Maximizing Profits and Reaching Global Markets: Mastering the Art of Selling Online with Wes Scaheffer

Wes Scaheffer and Daryl Urbanski discussed common mistakes in sales, the importance of prospecting, understanding prospects' pain points, and charging for services. They emphasized providing value, giving customers a reason to buy, and overcoming failure through a system in place to handle rejection and track progress. Wes Scaheffer shared their experiences navigating job insecurity, layoffs, and restructuring in the tech industry, highlighting the importance of treating people right, being motivated and young, and building a strong professional brand through integrity, honesty, and consistency.

Daryl and Wes also discussed the importance of understanding market interest and positioning oneself from a place of strength to negotiate and build relationships with prospects, as well as the value of personalized marketing strategies and building meaningful relationships with customers through personalized communication.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover the potential of selling online and how it can help you reach a global audience.
  2. Learn the strategies and techniques required to succeed in the competitive world of e-commerce.
  3. Get valuable insights from Wes who can help you navigate the challenges and pitfalls of online selling.


Episode Highlights

Sales strategies and common mistakes beginners make

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews Wes Scaheffer, a sales trainer and entrepreneur, on his podcast.
  • Wes shares his military background and how it influenced his business journey.
  • Wes sold mobile homes in Alabama after being in commission sales since 1997.
  • Wes was promoted to General Manager by June of 1999, despite common mistakes in sales.

Sales strategies, prospecting, and personal branding

  • Wes shares their experience of moving from a small town to a big city for a job, despite having no experience in the industry, and how they built a brand by treating people right and being a tough negotiator.
  • Wes Scaheffer's approach to business and life is centered around the golden rule, "treat others the way you want to be treated," and how this has helped them build a successful career in internet marketing.
  • Wes shares insights on prospecting and sales, emphasizing the importance of treating people right and taking action.
  • Wes offers a sales training program called "Gorillas of Growth" and provides a free program called "12 Weeks to Piq" with daily tasks for participants.
  • Wes suggests making small changes in diet and habits for 90 days to achieve long-term goals.
  • Goal is to find what works for the individual and then adjust for the next quarter.

Using social media to generate leads and build relationships with potential clients

  • Daryl Urbanski highlights the ease of prospecting online, where a simple micro-commitment can indicate interest in a topic, allowing for further qualification.
  • Wes emphasizes the importance of identifying genuine interest versus superficial engagement, and avoiding unnecessary outreach to unqualified leads.
  • Wes discusses using ads to gauge market interest, creating content based on results.
  • Wes Scaheffer advises against reaching out to potential clients without a clear reason, instead prioritizing ease of contact and barriers as popularity grows.

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Sales strategies and understanding prospects' needs

  • Daryl Urbanski shares insights on direct response marketing.
  • Daryl emphasizes the importance of face-to-face interactions.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the role of technology in marketing.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of understanding prospects' problems and adding value to their lives.
  • Salespeople must educate prospects about their vulnerabilities and make them aware of their exposure to potential problems.

Sales strategies and connecting with potential clients

  • Wes discusses the brain's tendency to conserve energy by making assumptions and connecting dots based on limited information.
  • Wes and Daryl Urbanski agree on the importance of honesty and directness in sales calls, cutting to the chase and doing research on the person being called.
  • Wes mentions frustrations with HIPAA concerns, security, and patient records in healthcare systems.
  • Wes engages listeners by asking questions and showing empathy, leading to longer conversations and potential solutions.

Sales techniques and strategies for newbies

  • Daryl Urbanski explains how to effectively listen to clients' problems by asking open-ended questions and providing permission-based solutions.
  • Daryl Urbanski uses the analogy of a partner with a migraine to illustrate the importance of understanding clients' pain points and providing targeted solutions.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares his experience learning a sales script in 2006 and using it to cold call and build his business.
  • Wes Scaheffer discusses their journey from working in sales for 8 years, making $100,000+, to starting the Sales Whisperer and using cold calls to grow their business.

Sales strategies, work-life balance, and handling failures

  • Daryl Urbanski shares his success story with a CRM system, revealing how he generates leads and closes deals.
  • Wes emphasizes the importance of tracking everything in sales, even with a CRM system, to improve results.
  • Wes Scaheffer reflects on seeing the band Chicago in concert and their professionalism.

The importance of hard work and perseverance in achieving success

  • Wes shares insights on work-life balance, emphasizing the importance of taking action and not giving up.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Wes discuss the concept of "sowing and reaping," highlighting the exponential growth that can result from consistent effort.
  • Daryl Urbanski compares internet marketing lifestyle to birds and bees, emphasizing the importance of hard work and dedication.
  • Wes Scaheffer references the Bible and Adam and Eve, highlighting the idea of earning one's keep and tending to responsibilities.

Technology, sales, and marketing with insights on the future of business

  • Daryl Urbanski shares insights on technology and sales, discussing the importance of finding a niche and adapting to changes in the market.
  • Daryl Urbanski predicts that technology will continue to play a significant role in sales, with platforms like Discord and hashtags becoming more popular.
  • Wes discusses the potential downsides of relying too heavily on automation in marketing.
  • Wes discusses the importance of mastering one skill at a time, citing Apple's approach to innovation.
  • Wes Scaheffer suggests that focusing on a single skill can lead to excellence, as seen in the company's ability to improve existing technologies.

Wes Scheffer Sales strategies and providing value to clients

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of solving the right problem to make a real impact and generate income.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Wes discuss charging money for services and staying power.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares his experience of selling high-ticket services and piecing out smaller work to build a ladder.
  • Wes shares insights on sales and growth, offering value to audience.

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