Daryl Urbanski and Roy Furr discussed their experiences in copywriting and business building, with Roy sharing his transition from customer service to successful copywriter. Daryl Urbanski admired Roy's work and invited him to share his expertise. Later, Daryl and Roy emphasized the importance of identifying and addressing a specific market problem in copywriting, creating a compelling story that resonates with the target audience, and taking action to maximize business growth. 

They also discussed the benefits of subscription-based models for ongoing education and consumption, and the importance of understanding the target market when crafting offers. Additionally, Daryl and Roy discussed the effectiveness of storytelling in marketing and music production, highlighting the need for authenticity and relatability in creating a lasting impact.

Here are the Reasons Why You Should Listen to the Full Interview

  • Firstly, learn how to effectively utilize the concept of 'back-end offers' as a profit maximizer.
  • Discover the value and potential of already existing assets within your business and how to exploit them for enhanced profit.
  • Understand the significance and functionality of the 'pipeline' in business and its far-reaching effects.


  1. Check out Roy's invaluable daily email newsletter, Breakthrough Marketing Secrets, where he consistently delivers innovative marketing strategies and tips.
  2. Roy recommended understanding the works of Jay Abraham, particularly his philosophy of 'The Three Ways to Grow a Business.' He also suggests reading Influence by Robert Cialdini for its psychological insights into profitable marketing.
  3. For more Informative Interviews Click Here.

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Interview Highlights

Entrepreneurship, career path, and marketing success

  • Daryl Urbanski shares his story of how he got into copywriting, despite not coming from a family of entrepreneurs or writers.
  • Roy describes their experience working in a cubicle for a gas company, which inspired them to pursue copywriting.
  • Roy Furr's self-taught marketing skills led to doubling a business's profits and Inc. magazine recognition.
  • Roy freelance copywriting career took off after helping a business grow and earning Inc. recognition.

Increasing profits through training subscription service

  • Roy sold portion of successful business to fund dream house, leveraging value built up in company.
  • Roy Furr describes how the business doubled in size after offering customizable certification packs instead of forcing a specific path on customers.
  • Roy and Daryl Urbanski discuss the value of selling results rather than forcing specific training on customers.
  • The company shifted from selling training sessions to a subscription-based model, offering access to a comprehensive training library.
  • The subscription model resulted in a high renewal rate (85%) and consistent revenue growth.

Subscription-based business models and their benefits

  • Daryl Urbanski highlights the importance of a subscription program for businesses, citing its benefits for both the company and the customers.
  • He emphasizes the value of encouraging customers to continue their education and personal development through a subscription model.
  • Roy highlights the potential of Proactive's subscription model for businesses, citing ongoing consumption of products and serving best clients better.
  • Daryl Urbanski agrees, noting that the model is built on sound business principles and can benefit both the industry and subscribers.
  • Roy highlights importance of front-end and back-end products in business, with the former meant to bring people through the door and the latter to maximize profits.
  • Roy suggests structuring business to allow customers to climb a ladder of spending and value, with upper-level customers bringing in the most profits.

Creating ascending offers to maximize profits and compete with competitors

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the importance of having multiple price points for products/services to maximize profits.
  • Roy highlights the potential for competitors to develop ascending offers, leading to increased revenue.
  • Roy plans to displace competitors by offering better service and impacting customers more.
  • Roy client has a $3,100 solar generator that disproportionately resonates with paid subscribers.

Identifying and leveraging existing assets in a business for maximum profit with Roy Furr

  • Leveraging existing audience for profit through joint ventures.
  • Developing relationship with audience for access to readymade customer base.
  • Business owner refers clients to other businesses for additional services.
  • Roy Furr discusses Jay Abraham's business model for propane delivery, emphasizing the importance of identifying assets in a business and maximizing their potential.
  • Roy Furr admires Jay Abraham's divergent thinking and vocabulary, noting his ability to use nuanced adjectives to describe concepts.

Identifying and leveraging hidden assets to increase profit margins

  • Roy Furr identified hidden assets in business, including proprietary generator feature.
  • Roy suggested increasing generator price to $3,000, based on competitor analysis.
  • Roy Furr increased profit margins by 61% by changing how a product was packaged and sold.
  • The business doubled and continued to double after changing how the product was sold, without changing the training itself.

Copywriting for weight loss market, addressing various reasons for wanting to lose weight

  • Daryl Urbanski and Roy discuss copywriting and its role in business growth.
  • Roy emphasizes the importance of differentiating a product from competitors and solving a specific problem.
  • Roy Furr emphasizes importance of understanding ideal customer's problems.
  • Roy identifies multiple markets for weight loss, including vanity, self-esteem, and health concerns.

Writing effective copy for products by identifying and addressing specific problems

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses fear of being too specific in business, citing examples of targeted marketing.
  • Roy argues that targeting a specific market can make a product more attractive to everyone, by appealing to the core of the market.
  • Roy Furr discusses a 4-part copy formula for writing effective sales copy: problem, agitate, invalidate, and solve.
  • The formula has been used to generate millions of dollars in sales, and the speaker recommends using it for any business or product.

Using storytelling in marketing, focusing on personal experiences and relatability

  • Daryl Urbanski and Roy discuss the importance of storytelling in copywriting, using the example of a copywriter who wrote a compelling story about her brother's brush with death due to diabetes.
  • The story was so touching that Roy couldn't help but say "wow" when reading it, highlighting the power of storytelling in capturing the audience's attention and empathy.
  • Roy shares a personal story about using music production software and its impact on their life.
  • Roy recounts a memorable experience of playing their own music at a club, despite technical limitations.
  • Roy shared a nightmare story about mixing their own track at a club, leading to a muddy sound and empty dance floor.
  • Roy Furr emphasized the importance of learning how to mix and master tracks before playing them in DJ sets.

The importance of having a clear reason why in advertising

  • Kennedy's story of being a Canadian Mountie influenced direct response advertising.
  • Kennedy's "Reason Why Advertising" book is a must-read for copywriters.

Copywriting and marketing strategies with a successful copywriter

  • Daryl Urbanski and Roy Furr discuss the value of Lauren Thomas' free book offers and how they can help businesses.
  • Roy provides tips on how to reach out to him for copywriting and marketing services, including signing up for his free daily emails.
  • Daryl Urbanski thanks Roy for sharing valuable insights and encourages listeners to take action.
  • Roy Furr shares three lessons learned and invites listeners to interact with Daryl for further support.

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