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Engineering Profitable Customer Acquisition Campaigns with Todd Brown

Customer acquisition is a strategy to attract customers. It is the most important part of any business. It is the process that determines whether a company will be successful. People use it in many ways. Advertising, social media, and email campaigns are some examples. It aims to get the attention of new customers. It wants to convince them to buy your product or service.

Joining us here is Todd Brown, expert in customer acquisition. He talks about the customer acquisition process and cost. He delves into the metrics used to measure their success. He looks at some of the most common ways to acquire more customers. Paid search, social media marketing, and content marketing are examples. He discusses how to measure customer acquisition strategy and customer retention.

Let’s dive in and take a closer look at the ways to acquire customers.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Learn how to create profitable customer acquisition campaigns
  2. Discover tips on how to maximize your budget for your campaigns
  3. Gain strategies and insights to help you monitor and measure your plans


Episode Highlights

How Todd Brown Started in Business and Marketing

  • Todd began his career in the training department of a health-care company. He was in charge of generating revenue and directing employees.
  • He had no idea about advertising or marketing at the time. But then he got a package with a study kit for fitness experts. That made him realize he could turn a presentation into acquisition. He could leverage it to generate massive profits.
  • He studied the kit and then applied what he discovered in his department. He discovered that some principles he learned worked well. Others required change to achieve optimal results.
  • Over time, the department he was in charge of became the company’s bright spot. That is when he committed himself to direct response marketing.

Advertising and Marketing

  • Todd confused paid advertising and content marketing. He believed that they were just slogans.
  • He linked advertising and marketing with what corporations are doing. He did not imagine that anyone could turn sales into a campaign. Or use it to generate massive sales.

What is E5 Method and How Does It Help Customer Acquisition

  • Todd developed the E5 Method over a 24-month period. His goal was to engineer predictable and profitable campaigns. He divided it into five stages, each beginning with the letter ‘E.’
  • Examine is the first stage of the E5 Method. This is where businesses can find the most valuable, insightful data. This data helps create a great marketing campaign. It starts with a review of the target audience. Then, it moves on to a review of the product. It ends with a review of the competition.
  • Engineer is the second stage in the E5 Method. The information gathered in the first stage outlines the steps of the campaign. It determines the message and offer.
  • Evaluate is the third stage of the E5 Method. This is where businesses evaluate their customer acquisition campaigns. A campaign should have four funnel pages. Lead capture page. Marketing page. Order form page. Thank you page.
  • Enhance is the fourth stage of the E5 Method. This is where businesses focus their efforts to improve their campaigns. They accomplish this by including more upsells in their email sequence. They retest their customer acquisition channels and strategy. When done right, it can provide businesses with a massive ROI.
  • Expand is the fifth and final stage of the E5 Method. This is where businesses broaden their reach to reach a larger target audience. They try to attract customers beyond their immediate vicinity. It entails increasing the budget to maintain customers.

Superior, Irresistible, and No-brainer Offer

  • People today want a solution that stands out from the crowd. They want a solution that delivers the desired results. Businesses should focus on making a SIN offer to these people. SIN stands for superior, irresistible, and no-brainer offer.
  • An offer should be superior to another competitor’s offer. The key to success in business is to have a competitive edge. This means you should try to be better than your competitors. You could do it by offering a different product or service.
  • An offer should be irresistible. It should be compelling if a customer can’t refuse it. It is not just about making offers that paying customers can’t refuse. It’s about making the experience with your company enjoyable.
  • An offer should be a no-brainer. No-brainer products are products that are easy to use and solve a problem. Their goal is to make it easy for people to buy, use, and recommend them. Businesses should try to achieve a no-brainer product or service. This will help them increase their customer base and revenue.

Successful Managers Versus Typical Managers

  • According to Todd, a typical entrepreneur is transaction-minded. They want a margin on every single sale. They apply that same approach to different cases.
  • Typical managers do not have a clear vision. They don’t know what their strengths are and focus on using them in the wrong way.
  • Successful managers have a clear vision of what they want to achieve. They know what their weaknesses are. They are able to hire the right people for their business. They know how to use their strengths in the best way possible.

What Holds A Company Back

  • Today, businesses are struggling to produce an effective marketing message. A marketing message that converts to pay for traffic generation. At the same time, prospective customers are skeptical and jaded. They are exposed to overhyped promises. What drives them to buy today is not the same as what drove them to buy in the past. Customers have already acquired critical thinking.
  • Businesses are generating copies the old-fashioned way. They make extensive use of hyperboles, adjectives, and adverbs. There is little to no evidence to support their claims.
  • They do not distinguish their customer acquisition methods from the rest.

Two Powerful Quotes

“In order to get attention, you should sell what’s different about your solution or how your products or services work to give buyers the results they want. People don’t want the same. They want to know what’s different. It gives them hope.”

“What drives people to buy today is not the same as what drove people to buy two decades ago.”

About Todd Brown

Todd Brown, an expert in customer acquisition, is the E5 Method proponent. He has been helping companies acquire customers for years. In his latest projects, he provides businesses with insights on how to drive profitable customer acquisition. He does this through a series of case studies and actionable advice. He divides the projects into sections that include profitable customer acquisition campaigns.

Follow Todd Brown on his website

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