How to Grow Your Business through a Winning Cold Email Campaign with Alex Berman

Marketing strategies come and go, but what remains is the power of writing a simple, compelling email. Cold emails are hidden cards that could reach thousands of potential audiences and take your sales to the next level. You just have to know the formula for crafting an email that stands out and how to follow through with your offer.

In this episode, Alex Berman joins us to talk about how to generate leads and sales through cold email marketing. He discusses how it works in the B2B and SaaS space. He also lets us in on the secrets of crafting an effective cold email copy. Finally, he shares some of the best habits and biggest mistakes people make in cold email marketing.

If you want to know how to make the most out of cold email, this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Learn the three things to figure out before starting to send cold emails
  2. Discover the three Cs of cold email campaigns.
  3. Find out the best habits in crafting and running a smooth cold email operation.

Episode Highlights

Alex’s Earliest Ventures

  • Alex graduated from college with a BS in Marketing degree. 
  • He ended up as Director of Marketing at an agency and became their top-selling salesperson. Eventually, he started his own business.
  • He got more out of reading business books than completing his degree.

Alex: "People need to fully understand that—there is no being ready. It's just, send some emails, take some action, put your back up against the wall, and you can succeed."

The Power of Cold Email

  • Cold email works for anything in the B2B space.
  • For SaaS, the deal size has to be a little bigger to gain success.
  • Cold email works if you’re selling anything over $2,000.
  • Soon after, you’ll be better with content, SEO, paid ads, etc.

Three Things to Figure Out Before Doing a Cold Email Campaign

  • What is the target?
  • What is the offer you’re selling?
  • What is the case study or story to back up your offer?

The Three C’s of Cold Email Campaign

  • Open with a compliment.
  • Follow it up with a case study.
  • Finish it up with a call to action.

Writing an Effective Call to Action

  • People don’t like navigating appointment links.
  • The more manual it is, the higher your meeting book rates will be.
  • The point of your call to action is for it to be a yes or no.
  • With a yes or no, you can go back and forth on meetings they’ve already locked in.

Alex: “All marketing works best, all copywriting works best, when you're pointing people to one specific interaction—one specific end. So it's the same in cold email. You just want that yes or no.”

The Biggest Challenges in Alex’s Career

  • Alex got caught in a scam by a growing lead database in Silicon Valley, ending up with $40,000 in debt after thinking he was worth $10 million.
  • From there, he started sending up to 30 highly personalized cold emails a week.
  • With cold email, their annual return revenue went from $0 to $600,000.

The Multi-Step Approach to Cold Email

  • Write your emails manually. 
  • After crafting a few winning scripts, reinvest and hire a sales team.
  • A winning script is something that works on at least 200 people.
  • If the market’s big enough, you can scale up to a thousand, even a million.

The Best Way to Pitch

  • Talk to customers.
  • Their team’s job at Taplio is to make writing on LinkedIn fun for a business team.

How Not to Make The Biggest Mistake in Cold Email

  • Don’t sell something people don’t want or sell something in a way they don’t want.
  • Go back to the three points—target, offer, and case study.
  • Send enough emails in a volume that makes sense.
  • The point of Leadshark is to get cold email-ready leads in one spot without all the issues.

How Not to Get Marked as Spam

  • .com is better than .net. 
  • Never send cold emails with your main domain.
  • Having multiple domains work on search engines; it doesn’t work the same as SEO.
  • If you do get marked as spam, just start anew with a new domain.

The Best Habit in Running a Smooth Cold Email Operation

  • Have clean data. 
  • Know and track your open, bounce, reply, and meeting book rates.
  • Isolate every single variable.

Alex: “I think it's so stupid when people don't send cold emails because it's unbelievably predictable, like cheaper and more predictable than ads. It's like the most scalable thing that you could do.”

Here’s A Quick Way To Seriously Grow Your Business:

Free eBook - Learn how to generate leads to make more money and achieve higher ROI for your time, energy and effort - I guarantee the contents of this book will teach you everything you need to generate better quality leads on demand for your business.

We promise to do our best to treat you with respect. Signing up here will get you a copy of our free ebook and some follow up emails. Unsubscribe at anytime. 

How to Guarantee the Sale via Cold Email

  • Do they have the budget to pay?
  • Do they have the authority to make the decision?
  • Do they have a need for what you’re selling?
  • Are they ready to make a decision at this time?
  • Once you’ve booked the call, get the appointment on the calendar and ask questions.

The Future of the Cold Email Industry

  • AI and automation are a real issue to cold email and all other industries.
  • It will be harder to book cold emails in the future as it gets more mainstream.
  • Start doing cold email now.

How to Track Opens

  • The email marketing space has a 70 to 90% open rate.
  • A 20% open rate is a major failure.
  • There are tools for tracking cold email open rates.

About Alex

Alex Berman is the co-founder and CMO of Experiment 27, a B2B digital marketing and lead generation agency. He’s the co-founder of Taplio and Leadshark. He is also the best-selling author of the book The Cold Email Manifesto.

Alex is responsible for generating over $35 million in leads for his clients and $6.5 million in B2B sales. He has also successfully exited two SaaS businesses. As a B2B sales trainer, he produces weekly context about optimizing B2B sales cycles to help agency owners grow their businesses. 

You can connect with Alex through LinkedIn.

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