What Happens In A Mastermind Group? | Results Mastermind

What Happens in a Mastermind Group with Daryl Urbanski

A mastermind group is like a brainstorming session on steroids. It's a gathering of brilliant minds, all working towards a common goal of enhancing their business success. Think of it as the Justice League, but for businesses.

In a mastermind group, members share their expertise, experiences, and perspectives. It's a high-level think tank that combines the power of collusion, accountability, and creativity.

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Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Gain insights into a successful mastermind group.
  2. Learn from the experiences and challenges of Daryl Urbanski if you plan to join a mastermind group.
  3. Understand the benefits of accountability, goal-setting, and collaboration.



Sharing Wins and Challenges in a Mastermind Group

  • Members of the Results Mastermind begin each meeting by sharing their wins and challenges from the past week.
  • A facilitator helps build rapport among like-minded members.
  • It allows members to celebrate their successes and get support for their struggles. Think and grow rich!

Hot Seat Sessions

  • It includes a hot seat session, where one member presents a specific business challenge they’re facing.
  • The other members provide feedback, suggestions, and insights to help the member address the challenge.
  • This helps members get fresh perspectives on their businesses.

Accountability and Goal Setting

  • If you run a mastermind group, emphasize accountability and goal setting.
  • Each member sets specific goals for the week and shares them with the group.
  • At the next meeting, members report on their progress towards their goals. They receive feedback and support from the group.
  • This process helps members stay focused and motivated.

Mastermind Retreats

  • The Results Mastermind holds retreats where members can spend an extended period of time.
  • Retreats include workshops, guest speakers, and other activities designed to help members grow their businesses.
  • Retreats provide opportunities for members to deepen their connections with each other.

Key Takeaways

  • Mastermind groups can be a powerful tool for entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses and achieve their goals.
  • The Results Mastermind provides valuable insights into what happens in a successful mastermind group.

About Daryl

Daryl Urbanski is an entrepreneur, speaker, and marketing expert. He’s a business coach, author, and podcaster. As the founder of BBC, he has helped businesses make seven figures. He's passionate about teaching others to create successful businesses. 

To help people, he has written several books. He features inspiring thought leaders to help people scale up their businesses.

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