Protecting Your Corporate Fortress: Aiding Security and Fueling Growth with Data Analytics with Shiela Ma

As we continuously leap forward in the digital age, our data and its protection have become crucial than ever before. This is the essence of today's interview with Shiela Marie, Vice President at SM Development Corporation. Shiela is a renowned expert with a focus on sustainable transformation through analytics, privacy, risk management, and policy formulation.

 We invited her not only because she's a seasoned executive, but she has also orchestrated remarkable changes in the field of data protection and privacy. This discussion is primarily for any individual seeking to understand the importance, complexities, and best practices of data protection and privacy. By listening to this interview, you will gain unparalleled insights and practical advice on handling data, from a fundamental level to a corporate scale.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview:

  • Learn how to protect your data effectively and understand the importance of strong passwords and storage accessibility.

  • Discover third-party liabilities in data protection and why ensuring their commitment to safeguarding your data is pivotal.

  • Understand the concept of ‘sustainable transformation’ through Sheila's perspective and its significance in the modern-day setup.


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Interview Highlights;

Building a robust shield for your data - Shiela Maria

  • The first and most basic step to data protection is string password creation and managing access to data storage.
  • "The simplest way to initiate data protection is through a password. Everyone who has access to the data storage has to be very well-protected."

Controlling third-party data liability

  • Even if you outsource your data to a third party, you are still responsible if something happens to it.
  • "Under the data privacy law, the liability for anything you outsource to a third party still falls to you. It's crucial to ensure that third party protects your data."

The role of AI in secure passwords and data defense

  • AI has become highly advanced, being able to crack a strong password within minutes.
  • "Even your 14-character long password can only hold off AI for 30 minutes. It's essential to think of AI for your data defense."

Understanding ‘sustainable transformation'

  • Sustainability should be omnipresent ranging from the basics like managing garbage to larger issues like climate change
  • "Sustainable transformation can start from as routine as managing your garbage to addressing hunger, health, education, gender equality, climate change, and waste management."

Our Guest: Shiela Marie

  • Overseeing a large company with 2000, 3000, employees making time to share her insights on data management and protection.
  • "I'm thankful for the opportunity to share my experiences with the listeners. Remember, privacy and data protection should be your top priority."

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