Practical Tips to Boost Your Business’ Sales with Flo Kunle

The importance of developing sales skills for entrepreneurs was discussed, emphasizing the need for practice, pattern recognition, and a structured approach to sales training. Effective communication and adaptation in sales were also highlighted, including understanding the customer's perspective and tailoring sales strategies to each individual. Leveraging existing lists, building a small sales team, and diversifying revenue streams were also discussed as strategies for adapting to algorithm changes. Finally, insights on generating leads, building a strong brand identity, and improving sales strategies for small businesses were shared, with a focus on effective marketing and finding the right audience.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Uncover the fundamentals of sales to close a deal.
  2. Discover how to overcome lead flow problems.
  3. Understand the relevance of gaining exposure in boosting sales. 


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Episode Highlights

Flo Kunle, Entrepreneurship, sales, and marketing with a successful business owner

  • Flo Kunle started his business after getting laid off from his corporate sales job and dabbling with marketing.
  • Flo has since taught over 30,000 entrepreneurs and brought close to $1 billion in sales through his company.
  • Harold started selling perfume fragrances and bootleg music CDs as a teenager.
  • Flo Kunle became the rep of the year at Time Life in his first year, making over $1 million in sales.

Sales fundamentals, practice, and commitment

  • Develop sales skills through practice and training, just like athletes improve their skills through practice and coaching.
  • Recognize patterns in customer interactions to tailor your approach and improve sales outcomes.
  • Flo emphasizes the importance of recognizing patterns and committing to the process, even if it means sacrificing eyeballs or potential rejection.
  • Flo Kunle and guest Daryl Urbanski discuss the concept of "doing the common uncommonly well" in various fields, including martial arts and marketing.

Sales strategies and techniques, including agreeing with customers and providing value

  • Flo emphasizes the importance of building confidence in dealing with objections and overcoming fear of rejection.
  • Flo Kunle and Daryl Urbanski agree that sales don't start until the prospect says no, and the goal is to work through mental and emotional barriers to understand the opportunity.
  • Flo disagrees with traditional sales strategies of memorizing rebuttals and instead agrees with customers to build trust and empathy.
  • Flo Kunle finds success by acknowledging customers' complaints and taking their side, rather than defending the company.
  • Flo apologizes for sending CDs with unwanted songs and offers a new CD with the desired song.
  • Flo Kunle uses jujitsu technique to create a positive experience for the customer by accepting their energy and providing a solution.

Overcoming sales challenges and leveraging digital marketing strategies

  • Daryl Urbanski shares insights on sales training and building a sales team.
  • Flo Kunledemonstrates how to apply sales strategies to any industry.
  • Flo faced significant challenge when Google shut down their digital marketing accounts, but found a way to overcome it by building a sales team and partnering with other individuals.
  • Flo Kunle learned the importance of using strategies from the corporate world in the digital entrepreneur space, and was able to generate over $1 million in sales without paying Google a penny.

Generating sales through teleseminars and email marketing

  • Daryl Urbanski and Flo discuss how to generate sales without relying solely on digital advertising.
  • Flo Kunle generated $40,000 in sales in one day through a QVC-style conference call.
  • The call focused on building credibility and showcasing the benefits of the web development and consulting service.

Sales strategies, lead management, and follow-up techniques

  • Flo Kunle defines terms and establishes clear communication to avoid confusion.
  • Habits of successful salespeople include talking to people and documenting conversations.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of talking to people and documenting their feedback to refine models and make predictions.
  • Daryl Urbanski's philosophy for managing leads involves a combination of 12 touches and calling every day, tailored to each individual.

Sales process optimization, roles, and customer qualification

  • Define the different pieces of a sales process and assign roles accordingly.
  • A salesperson can create inbound leads and another can close the deal.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses three-tier strategy for sales, starting with raising hands, then qualifying, and lastly building lifetime relationships.
  • Flo agrees that almost anyone can do the first step, raising hands, for $15 to $20 per hour.

Marketing strategies and sales techniques

  • Daryl Urbanski and Flo discuss marketing and sales strategies.
  • Flo emphasizes the importance of marketing in making sales easier.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses marketing and branding, using the food court analogy to explain the difference between the two.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of filtering out unqualified leads through a sales process, using the "raise hand, qualify, and close" method.

Branding, deadlines, and marketing strategies

  • Flo Kunle emphasizes importance of exposure, credibility, offer, and deadline in branding and sales.
  • Daryl Urbanski recommends repeating successful promotions every 10 days.

Marketing strategies for exposure and sales, including search engine marketing, Facebook advertising, direct mail, and renting email lists

  • Flo suggests using event-based selling to create urgency and focus for potential clients.
  • Flo recommends search base marketing as an effective way to get exposure for services, regardless of following size.
  • Flo highlights the advantage of targeting actively searching customers, as they are more likely to convert.
  • Flo shares a success story of buying a list of 1000 software buyers for $500 and making $20,000 in one month.

Marketing and selling strategies with a focus on influencers and building an audience

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses three ways to get traffic: buy, borrow, or build an audience.
  • Flo found an individual with 1000 ideal prospects, no upfront cost, and split profits.
  • Influencer launched product on Kickstarter, raised $1.4 million, and now selling more.
  • Flo shared 101 hybrid marketing and selling strategies.
  • Flo thanked Daryl Urbanski and offered to work with sales team.

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