Nick Nanton and Daryl Urbanski discussed personal branding, marketing, and scaling businesses. They emphasized the importance of storytelling, creating a unique value proposition, and building a strong personal brand to increase credibility and success.

They also discussed the challenges of managing a large client base while maintaining quality service, and the need to focus on high-leverage activities. Additionally, they shared their experiences with overcoming obstacles, balancing work and family life, and living a life true to oneself. Throughout the conversation, they emphasized the importance of embracing unique personality, creativity, and skills to create a successful and fulfilling life.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to effectively scale: Gain insights from Nick's experiences and understand how harnessing patterns can lead to sustainable and efficient scaling of operations.

  • Discover the importance of life-work balance: Breaking from traditional entrepreneurial tropes, Nick emphasizes the integral role a balanced lifestyle plays in maintaining and leveraging business success.

  • Understand the power of self-determination: Find out how Nick's inherent drive helped him forge a successful career in entrepreneurship without allowing finances to dominate his choices.


Interview Highlights

Personal branding and marketing with Emmy Award-winning producer and agent

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews a special guest in Toronto, sharing insights on business success.
  • Nick Nanton, Emmy-winning director and producer, helps celebrities brand themselves.
  • Daryl Urbanski invites Nick to share techniques for building businesses, emphasizing the importance of documenting track record.
  • Nick highlights the value of sharing knowledge and experiences, despite potential for free consulting.

Entrepreneurship, branding, and personal growth

  • Nick Nanton discusses personal branding and entrepreneurship with his mentor Dan Sullivan.
  • Nick's parents are entrepreneurs despite not having a traditional entrepreneurial background.
  • Nick Nanton started playing guitar at 6, songwriting at 16, and teaching tennis lessons at 12.
  • Nanton's entertainment company managed 5-6 acts, equivalent to 15-20 kids, with various expectations.

Scaling a business through marketing and systems, with a focus on collaboration and delegation

  • Nick built a successful entertainment law practice by leveraging personal branding and marketing strategies.
  • Nick business partner, Jack, helped him scale the business by focusing on marketing and systems.
  • Nick learned scaling with business partner Jack by creating group programs and leveraging team and systems.
  • Nick's friend who runs a fish tank business admires his ability to juggle multiple ventures but struggles with delegation.
  • Nick Nanton emphasizes importance of having a great team and systems to scale a business.

Outsourcing and scaling business for maximum efficiency

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses scaling his business with a team, emphasizing the importance of training and processes.
  • Daryl shares insights from Dr. Oz, highlighting the concept of precision work and delegating tasks to others.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the importance of outsourcing tasks to save time and increase productivity.
  • Nick Nanton agrees with Daryl's principles but notes that some people struggle to understand the concept of scaling and outsourcing.

Overcoming challenges in business and marketing

  • Nick discusses spending $20,000+/month on Facebook marketing with little return, then scales up with better return on investment.
  • Nick emphasizes importance of systems and processes in business, including sales agents' phone time and compliance officer role.
  • Nick discussed challenges in their career, including figuring out how to scale events and overcome obstacles like last-minute changes and poor promotion.
  • Nick shared their experience with live events, including the importance of having a big list and good promotion to make events successful.

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Work-life balance and scaling a business while prioritizing family

  • Nick Nanton's wife expressed gratitude for his hard work, but also struggled with his frequent travel (8-15 days/month)
  • Nick and wife decided to limit his travel to 7 nights/month, prioritizing family time
  • Nick realized they could take time off without losing revenue due to systemized lead generation and sales.
  • Nick preaches the importance of scaling to avoid losing track of life and family.

Prioritizing life goals and maintaining balance in entrepreneurship

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses top regrets of dying and the importance of living true to oneself.
  • Nick reflects on 10 years in business, acknowledging the need for balance between personal goals and responsibilities.
  • Nick credits relentless determination as a key habit that has contributed to their success.

Personal drive, determination, and embracing unique abilities

  • Nick reflects on their childhood struggles and how it fueled their determination to succeed.
  • Nick discusses their ability to reverse engineer success and work hard to achieve their goals.
  • Nick fought against school system's limitations, embracing creativity and practicality in their work.
  • Nick overcame subconscious guilt of being different, now helping others embrace their unique strengths.

Education system failures and the need for personalized learning

  • Daryl Urbanski and Nick discuss the limitations of the education system and the importance of pursuing one's passions.
  • They agree that following traditional paths may not lead to happiness and that taking risks can lead to greater fulfillment.
  • Nick Nanton criticizes traditional education, advocating for personalized learning.
  • Daryl Urbanski advises entrepreneurs on avoiding mistakes in media and PR, emphasizing the importance of specialization.

The importance of marketing for business growth, not relying on PR and media for revenue

  • Entrepreneurs often overlook the importance of all three elements of the "Business trifecta" (media, marketing, and PR) when trying to grow their business.
  • Nick emphasizes marketing as key to driving revenue, not PR or media coverage.
  • Lack of understanding and learning of marketing leads to reliance on ineffective strategies.

Testing and incremental learning for small businesses to avoid peaks and valleys and generate income on demand

  • Daryl Urbanski and Nick discuss the importance of conversion and testing in marketing.
  • Nick Nanton emphasizes the importance of incremental testing and learning from mistakes.

Marketing strategies for business growth

  • Daryl Urbanski shares Gary Halbert's formula for direct mail success: find a hot market, create a product, and test results.
  • Nick recommends conducting 20 interviews with prospects to understand their needs and pain points before scaling up marketing efforts.
  • Determine how you're different from others in your industry (e.g., real estate agent) to stand out and attract ideal clients.
  • Naming the process you use to close deals can help establish credibility and create a unique selling point.

Branding, marketing, and positioning for businesses

  • Distill your unique strengths and start naming them to build authority and story.
  • Allocate equal budget to PR and marketing to maximize visibility and ROI.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the importance of standardizing services and specializing in a niche to attract high-paying clients.
  • Urbanski shares tips on how to train a team and build a successful business, including the use of checklists and quality ratings.

Branding, storytelling, and success with Nick Nanton

  • Daryl Urbanski and Nick Nanton discuss the importance of storytelling in branding.
  • They offer a free book on storytelling to listeners who sign up for their newsletter.
  • Daryl Urbanski thanks Nick Nanton for sharing their experience and being open about their journey to success.
  • Nick Nanton expresses gratitude and looks forward to continued collaboration with Daryl.

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