Mastering Digital Transformation & Saving Lives: A Conversation With Global CIO Star Miao Song

The focus of our interview today is with Miao Song, a renowned global ICO and board member with more than two decades of hands-on international IT expertise. Miao has been awarded the title 'CIO of the Year' by IDG and GDS, and she's no stranger to the Global ICO 100.

As a female pioneer in global ICOs board membership, investment banking, and digital transformation, her insights are invaluable. This interview is key to anyone seeking to understand the intricacies of global IT operations, AI, and digital transformation from an expert's perspective. Listening to Miao means gaining a possibly game-changing perspective on how technology and charitable giving can intersect, and how to address AI bias.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview:

  • Learn how to effectively align technology strategy with business strategy from a globally recognized CIO.
  • Discover the potential pitfalls of digital transformation and how to avoid billion-dollar investment mistakes.
  • Understand the complicated problem of AI bias and methods to ensure data equity for more accurate decision making.


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Interview Highlights:

Importance of Charity Work and Its Impact -Miao Song

  • Miao shares her experience with charity work while at JNJ where surgeries for children with cleft palates were sponsored.
  • She stresses that the $250 cost of the surgery could significantly change a child's life.
  • Charity, to Miao, is more than just an act; it is a substantial time investment with a rewarding output.

"We actually spend a lot of time going to charity and seeing the direct impact that these surgeries have on these children's lives is gratifying."

Global Perspective of Countries' Support Systems

  • Miao believes it's crucial to understand how countries support their locals beyond the expatriate viewpoint.
  • She states many locals in countries often struggle due to inadequate support structures.

"You have to look at how the country is set up and how it supports the locals, who are often really struggling."

Aligning Technology with Business Strategy -Miao Song

  • According to Miao, every business today is a digital business.
  • She emphasizes on the necessity to connect and align the technology strategy with the business. 

"Look at all the touchpoints in the business to support the customer journey."

Pitfalls of Digital Transformation -Miao Song

  • Digital transformation should not be pursued merely for the sake of transformation.
  • Mistakes were pointed out such as investing billions in technology without considering the ROI.
  • Miao advocates for a more strategic approach, which may include starting again from the beginning and rebuilding.

"Many companies spend billions in investing in technology without even looking at the ROI. It's better to almost start from the very beginning, and rebuild from the ground up."

The Problem and Mitigation of AI Bias

  • Miao brought up the sophisticated problem of AI bias, which can lead to incorrect decision-making.
  • She argues that AI can address these biases and ensure equality in decision-making.

"There's a set of data you use that can generate wrong decisions because there's a bias. AI can really remove these biases, making sure it's equal."

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