How to Generate Traffic for Your Business with Chad Hamzeh

Many businesses struggle to discover innovative ways to boost website traffic. There is a plethora of incorrect information online on how to get more visitors, which might lead to a repeat of the same stale techniques and none of the promised results.

In this episode, Chad Hamzeh joins us to share tried-and-true strategies that even rookies in advertising can do to generate traffic. He also explains the relevance of offers and creative in crafting a successful campaign. Finally, Chad imparts why you should value customer experience above all else in building a thriving business.

If you’re looking for timeless tips on generating traffic, this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Discover how you can use Facebook ads to convert traffic.
  2. Learn to use offers and a creative angle to boost your traffic.
  3. Understand why targeting and testing are vital to success.


Episode Highlights

Chad Hamzeh, The Affiliate Marketer

  • Chad Hamzeh came from a family of entrepreneurs. 
  • After a business that didn’t do well, he became a business analyst for a telecommunications company. 
  • He realized he wanted to pursue mixed martial arts and moved to Thailand to receive proper training.
  • Chad Hamzeh moved back to Canada to take care of his father who had cancer. 
  • He got into marketing to support the needs of his father and wife.

Converting Traffic  

  • The easiest way to convert traffic is through Facebook ads.

Chad Hamzeh:: “The biggest things that you can influence, regardless of the traffic source [and] assuming the traffic source is not filled with bots and a bunch of crap, like it’s a real traffic source, is the creative and the offer.”

  • Structure and optimize offers to get the highest earnings per click (EPC).
  • Being creative means choosing and using the right ad. 
  • Targeting is crucial, but the offer is the most important aspect of converting traffic. 
  • Use split testing to get the best offer and ad.

Creative and Offer

  • Working with mass offers means you can target broadly. Niche products need a special type of targeting. 
  • The creative drives the angle.
  • Find a creative angle that works, then focus on tweaking the offer.

Traffic for Rookies

  • Affiliates begin by testing four to five angles on an offer and testing a separate landing page on each angle.
  • If you’re starting from scratch, observe click-through rates (CTR) and bid conversions on Facebook.
  • It’s more expensive when you’re starting since you need to figure out an offer structure and creative angle that works.

The Landing Page

  • It’s not necessary to set up a landing page. Instead, focus on your ad platform. 
  • Landing pages are made when marketers don’t have control over the offer. 
  • A pre-sell article helps increase conversion. 
  • Pre-frame people using your ad, and then focus on targeting.

Targeting the Right Vicinity

Daryl: “As long as you’re starting off targeting in the right vicinity, you might not make a positive ROI, but you should be able to get data you can optimize from, as long as you’re pointed in the near vicinity.”

  • Chad Hamzeh company creates interesting offers that help in sales generation.
  • It’s a challenge to promote products to a broad audience since you cannot collect leads.
  • Optimize your ad for your ideal market. 

The Price Point

  • The price point depends on your floating cash and cash flow. 
  • For beginners, a straight sale with an optional continuity is preferred.
  • After the initial sale, you may set up a one- to two-click upsell.

Shortest Path to Testing and Success

  • VSL is recommended to generate email traffic. 
  • You don’t need to take all niches to Facebook because of the platform’s compliance policy. 
  • For some products, it’s best to set up an e-commerce page with CRO optimization.
  • Use Google Search as your first traffic test and bid on competitor keywords to build custom audiences.

Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

On Google and Facebook

  • Google Search helps you determine the demand and profit of your product.  
  • For Chad, Facebook is a traffic source in itself already.

Chad Hamzeh: “I still tell people: stress the creative and the offer because those you’ll still have control over later on and let Facebook’s AI do its thing.”

Managing Your Email List

  • Concentrate on engagement. 
  • When sending an email, make sure it includes promotional and current events content. 
  • Sending out trending news to your email list results in a high click rate.
  • Ads drive e-commerce, whereas buyers drive email lists.
  • Find the right balance in sending out emails. You don’t need to send a lot to your potential market.

Understanding Advertising

  • You can make money by understanding how paid advertising works.
  • Knowing the fundamentals of paid advertising allows you to get the results you want.

Key to Success

  • Creative and offer are important in converting traffic. 
  • However, prioritize customer experience above all else. 
  • No amount of paid marketing can outrun a poor reputation.

About Chad Hamzeh

Chad Hamzeh is a renowned traffic expert and mentor. He began his online advertising career in 2009 as a CPA affiliate marketer specializing in Google display network and Facebook ads.

Across client and in-house projects, he now has businesses that have driven nearly 700 million unique visitors and over 200 million in sales. Currently, Chad owns an in-house e-commerce brand and still manages email campaigns and list rentals on the house list for large advertisers.

Apart from being a traffic expert, he’s also a talented athlete with 20 professional fights between MMA and Muay Thai and still trains Ju Jitsu to this day.

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