Becoming the best person you can be to yourself, family, friends, and customers means doing only that which provides you real value. But how do you find real value in what you do? How do you break out of the rat race of meaningless drudgery, to instead become your best self?
In this powerful interview, we got to learn great lessons from Matthew Ehret on how there are cohesive intentions that shape human history and behavior. Matthew delves into how organizations and elite members of society create systems that benefit them — and sometimes to the detriment of humanity at large. We also explore how these shapers of society affect you at the individual level — and how you can break out of their subtle control.
Tune into this episode for insights into human history and the true destiny of humanity.
Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview:
- Learn a more accurate definition of conspiracy.
- Discover how a broader perspective of history can reveal the cohesive intentions of organizations — to times even before the American Revolution.
- Understand how you, as an individual, should act to be able to become the best you can be despite societal pressure.
Episode Highlights
What Is a Conspiracy? Matthew Ehret's Origin Story
- A conspiracy is just people working together for a specific goal.
- There are good and bad conspiracies.
Matthew: "At the upper echelons of history, you have always had elites striving to achieve desires that are increasingly transgenerational."
- Looking at history as a whole makes it easier to see how people's actions fit into a larger, cohesive tapestry.
- Matthew Ehret likes to ask tough questions about history.
The City of London
- A lot of the world's finances get funneled back into the City of London.
- The City of London is a nerve center of international finance that exercises a lot of control over the world.
- They've been in control for a long time. It's a square mile within London with its own police force and judiciary.
- It's not the British government or people. The City of London is a separate control center entirely.
The Third that Wins
- Tertius gaudens is a strategy in which a third party reaps the benefits from the conflict or effort of two other parties.
- Tertius gaudens is a model seen all across human history — gangs and clubs, mafia operations, all the way up to government and more.
Matthew: "There's always, at the end of the day, a causal agency."
- As you look at history with a broader perspective, you can see a continuity of intention to create will to power.
- Listen to the full episode to hear about the League of Cambrai and the weaknesses of evil actors in world history.
- Although good actors were able to defeat behind-the-scenes forces in France, their abilities were subverted.
The Higher Destiny of Humankind
- Humanity is destined to exist in a state of cooperation.
- Reward and punishment create immense pressure on people.
Matthew: "They believe that humans will always override their own personal conscience in favor of being liked."
- We don't develop a sense of identity to overcome this pressure gradually. It's usually a eureka moment.
- The pandemic allowed a lot of really smart people to focus on important things rather than the rat race.
- We have to separate groupthink from reality.
Existing Systems of Control
- Keeping people in a state of fear reduces their ability to think creatively. It also keeps them divided — and easier to control.
- Existing systems encourage us to live in a consumer-based society that doesn't build anything of great value.
- We're then told to adapt and partake in ephemeral pleasures that let us escape from the drudgery of life.
- Listen to the full episode for Matthew's description of Edgar Allan Poe's thoughts on how to become true mature adults.
- Even the education system encourages us to not understand, but instead to memorize and regurgitate information.
Take What Works
- People who have built something that they feel has value will protect it — even violently.
Daryl: “Meritocracies are dangerous to people that aren’t proficient.”
- Systems that take only the best of what works threaten to shake formulas prevalent in society.
- Resisting the systems that would keep us under control means using a completely different way of doing business.
About Matthew Ehtret
Matthew Ehret is an election journalist, lecturer, historian, and the founder of the Canadian Patriot Review. His work has been feature in several different publications including the Global Times, Strategic Culture Foundation, 21st Century Science Technology, and more.
He has a burning passion to promote humanist movements and improve the state of humanity across the world. Matthew’s powerful insights on the direction of human history showcase an understanding of human society that could benefit any organization or individual.
Connect with Matthew on LinkedIn, or follow him on Academia or X.
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