The Hows of Pinterest Marketing — With Tammie L. Jones

Tammie L. Jones shares her journey as a marketing strategist. She talks about how she has helped her clients sell their products online and build the right email list using Pinterest Marketing. She also gives powerful insights on how to develop the ideal content for Pinterest and ensure that it reaches a wide range of audiences. Join us and learn how you can use Pinterest marketing to level up your marketing.

Trends are not constant. In an ever-changing industry, businesses need to ensure that they are always on the top of their game, and their content remains relevant to customers. You can achieve this through the right marketing strategy, coupled with the proper tools and platforms to meet your business goals.


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Using Pinterest Marketing as a Platform

Tammie L. Jones Beginnings

  • She started as a manager at Walmart and was involved in sales and marketing.
  • Her degree in Architecture was an upper hand. She was exposed to designing houses and similar projects.
  • She quit her job and decided to start her agency.
  • She enrolled in a course teaching how to do Pinterest Marketing. Tammie started with cold messaging Etsy shops.

Challenges and Solutions in Entry Level Pinterest Marketing

  • The biggest challenge was overcoming the mindset blocks.
  • Getting rid of the clients that were not serving her in value
  • Focus on valuable clients.
  • Read books on cybernetics and other books about achieving success in business.
  • Retrain your mindset by taking out negative thoughts.
  • Have a solid support system.

Pinterest as a Platform

  • Pinterest is a search engine.
  • Just use good SEO and keywords, and people will find you.
  • Make sure that you are using the correct words for searchability.
  • You need quality graphics to get a potential customer's attention.

Myths and Facts About Pinterest

  • Just like every platform, it continually changes.
  • One of the misconceptions is that you need to have strong impressions and a lot of followers so that your website will have traffic.
  • The trend in social media, which is having more likes and more interaction, doesn't necessarily translate to Pinterest.

The Demographics of Pinterest

  • It's not only for certain industries
  • However, some specific sectors challenged her because of the marketing efforts that did not translate into sales, such as trucking and men's swimwear and clothing company.
  • She had a hard time because there weren't enough men on Pinterest.
  • However, you can employ strategies for almost any industry.

Core Strategies in Utilizing Pinterest Marketing

  • Consistency in pinning every single day
  • The client's goal should be the basis of your strategy. Begin with the end in mind.

Building an Email list vs. Getting Sales

  • Getting Sales: Drive on whatever the products are (e.g., get as many pictures of the product and put out fresh content)
  • Email list: You need to have several leads (e.g., have some freebies related to your target people to have them sign up)

Pinterest for Marketing

  • Avoid "spamming" Pinterest with all the photos of your products.
  • Have 3–5 interval days or even more for putting out your product to the relevant boards.
  • Be part of group boards and Tailwind Tribes.
  • Aside from spacing your pins, you should also use different images
  • You need to find similar but not competing content to share to give your followers more value.
  • Give your audience a lot of things to look at on your page, not just your content.
  • Utilize a scheduler in sharing content. Do not schedule for more than three weeks because trends change quickly.
  • Keep on top of your analytics.
  • Take advantage of viral content.

Pinterest and Other Social Media Platforms

  • "Do not put all of your eggs in one basket." If one of the platforms shuts down, you will lose your audience.
  • Spread out your marketing. If you stay on one platform, you are not going to reach a wider audience.
  • Have good leads and build your email list.
  • No matter what medium you use, it will take a lot of planning and strategy.

Paid Ads in Pinterest

  • Pinterest offers to show your content in the search tab and browse section.
  • You can also use an email list and target the people who have already parked to purchase. You can also target lookalike audiences.
  • Utilize keyword research.
  • You can set up through Google Analytics/UTM a code that you can attach to each pin for tracking.

Pinterest as a Powerful Search Engine Tool

  • You also do predictive searching like Google.
  • It can provide you sets of keywords that are performing well by giving you exactly how many clicks each word is getting and where the keyword showed up.
  • Look for keywords every day.
  • You need to be at the forefront because customers are everywhere.

About Our Tammie L. Jones:

Tammie L. Jones is a marketing strategist who specializes in Pinterest Marketing for business owners, entrepreneurs, social media agencies, and content creators. She helps clients plan and implement a strategy for Pinterest to gain brand awareness, find the best leads for email lists, and increase the sales of product owners.

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