LinkedIn Summit 2.0: The Secrets of Productive Lead Generation with Daryl Urbanski

There are several things to do at once when you run a business. So, it becomes hard to focus on generating day-to-day leads. Many young business owners struggle with this one way or another. They experiment with different methods and stick to a time strategy. But they can’t seem to get the results they want.

Daryl Urbanski joins us in the Lead Generation LinkedIn Summit 2.0. He points out the common mistakes business owners and marketers make. He discusses vital habits to build to deliver ideal results. Learn more about what Daryl has to say by tuning in to this episode !

Here Are Three Reasons Why You Should Listen To This Episode:

  1. Understand why effective lead generation requires a lot of focus.
  2. Learn about the three vital steps in generating leads.
  3. Discover proper habits in generating leads.


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Episode Highlights

Daryl’s Entry to Lead Generation

  • Daryl was 17 and trying to find a job without any formal marketing training.
  • He put out an email campaign and reached out to different businesses online. No one was responding at first.
  • The next thing he did was send a PowerPoint presentation on what he can offer to the businesses.
  • When no one responded, he gave a final notice. That’s when interviews were scheduled for him one after another.
  • He ended up getting a job. That was his first exposure to a lead generation strategy.

Framing Your Message To Generate Leads In LinkedIN

  • Not everyone will be interested in what your business offers. So, you should find the sales qualified lead who will be and focus on them.
  • Do the food court test. It is a thought experiment that can help get your audience’s attention. It lets you find out their interests and make them try your product or service.
  • Not all leads will convert into sales. If you want quick profits, generate more leads.
  • Marketing qualified leads is challenging. But, with the right lead generation campaign, you can make it like a walk in the park.
  • At some point, you will have to sacrifice contacts and opportunities. This way, you can focus on the target audience that fits the message you want to tell.

Three Steps To Productive Lead Generation

  • There are three steps to a high quality lead generation process: Get the hand raisers, qualify them, and make the deal.
  • Get the hand raisers. These are the ones who show interest in what your business has to offer.
  • Qualify your leads. Not all people interested in your products or services will be a good fit. You will need to assess them in a sales funnel. Keep those who fit, and let go of those who don’t.
  • Make the deal. Once your leads are qualified, try to strike a deal with them to see if they convert.

The Relevance of Habits

  • No matter how much you build your skills and strategies, you cannot be successful without good habits.
Daryl: “The most successful people, you know, are the ones that have a consistent time and habitual routines that get the results.”
  • Many people talk about good time management habits. But that is lacking if you want to deliver the most productivity. People talk about the relevance of energy management.
  • Taking breaks is crucial because they replenish your energy. It is hard to get things done without enough energy supply.
  • Learn about yourself. What are your habits? What do you need to improve?

Who are Your Dream 100 Clients?

  • Like the food court test, the Dream 100 test is another thought experiment. It lets you pinpoint the quality of leads and clients you want to get.
  • First, think about your product or service. Then think about what kind of people are most likely to avail your product or service.
  • Make a list of 100 people who you hope to be your clients. What are their qualities? What makes them ideal?
  • After making the list, begin to reach out. Along the way, you will realize that some of them are not a good fit. Then you will have to burn some bridges.
Daryl: “It’s never gonna go perfect anyways. I wanted people to understand: progress is very messy.”

Why Feedback Matters

  • Feedback is a necessary step in constant improvement. It helps you address what is and isn’t effective in marketing.
  • Talk to your potential clients. Get to know them and their feedback. Try to look into what problems they have that you can offer solutions to.
  • Do not just rely on what people are saying when gathering feedback. Behaviors are more accurate information to watch out for.

Scale Your Thinking

  • The educational system has manipulated people into thinking from a factory worker’s mindset. You will have to get out of that kind of thinking.
  • Business is a simple concept. It is about a group of people trying to solve a problem for another group. They do it through a product or service.
  • Are you providing a product or service to one person? You have to scale your thinking. Think, “How would I offer this product or service to 10,000 people?”
Kate: “How would I serve a thousand people? And even just thinking that way, I think, is gonna expand things, potentially make it more fun, potentially create innovations you wouldn’t have thought of before.”

About Daryl Urbanski

Daryl Urbanski is the founder and owner of Best Business Coach. It’s a podcast and coaching program. It is dedicated to helping businesses generate leads and keep clients. He was the Senior Director of Marketing at NeuroGym for a year. There, he was able to automate a seven-figure income.

Aside from being a business coach, he wrote several books on Amazon. Did you get hooked on the lead generation insights he shared in this episode? You may want to check out his book “Ancient Secrets of Lead Generation: Your Primitive Business Guide to Better Leads with Less Effort,” on Amazon.

Are you interested in what else he does, or you want to establish contact? Connect with Daryl on LinkedIn or Instagram.

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