Daryl Urbanski and Corey Poirier shared their experiences and insights on building a successful speaking business. They emphasized the importance of networking, creating valuable content, and managing time effectively. Corey Poirier shared their experiences of launching a hometown newspaper focused on entrepreneurship, while Daryl Urbanski and Corey discussed their insights on overcoming challenges and achieving milestones in entrepreneurship. They also discussed the interconnectedness of public speaking and sales, and the importance of establishing credibility and building strategic partnerships to grow a speaking business. Finally, they discussed the importance of negotiating speaking fees and payment terms with clients.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview:

  • Learn how to get comfortable and authentic when speaking in front of an audience.

  • Discover the importance of studying communication like a stand-up comic.

  • Understand the challenges and opportunities in hosting public seminars and the concept of the Ascension Path in selling.


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Interview Highlights:

Entrepreneurship journey with Corey Poirier

  • Corey has appeared on TV specials, TEDx talks, and has interviewed 3400 Super Achievers as CEO of a seminar company.
  • Corey Poirier's grandfather ran a construction company, and Corey learned entrepreneurial lessons from him.
  • Corey Poirier started an entrepreneurial program at 19 years old, marking the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey.
  • At 19, Corey and business partner launched a regional version of Success Magazine in newspaper print, interviewing local entrepreneurs and sharing their journeys and tips.
  • The program ended, and they had to come up with a legit business plan in a week to receive seed money, which they did by launching an entrepreneurial newspaper.

Entrepreneurship challenges and milestones, including a failed business venture

  • Daryl Urbanski shared a story about a business idea that didn't work out, and how he learned to say no to bad ideas.
  • Corey Poirier's business partner quit after a month due to cold calling challenges, leaving Corey to buy the business.

Challenges of running a business at a young age

  • Corey struggled with balancing paper business and personal expenses.
  • Corey knew they wanted more experiences beyond the paper.
  • Corey Poirier walked away from company despite its profitability.

Career transition from sales to keynote speaking

  • Corey moved from small town to larger city for new opportunities.
  • Corey Poirier gained sales experience working for Toshiba and Konica Minolta.
  • Daryl Urbanski shared his experience in sales and communicating with clients, which he believes helped him become a successful Corey.
  • Urbanski learned that giving people time to prepare can increase their confidence and reduce the likelihood of them backing out.

Transitioning from stand-up comedy to keynote speaking

  • Corey shared story of struggling with stand-up comedy for 9 years before discovering speaking as a passion.
  • Corey merged stand-up and teaching to become a keynote speaker, finding a balance of passions.

How Corey Poirier started their business through sales training and speaking for free

  • Corey started with sales training, then built business by speaking for no fee.
  • College connections helped secure clients, with pricing set by college.
  • Corey worked with corporate salesperson to identify training needs.

Building a speaking business through networking, marketing, and developing a portfolio of presentations

  • Corey built a speaking business by selling a sales program to clients.
  • Corey did talks for no fee for organizations that could represent many companies.
  • Corey used testimonials from clients to market his services.
  • Corey developed a portfolio of presentations to attract clients.
  • Corey used public seminars to introduce themselves to potential clients.
  • Corey hustled to build their business through networking and sales calls.

Public speaking, comedy, and training for both

  • Daryl Urbanski shares tips on becoming a confident keynote speaker, emphasizing the importance of audience engagement and comfort on stage.
  • Toastmasters is recommended as a baby step for those wanting to improve their public speaking skills, with Dale Carnegie's program being a more expensive but effective option.
  • Corey analyzed their own comedy sets to identify what works and what doesn't, studying communication at a high level.
  • Stand-up comedy provides unique training for public speaking, with comedians studying their own material in detail.

Public speaking tips and strategies for success

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of practice and volume in improving public speaking skills.
  • Toastmasters and speaking for no fee are valuable ways to build credibility and gain experience.
  • WWE's motto "Never say never" reflects their willingness to bring back wrestlers despite burned bridges.

Using seminars to launch products, with examples from T Harv Eker's success

  • Corey considers doing a public seminar again, but with a smaller group for more preparation and structure.
  • Corey Poirier mentions T Harv Eker, author of "The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind," as an example of a successful seminar creator.
  • Brendon Burchard launched a best-selling book by including tickets to his seminar in every copy, defying traditional publishing norms.
  • Burchard built a massive brand through public seminars, taking a smaller advance to maintain creative control and belief in his approach.

Selling products and using storytelling in presentations

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the "ascension path" model of selling, where small purchases lead to larger ones.
  • T Harv Eker's book is used as a lead generator, with upselling occurring gradually.
  • Daryl Urbanski highlights common mistakes made by keynote speakers, including relying too heavily on PowerPoint slides and using too many bullet points.
  • Corey (Carmine Gallo) discusses the presentation secrets of Steve Jobs, including his use of storytelling and visual aids to engage audiences.

Common mistakes speakers make when preparing for talks and collecting fees

  • Corey advises against memorizing a talk based on bullet points, as it can lead to going over time.
  • Early on, the ability to collect fees is crucial for speakers, but it can be a challenge without a professional website and business cards.
  • Corey advises new speakers to request a deposit upfront to avoid financial struggles.
  • Daryl Urbanski suggests insisting on payment upfront, especially for new speakers.

How to determine market value

  • Daryl Urbanski asks how to value speaking engagements, with Corey explaining that it depends on various factors such as experience, credentials, and market demand.
  • Corey Poirier advises starting with no fee and gradually increasing fees as credentials and experience grow, with a variable range of hundreds based on gut instinct and trial and error.
  • Corey suggests offering additional value to clients, such as video promotion, to justify higher fees.
  • Corey considers reducing fee for clients with limited budgets, using the value of extra work as a selling point.

Corey Poirier fees ranges from $100 to over $1 million, depending on brand and event value

  • Corey fees can range from $100 to $1 million or more, depending on the value they bring to the event.
  • Like Tony Robbins, have been paid as much as $1 million for a single talk.
  • Corey fees range from $5,000 to $10,000 for high-tier events with household names.

The importance of self-discipline in the speaking industry

  • Daryl Urbanski highlights the value of time and credibility in speaking engagements
  • Urbanski advises on how to leverage speaking events for marketing and growth
  • Corey Poirier emphasizes self-discipline as key to success in speaking industry.

Self-discipline and saying no in the speaking industry

  • Corey emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and saying no in the speaking industry.
  • Corey shares a personal habit of cultivating self-discipline and knowing when to say no, which has served them well in their career.
  • Corey is creating a video series on launching a speaking career, with 4 free videos covering topics like finding clients and pricing.
  • People can sign up at speakingprogram.com to watch the videos and join the tribe, with no obligation to continue.

Business growth and success with a Canadian entrepreneur

  • Daryl Urbanski and Corey share valuable insights and advice on building a successful business.
  • Daryl and Corey emphasize the importance of taking action and overcoming challenges to achieve success.

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