Nuts & Bolts Of LinkedIn Marketing To Generate Leads For Your Business – With Jimena Cortes

Daryl Urbanski and Jimena Cortes discussed leveraging LinkedIn and SEO for business growth, emphasizing the importance of building a strong online presence and providing valuable content. They also highlighted the value of networking, time management, and lifelong learning for entrepreneurs. Key takeaways included the need to prioritize tasks, establish routines, and consistently work towards one's goals to achieve success. Daryl and Jimena also emphasized the importance of connecting with people who can provide valuable opportunities and building a positive customer experience.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to transform your LinkedIn profile into a compelling sales letter, attracting potential clients with potent promises of value.

  • Understand the significance of mindset, network, and self-investment in overcoming business challenges and achieving growth.

  • Discover the importance of quality over quantity in lead generation and the best strategies for achieving such quality.

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Interview Highlights

LinkedIn and SEO marketing strategies with a successful consultant

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews Jimena on LinkedIn and SEO strategies.
  • Jimena shares her journey from working for friends in online businesses to starting her own SEO company.
  • Jimena emphasizes the power of SEO in targeting customers and getting a website to the top of Google for a relevant keyword.

SEO strategies for small businesses, including keyword research and content marketing

  • Jimena agrees that Google will never penalize for quality content, original and relevant to users' search queries.
  • Jimena suggests conducting market research and keyword research to identify best-targeted keywords for SEO.
  • Jimena Cortes discussed the importance of market research and building brand authority online to rank higher on Google.
  • Jimena Cortes emphasized the importance of creating valuable content and providing a good customer experience to rank highly on Google.

SEO strategies for business growth, including leveraging LinkedIn for leads

  • Jimena highlights the importance of understanding what people are really thinking and looking for when searching online.
  • Jimena Cortes discuss how SEO can help businesses rank higher in search results and attract more qualified traffic.
  • Jimena started own business after being let go from job, struggled to get clients initially but found success on LinkedIn.
  • Jimena Cortes grew business through LinkedIn networking, now has four years of experience in the field.

Using LinkedIn for lead generation and growing a list

  • Jimena highlights common mistakes people make when trying to generate leads, such as being too obvious about selling and not providing value.
  • Daryl Urbanski provides value by creating content that shows he knows his stuff and can deliver results, piquing the interest of the target audience.
  • Jimena Cortes highlights LinkedIn's potential for lead generation and sales appointments.

Growing a business, challenges faced, and scaling

  • Jimena Cortes emphasizes the importance of tailoring a profile to speak to a specific target audience, rather than simply using a generic resume-like approach.
  • Jimena Cortes provides an example of how a client's profile was transformed into a sales letter by highlighting the client's unique value proposition and connecting with the right target audience.
  • Jimena emphasizes the importance of focusing on the client's needs and providing value rather than just listing job titles or skills.
  • Jimena discusses the challenges of growing and scaling their business, including the need to balance successes with the potential for failure.
  • Jimena faces challenges in managing finances, taxes, and hiring employees.
  • Jimena struggles with overspending and ensuring profitability in their business.

Overcoming challenges through lifelong learning and mindset evolution

  • Jimena Cortes shared their approach to overcoming challenges, including networking and lifelong learning.
  • Jimena emphasized the importance of being candid about challenges and pressure for growth.
  • Jimena shares their struggles with maintaining a consistent mindset and environment, despite achieving success.
  • Jimena Cortes agrees and emphasizes the importance of constantly learning and evolving to adapt to changing circumstances.

LinkedIn marketing strategies and productivity habits for business success

  • Jimena offers a LinkedIn lead generation course on Udemy, with a $100 discount for listeners.
  • Jimena provides step-by-step instructions for optimizing LinkedIn profiles and finding target audiences.
  • Jimena shares tips for staying organized and productive in business, including prioritizing tasks and blocking time for specific activities.
  • Jimena emphasizes the importance of setting aside dedicated time for goal-oriented work, even if it means sacrificing other activities.

Time management strategies for entrepreneurs

  • Jimena emphasizes the importance of time management, citing Jim Rohn's quote on prioritizing tasks.
  • Jimena Cortes and their assistant schedule their day in 30-minute blocks, with a focus on completing three big tasks.
  • Jimena Cortes shares tips on productivity, including prioritizing tasks and identifying what works best for each individual.
  • Armand Morin, a guest on the show, shares his own productivity strategy, which involves working during his most productive hours, typically between 1am and sunrise.

The importance of mentors, books, and time management for success

  • Jimena recommends the book "Think and Grow Rich" as a timeless classic that has helped them in their journey.
  • Jimena mentions Gregory Hamilton's book "The Millionaire Master Plan" as another important resource that has helped them with their mindset and journey.
  • Jimena emphasizes the importance of time management and continuous learning for success.
  • Jimena Cortes discuss how successful people manage their time wisely, despite having the same 24 hours as everyone else.

Finding purpose and meaning in life through work and personal growth

  • Jimena says people need to put in effort and take action to achieve success, not just rely on luck or inherited wealth.
  • Jimena discuss the importance of habits and routine in maintaining success, rather than just relying on external factors like money.
  • Jimena shares insights on finding purpose and meaning in life through work and helping others.
  • Jimena encourages listeners to try new things, have fun, and find their passion to live a fulfilling life.

LinkedIn marketing strategies and success stories

  • Jimena Cortes discusses changes to LinkedIn marketing strategies, including the inability to message group members for free.
  • Jimena course has been updated to reflect these changes and continue to provide results for clients.
  • Jimena shared tips on optimizing LinkedIn profiles for better visibility and engagement.
  • Jimena emphasized the importance of quality over quantity on LinkedIn and provided examples.
  • Jimena shared their experience of connecting with a high-level executive through a mutual friend, leading to a potential multimillion-dollar deal.
  • Expert emphasized the importance of conversion rates over traffic volume, citing examples of successful businesses that have made millions through a single connection.

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