  • He advises content creators to be clear on the purpose of their advertising spend and to treat it like training an employee.
  • Inbound marketing is great for building brand reputation, but outbound marketing can lead to more scalable income growth.

Shortcuts to success in business through interviews with experts and investing in coaches and consultants

  • Mindset shifts are key to success, not shortcuts.
  • Find top experts, interview them extensively, and learn from them.
  • Invest in coaches and consultants to shorten learning curve.

Common mistakes entrepreneurs make when launching a business, including not going all in and not emphasizing the importance of selling

  • Entrepreneurs must go all in and commit to their business for success.
  • Learning how to sell is crucial for business growth and revenue.
  • Focusing on both short-term and long-term financial goals is essential.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of understanding the audience's needs and concerns.
  • He advises entrepreneurs to focus on providing value and solving problems, rather than selling.
  • Lamar Tyler highlights the importance of emphasizing the potential life-changing impact of the product or service being offered.

The importance of presenting value and quality to customers

  • Lamar Tyler learned that people are more likely to invest in something of value that can improve their lives, such as a high-quality knife set.
  • Lamar Tyler's ability to present the product with confidence and show its value helped him close deals and increase sales.

Entrepreneurship, mentorship, and the importance of implementing ideas to grow a business

  • Daryl Urbanski and Lamar Tyler share experiences of people exaggerating their experience or skills, especially in martial arts and car dealerships.
  • They notice that newcomers often inflate their experience, while experienced individuals downplay it, with Lamar sharing an anecdote about being ready to buy a car but being ignored because of his attire.
  • Lamar reflects on past mistakes, such as not investing in mentorship earlier.
  • Daryl Urbanski agrees that one key to success is finding a momentum-building idea.
  • Both agree that treating a business like a hobby can lead to lack of progress.

Building a successful online business through strategic planning, content creation, and marketing

  • Daryl Urbanski and Lamar discussed the importance of building a team and using data to inform marketing strategies.
  • They emphasized the need to focus on serving the audience and using lead magnets to build relationships.

Entrepreneurship, marketing, and community support

  • Daryl Urbanski recommends joining Traffic, Sales, and Profit Facebook group for support and encouragement from like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • Lamar Taylor shares insights on how to increase sales and profit in the group, with a focus on understanding the mindset of business owners.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Lamar Tyler share insights on overcoming challenges and building successful businesses.
  • They emphasize the importance of taking action and helping others to achieve success.

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