Insider Secrets To Build a Million Dollar Info/Membership Business Within 12 Months -- With Robert Skrob

Robert Skrob, a globally recognized authority on subscription membership retention and renowned expert on customer retention and member engagement. Skrob’s insightful views on customer relationship management constitute a wealth of knowledge that is invaluable to any modern company. This interview covers the essence of crafting meaningful relationships, diagnosing common errors that impact relationships, and emphasizing a dynamic and iterative improvement process. If you’re a customer service manager, business owner, or anyone focused on establishing concrete customer relations and wanting to enhance your strategy, you’ll gain valuable insights from this discussion.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to substitute your online ticketing system with real, meaningful relationships.

  • Discover major mistakes people make in relationship management and how to rectify them.

  • Understand the importance of starting where you are and continuously improving your relationship management skills.


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Interview Highlights

Information marketing with industry expert Robert Skrob

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews Robert Skrob, author and expert in information marketing.
  • Robert shares insights on building a successful information marketing business.
  • Robert Skrob started in the association industry before transitioning to information marketing.
  • Robert studied successful for-profit companies and applied their strategies to their own association work, leading to rapid growth.
  • Robert Skrob created a step-by-step guide for new information marketers based on their analysis of 60 hours of audio from coaching calls, providing a structured approach to getting started in the business.

Creating effective membership programs for business growth

  • Daryl Urbanski highlights the importance of understanding the relationship-building component of marketing, particularly in creating regular customers.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares his experience of learning from Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer, and how it helped him in his marketing efforts.
  • Robert helps clients simplify membership programs to increase implementation and long-term relationships.
  • Robert Skrob focuses on three key strategies to help clients get results within 30 days, building belief and self-belief.

Delivering quick results to clients to retain them

  • Show clients quick wins to see progress, build confidence.
  • Less is more; focus on key results, not overwhelming clients.
  • Use storytelling to demonstrate value, build trust with clients.
  • Robert suggests helping new members solve their immediate problem to build trust and satisfaction.
  • Robert Skrob believes that providing a transformative USP (unique selling proposition) takes too long and may not satisfy hunger, leading to drop-off.
  • Robert suggests surveying groups of people to gather insights on their business challenges and opportunities.
  • Robert advises creating a product that solves a specific pain point identified through surveying and research.

Building a successful business through member experience and personal touch

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses fears of not delivering best content, overwhelming customers with too many options.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes importance of delivering on promises, focusing on one main solution.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of focusing on the member experience and building a relationship.
  • Robert addresses the misconception that information marketing is a lifestyle business where one can sit on a beach and never work again.

The benefits of online business vs traditional retail, including location freedom and scalability

  • Robert highlights the traditional business model's limitations: location freedom, time freedom, and scalability.
  • Robert Skrob and Daryl Urbanski appreciate the benefits of the information marketing business model: location freedom, time freedom, and scalability.
  • Relationships require commitment, agreement, and fulfillment.

Common mistakes in building an information business, including neglecting relationships and not continually improving

  • "Major mistakes include neglecting relationships, overwhelming clients."
  • "Getting started where you are is critical."
  • Robert emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement in business, citing pilot training as an example.
  • Daryl Urbanski agrees with Robert Skrob, acknowledging the need for ongoing improvement in their industry.
  • Daryl Urbanski advises against paralysis by analysis, urging action despite potential mistakes.
  • Robert emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement, reviewing and refining systems over time.

Business growth strategies, including marketing, sales, and finance

  • Daryl Urbanski mentioned that successful business owners have a competitive drive to make sales and money, and they often use a scoreboard to track their progress.
  • Robert named Dan Kennedy as their role model in the direct marketing industry, citing his influence on their career since discovering him in 1996.
  • Robert learned from Bill Glazer's insight and approach to business, valuing study of various personalities and organizations.
  • Robert Skrob learns power of membership from Bill, who creates a successful menswear store with a membership model.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of understanding Lifetime Customer Value and affordable customer acquisition costs.
  • Robert discusses the challenge of financing growth through membership sales and the benefits of selling a product on the front end to fund marketing costs.

Creating and retaining membership programs

  • Expert offers report on creating membership programs, provides contact info.
  • Daryl Urbanski encourages listeners to take action and overcome challenges to achieve success.

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