A Guide to a Long-Term Career with Jennifer Crowley

Jennifer Crowley and Daryl Urbanski discussed navigating the complex healthcare system, with a focus on knowledge, strategies, and building a referral network. Jennifer shared insights on life care management and planning for aging adults, while Daryl emphasized the importance of identifying a niche and tailoring services to individual needs. The conversation also touched on long-term care planning, highlighting the challenges of preparing for this stage of life and the benefits of having a plan. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of understanding the needs of individuals and providing personalized solutions.


Episode Highlights

Starting a business while parenting and overcoming challenges

  • Jennifer Crowley, co-founder of The Life Care Management Institute, shares her passion for guiding healthcare professionals and families through complex care landscapes.
  • Jennifer expertise spans catastrophic case management to Alzheimer's care, with a holistic approach to health setbacks, leading with compassion and efficiency.
  • Jennifer started a business in 2002, while having second child and envisioning a future in control of career dynamics.
  • Jennifer saw opportunity in projected nursing shortages in Florida, starting a business to address the issue.
  • Jennifer faced challenges of balancing parenting, work, and starting a business while dealing with limited time and resources.
  • Jennifer overcame these challenges by allowing themselves space for development and grace to keep moving forward.

Building a referral network for healthcare professionals

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses energy management and its impact on productivity, citing self-efficacy and resilience as key factors.
  • Jennifer Crowley emphasizes the importance of building relationships and identifying one's market to grow a client base.
  • Jennifer discusses their experience starting a care management practice, including challenges and successes.
  • Jennifer emphasizes the importance of building a referral network and prioritizing revenue streams.
  • Jennifer describes a referral network as a web of influencers connecting clients, stakeholders, and professionals in the healthcare industry.
  • Jennifer Crowley emphasizes the importance of building relationships with people in the community, such as financial advisors, estate planning attorneys, and care advocates, to create a strong and interconnected network.

Building a referral network for a dementia specialist

  • Jennifer Crowley became a certified dementia practitioner to help families and individuals with dementia care management.
  • Jennifer explains the importance of having a clear elevator speech for referrals.
  • Jennifer Crowley emphasizes the need for confidence in one's abilities to make referrals.

Aging, health, and planning for the future with Jennifer Crowley

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of identifying a specific niche and having clear messaging.
  • Daryl Urbanski suggests obtaining credentials or certifications to back up one's services.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the concept of entropy knocking on one's door in their 40s, 80s, and 90s, and how society doesn't emphasize the positive aspects of aging.
  • Jennifer talks about the challenges of aging and how they can be overcome, but society has a hard time emphasizing the positive nature of spending time as an older adult.

Long-term care planning and legal documents

  • Jennifer Crowley discusses importance of long-term care planning, citing personal experience and certification as a Life Care planner.
  • Jennifer emphasizes relevance of long-term care planning for younger population, including adult children, and notes generational differences in approach.
  • Jennifer highlights the importance of legal documents and sharing wishes with designated decision-makers.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Jennife discuss the need for overcoming fear and stigma around end-of-life planning.

Planning for aging, legal documents, and caregiving support

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the importance of planning for aging, including legal documents and living arrangements.
  • Jennifer Crowley highlights the need to consider where you'll live and how you'll handle physical limitations as you age.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses succession planning for small businesses, emphasizing the importance of strategy and familiarity.
  • Jennifer Crowley highlights the challenges of caring for elderly family members, including the need for a supportive village and resources.

Aging, healthcare, and planning for the future

  • Jennifer Crowley emphasizes importance of long-term care planning and engaging individuals in conversations to optimize health and well-being.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses how medical institutions prioritize younger patients over older ones, leading to unequal treatment.
  • Friend runs a failure to treat center for cancer patients in Tijuana, Mexico, where patients avoid chemo and other treatments.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares his thoughts on death and legacy, emphasizing the importance of making decisions for oneself.
  • Jennifer Crowley discusses the challenges faced by solo agers, or individuals aging without family or support, and the need to prepare for end-of-life conversations.

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Aging population and long-term care planning

  • Jennifer emphasizes the importance of long-term care planning, citing the need to address the flaws in the current system.
  • Jennifer predicts a future with more opportunities for long-term care professionals, as the population ages and the demand for care increases.
  • Jennifer highlights the growing demand for services to support aging baby boomers, particularly in the areas of care management and technology.
  • Jennifer emphasizes the importance of family involvement and self-motivation in addressing this demand.

Aging, long-term care planning, and life care management

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes personal responsibility and validates individuals' feelings.
  • Jennifer Crowley highlights the importance of addressing socio-economic factors in healthcare management.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the challenges of long-term care planning, including the lack of planning and manage self-engagement.
  • Jennifer highlights the importance of starting early and using a simple process to design an aging roadmap.
  • Jennifer provides life care management services in Montana and nationwide.
  • Jennifer books, "Life Care Management Handbook" and "7 Steps to Long Term Care Planning," offer guidance on aging and care planning.

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