Insights on Building a People-Centric Business with Paul Calanog

Daryl Urbanski and Paul Calanog shared their experiences in overcoming obstacles in business growth, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, resilience, and diversification. Paul Calanog shared their personal journey of entrepreneurial challenges and career transitions, highlighting the need for balancing personal and professional growth. Both Daryl and Paul emphasized the importance of effective communication and a positive attitude in business success. They also discussed the potential effects of artificial intelligence on the BPO industry and society as a whole, encouraging continuous learning and improvement in the face of technological advancements.


Episode Highlights 

Entrepreneurship, business growth, and overcoming challenges

  • Paul Calanog's parents are teachers, but he was pushed into business.
  • Paul successfully expanded Exigo Process Solutions from a small team to 100 full-time equivalent employees.
  • Paul started their career in fast food and BPO before founding their first GPO with a partner.
  • Paul faced financial struggles and challenges, including a company shutdown, debt, and a difficult divorce.

Entrepreneurship, work-life balance, and outsourcing in the Philippines

  • Paul faced challenges after closing down their second company, but found new opportunities.
  • Paul Calanog started outsourcing to pH in 2017, inspired by employee #1's improved work-life balance.
  • Paul Calanog shares personal story of work-life balance challenges and advocacy for others.

Entrepreneurship challenges and perseverance

  • Daryl Urbanski and Paul Calanog discuss the importance of finding a deeper purpose in business beyond just making money.
  • Paul Calanog balances profit margins with employee well-being in their business.

Leadership skills, communication, and attitude for success

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of having three key people in a company: a product person, marketing and sales person, and operations and finance person.
  • Paul Calanog highlights the need for specific skills and behaviors, such as quality control, marketing and sales, and operations and finance, to improve and develop in a company.
  • Communication, attitude, and continuous learning are key to success.

AI's impact on the BPO industry and the importance of upskilling

  • Paul Calanog emphasizes importance of communication and attitude in business.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares a life-changing experience where he avoided a car accident by focusing on a gap in the accident instead of stopping.
  • Paul Calanog emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude and confidence in oneself to overcome challenges.
  • Paul Calanog sees AI as an opportunity for upskilling, not job loss.

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AI's impact on jobs and the importance of staying relevant and excelling in problem-solving

  • Paul emphasizes importance of balancing preparation for potential conflicts with living life without constant fear.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of excellence and relevance in the face of AI-driven change.
  • Daryl suggests that business owners should focus on being the most excellent at solving the problem they're paid to fix.

Importance of self-efficacy in business success

  • Consistency in setting boundaries and managing time is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • Paul Calanog emphasizes importance of setting boundaries to maintain focus and productivity.
  • Daryl Urbanski identifies 8 key components of self-efficacy for business success.
  • Common mistakes entrepreneurs make include lack of focus and poor time management.

The importance of focusing on small victories and diversifying businesses for stability with Paul Calanog

  • Paul Calanog reflects on the importance of living in the present as a business owner, avoiding the mistake of overlooking what's happening now in pursuit of future goals.
  • Paul reflects on their past focus on finding a diamond mine, realizing it was a distraction from appreciating small victories.
  • Paul Calanog learns to celebrate small wins, such as growing their company from one employee to over 50 across the Philippines.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the importance of diversifying business revenue streams to maintain stability and security.
  • Daryl shares a lesson from an interview with a friend who runs a membership program with 5000 members, highlighting the benefits of bartering and stability in uncertain times.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Paul discuss offshoring and business growth on LinkedIn.

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