Special Series 4 of 10: Daryl Urbanski - Top 3 Tips To Creating A Marketing Funnel with The Top 3 for Entrepreneurs by Stephanie Burns

Daryl and Stephanie Burns discussed the value of mentorship and teamwork in achieving success, with Daryl highlighting the importance of having a mentor who has already achieved what you want to accomplish. Both speakers emphasized the significance of perseverance and motivation, with Daryl sharing a quote that motivates him to keep pushing forward.

Daryl Urbanski shared his experience in creating a seven-figure marketing funnel, emphasizing the importance of understanding market needs and leveraging online platforms for insights. He also stressed the need for a world-class team and surround yourself with people who can help achieve success.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to precisely leverage traffic and conversions for improved business results.
  • Discover the secret to converting prospects into lifelong customers and why a first sale shouldn't be the endpoint.
  • Understand the principle of building a successful marketing funnel and the relevance of market severity in the entire process.


Stephanie Burns Interview Highlights 

Marketing funnel and its importance in business

  • Daryl Urbanski shares his entrepreneurial journey and marketing expertise.
  • Daryl Urbanski defines marketing funnel as process of finding and converting unknown universe into leads.
  • Daryl Urbanski defines marketing funnel as finding prospects, turning them into customers, and keeping them as lifelong friends.
  • He emphasizes the importance of following the money in building a marketing funnel, focusing on the customer journey rather than just the first sale.

Entrepreneurship, marketing, and solving problems

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of identifying a specific problem to target in business, rather than simply following one's passion or creating a product without a clear market.
  • Urbanski uses the analogy of a bakery to illustrate how many entrepreneurs waste time and resources on fluffy elements like branding and design before validating their product with a real market.

Market research and product development with Stephanie Burns

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of following the money in business, suggesting that entrepreneurs should focus on meeting the needs and wants of their target market.
  • Stephanie Burns agrees, highlighting the significance of understanding the market's timing and comfort level with new products or services.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the importance of following the money in marketing, highlighting the need to identify and understand the needs and preferences of the target audience.
  • Urbanski emphasizes the importance of analyzing financials to identify which products are selling and creating add-ons to increase revenue.

Finding success through mentorship, building a team, and taking calculated risks with Stephanie Burns

  • Daryl Urbanski advises finding a mentor who has achieved what you want to achieve.
  • Building a team can help you accomplish more than going solo, as seen in Jim Rohn's quote.

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The importance of teamwork, motivation, and continuous improvement with Stephanie Burns

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with a world-class team to achieve success.
  • Urbanski shares three tips for building a successful marketing funnel, including creating a spider web-like structure with intricate steps.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares a quote about the importance of constant motion and growth.
  • He relates this quote to his own philosophy of always striving to improve.
  • He emphasizes the need to keep moving forward, even on days off, to avoid decay and stagnation.

Marketing funnels, lead generation, and sales processes

  • Daryl Urbanski recommends "Think and Grow Rich" and "Scientific Advertising" for valuable insights and knowledge.
  • Urbanski's own book, "The Advertising Solution," provides a comprehensive guide to advertising and marketing.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses marketing funnels and ancient secrets of lead generation.
  • Darryl challenges listeners to sell a product that doesn't exist to document the process.

Stephanie Burns: The '50 People Challenge'

  • Daryl presents an interesting challenge: selling a non-existent product to 50 people.
  • Engaging in this exercise triggers thinking in terms of a marketing funnel.

"Challenge yourself to sell 50 people a product that doesn't yet exist and document the process."

For a deeper dive into these pearls of wisdom from Daryl and many more insights, listen to the full interview at bestbusinesscoach.ca.

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