💰How To Reprogram Our Ingrained Habits & Behaviors To Get The Results We Want—with Glenn Livingston💰

Daryl Urbanski and Glenn Livingston discussed the importance of habits and behavior in achieving success, while Glenn Livingston shared insights on the psychology behind consumer behavior and marketing strategies. Later, Daryl and Glenn Livingston explored the importance of nurturing one's inner child for personal growth, and how to overcome emotional eating. Dr. Livingston emphasized the need for self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and proactive strategies to manage emotional eating and achieve personal growth. They also shared techniques for overcoming procrastination and common mistakes entrepreneurs make, including underestimating the time and resources required to launch a successful venture.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview:

  • Learn how to transform personal challenges into professional growth opportunities.

  • Discover how to tap into inherent marketing prowess for success.

  • Understand the fundamental importance of creating value and fostering connections in marketing.


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Interview Highlights

Glenn Livingston: Habits, behavior, and weight management with a successful entrepreneur and psychologist

  • Darryl Urbanski interviews Glenn Livingston, PhD psychologist and CEO of a multimillion-dollar consulting firm.
  • Dr. Glenn Livingston shares his personal journey from obesity to a healthy weight and discusses his project, Never Binge Again.
  • Daryl Urbanski interviews Dr. Livingston on his background in psychology and business, and how he helps people overcome binge eating.

Using indirect methods to understand consumer behavior and motivations

  • Dr. Livingston illegally bugged their father's office as a kid to listen to his psychology sessions.
  • Dr. Livingston's wife developed techniques for indirectly interviewing people to uncover emotional purchase motivations.
  • Dr. Livingston discussed their experience in marketing consulting, focusing on how they used inferential statistics to understand consumer behavior and prove marketing strategies.
  • Dr. Livingston wife worked for big companies, and Dr. Livingston built inferential models to understand consumer emotions and preferences, which helped them develop marketing strategies.

Self-sabotage and binge eating with a personal story and insights on how to overcome it

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses self-sabotage and its impact on success, citing examples from his own experience and philosophy.
  • Dr. Livingston explains how the same psychological dynamics play out in various areas of life, including binge eating and procrastination.
  • Dr. Livingston shares personal struggle with binge eating, feeling controlled by food.

Binge eating, emotional difficulties, and the role of inner voice in behavior change

  • Dr. Livingston studied connection between food addiction, personality, and emotional difficulties, finding that people who crave chocolate are more likely to feel lonely or isolated.
  • Dr. Livingston discovered that when patients cannot stop eating certain foods, it is important to identify what is happening at work, as this can help address the underlying issue.
  • Dr. Livingston describes how they used self-reflection to identify and address their inner voice that justified binge eating as a coping mechanism.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Dr. Livingston engage in a conversation about the inner voice that justifies short-term pleasure over long-term well-being.

The role of the brain in addiction and the need to cultivate disgust for the "lizard brain" to overcome cravings

  • Dr. Livingston argues that society has become too focused on individualism, leading to a lack of nurturing for the "inner Wounded Child."
  • Dr. Livingston and Daryl Urbanski agree that there is a physiological problem with this approach.
  • Dr. Livingston explains that the brain has three parts: the lower brain, middle brain, and lizard brain, with the lizard brain being the most primitive and taking over in moments of impulse.
  • Dr. Livingston suggests cultivating disgust for the lizard brain to prevent it from eating one's soul and nurturing a sense of self through self-awareness and mindfulness.

Quitting smoking and addiction treatment using the "lizard brain" and "Angel versus devil on your shoulder" technique

  • Daryl Urbanski shares his experience with quitting smoking through cultivating disgust.
  • Dr. Livingston studied alternative addiction treatments and found a technique for separating the "lower brain" from the "higher brain."
  • Dr. Livingston applied this technique to food addiction by creating crystal clear rules for chocolate consumption, such as only having it on Saturdays and limiting the amount to three ounces per day.

Managing eating habits and overcoming binge eating using metaphors and strategies

  • Daryl Urbanski and Dr. Livingston discuss the importance of setting boundaries around food consumption.
  • Experimentation with different forms of food rules can help maximize freedom and control.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses his martial arts background and how it relates to his approach to personal growth.
  • He emphasizes the importance of separating oneself from negative behaviors and attitudes.
  • He appreciates the concept of "every day is won or lost" and its relevance to personal growth and development.

Productivity techniques, including Pomodoro

  • Maturity affects ability to prioritize long-term goals over short-term pleasures.
  • Dr. Livingston explains Pomodoro technique, a productivity system where you work for 25 minutes and rest for 5 minutes.
  • Dr. Livingston compares Pomodoro to CrossFit or martial arts, where you circle around your opponent (task) throughout the day.

Using a "pomodoro" technique to focus on tasks and overcome procrastination

  • Dr. Livingston emphasizes importance of observable habits for productivity.
  • Dr. Livingston emphasizes the importance of having a growth mindset when setting goals, rather than a fixed mindset that can lead to self-doubt and insecurity.
  • Dr. Livingston encourages listeners to focus on visualizing success and purging doubt from their minds, rather than dwelling on past mistakes and beating themselves up over them.

Overcoming binge eating by setting clear goals and commitments

  • Dr. Livingston emphasizes importance of setting clear commitments and following through.
  • Daryl highlights societal forces against healthy eating, importance of self-awareness.

Common mistakes entrepreneurs make when starting a business

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes commitment and progress in achieving goals.
  • Entrepreneurs often underestimate time, work, resources, and morale needed to launch a successful venture.
  • Dr. Livingston identifies common mistakes made by entrepreneurs, including underestimating time and resources needed to launch a successful business.
  • Dr. Livingston emphasizes the importance of research and planning to avoid marketing narcissism and ensure a successful launch.

Entrepreneurship, business growth, and overcoming challenges

  • Daryl Urbanski shares his experience as a successful entrepreneur and coach, while acknowledging the challenges of balancing multiple projects and the importance of staying grounded.
  • Dr. Livingston discussed their professional career highlights, including selling a seven-figure project and unifying a company's world positioning.
  • Dr. Livingston shared their experience with taking leaps of faith as an entrepreneur and overcoming fears to achieve success.
  • Glenn shares his wisdom and experience on taking responsibility and growing older.
  • Daryl thanks Glenn for the interview and invites listeners to reach out for help.

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