How to Navigate the Online Business World Like A Boss with Adrian Hunter

In this episode, Adrian Hunter joins us to discuss the ins and outs of online marketing. He highlights the need to get into people’s minds to create a product that resonates with them. He introduces the HIPPER formula that can help you come up with an irresistible offer that sells. Adrian shares the best strategies for getting traffic and scaling to the next level.

The online business world is a double-edged sword. It opens up endless opportunities for entrepreneurs to grow and find success. At the same time, the market competition can get so fierce that it becomes almost impossible to break through. It’s no walk in the park and would take countless trials and errors. But with a great product, proper communication, and an efficient framework, you can navigate this digital world like a boss.

If you want to discover and adopt the most effective frameworks for navigating the online business world, this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Find out the best strategy to get lead flow.
  2. Learn how to implement the HIPPER formula.
  3. Discover the role of your first couple of sales in your offer’s long-term success.


Episode Highlights

How Adrian Hunter Got into Marketing and Sales

  • Adrian Hunter got started in the marketing world in 2005.
  • His cousin Jermaine Griggs introduced it to him. Jermaine is one of the best marketers in the world.
  • He started with a video production company. He was making great videos, but he could not get them to convert.
  • Jermaine recommended resources and created a framework for him that proved successful.

The Biggest Challenge in His Career as a Marketer and Entrepreneur

  • It’s hard to get into the minds of prospects.
  • Even with a winning copywriting strategy, you won’t be successful if you don’t resonate with the audience.

How to Connect with Your Audience

  • Get on the phone and start interviewing your customers.
  • Map out their pain points and frustrations.
  • Listen to sales calls and understand the language they’re using.

Adrian Hunter: "You'll have people that will talk your ear off, but when it comes to paying you money, a lot of people just walk the other way. So my goal was to talk to people who are very serious and pull out their credit cards, and they showed that they were committed. I wanted to talk to those people."

Navigating Lead Flow for Beginners

  • Offer your services with a low barrier of entry, not for free.
  • Once you get around ten customers, take the time to talk to them and understand their empathy map.
  • Build out your customer avatar.
  • Figure out what bothers them, what they’re afraid of, and what angers them.

Breaking the Plateau

  • Adrian Hunter had beginner’s luck, but he eventually started hitting a wall.
  • Jermaine introduced him to the HIPPER formula.

HIPPER Formula

  • Have a HOOK that will get people’s attention and an ISSUE or pain point to tap into.
  • POKE at the issue.
  • Give them a PILL or an alternative solution—your product.
  • Introduce the EFFECT, which is the benefit of using your product.
  • Make a RESPONSE. It is the irresistible offer that will get people to take action.

Breaking Free from What’s Holding Back Your Progress

  • Get out of your way. 
  • Permit yourself to dream bigger and go after things you want.
  • It will change the way you operate entirely.

Daily Habits to Success

  • Detach from your phone until 9 a.m.
  • Do daily affirmations and mindful meditations.

How to Maintain Your Level of Marketing Success

  • Always try to learn from what other people are doing.
  • Constantly test new ideas.
  • Do split testing. Be scientific with your marketing approach.

Adrian Hunter: “You don't have to reinvent the wheel at all. You can just see what's working for them now.”

Scaling to the Next Level

  • Roll out small by segmenting your list into small groups.
  • Test the campaign to these small groups, and see how it performs.
  • Their feedback is key to improving your product and scaling to the next level.
  • It goes back to conversing with your prospects to serve them what they need.

Testing More Products vs. Testing More Ads

  • The offer and the product have to be killer.
  • Figure out the best way to solve one specific problem.
  • Once you have a product that provides people with genuine results, you can focus more on ads.

Navigating the Biggest Marketing Mistake Entrepreneurs Make

  • Don’t reinvent the wheel before testing the control.
  • Start paying attention to different thought leaders in the world. 
  • Get feedback from their audience about their roadmap or model. Then, test it.
  • Keep your feelings from your previous experiences when testing a new method.
  • Start bringing your knowledge and tweak things once you get to the analyzing phase.

Adrian Hunter: “‘Who is where I'm trying to be?’ That's the question that I ask myself. ‘Who is where I'm trying to get to?’ And that's that starting question for me.”

The Most Effective Traffic Strategies Right Now

  • First, figure out a problem that you want to or could solve. Then, figure out how to be the best at solving that.
  • Organic traffic tends to generate results slowly.
  • Set aside a small budget for buying traffic, like Facebook Ads and Google Ads.
  • You can spend up to $2,000 if your offer is around the $2,000 range.

Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

Your First Sales

  • The first sales goal is not to make money but to give you a testing group.
  • It's more of a research portion to ensure the product is optimized.
  • 10 to 20 people is a small testing group to give solid feedback.
  • You can get more traffic if the test group sees favorable results.

The Right Time to Scale Your Product and Traffic

  • Getting more customers is okay as long as the product doesn’t break.
  • You can optimize if you’re still getting results. 
  • Focus on the weakest link of the product.

What’s Next for the Online Marketing World

  • Now is the best time for businesses to get online.
  • Even brick and mortar can’t afford not to have an online arm with how the world is right now.

The Optimal Lead-to-Sale Ratio Window

  • The goal is to make the window as short as possible.
  • Try to break even on the front end. Give it 45 to 90 days to make back-end money.
  • You only pay for the appointment for the first sales for around $100.
  • The goal is to make that money from the appointment back right away. To do so, you can offer a payment plan with a minimum of at least $100.

About Adrian Hunter

Adrian Hunter is the Chief Marketing Officer of NextGenT and Automation Clinic. Through his role, he helps businesses automate and systemize their marketing to grow sales, lower costs, and thrive online. His core expertise is digital marketing revenue, profit growth, leadership, and team building. He also has a passion for video and understanding its impact on the evolution of online marketing. 

Adrian Hunter combines marketing strategy, email marketing, and online automation in customer acquisition funnels that make banks.

You can connect with Adrian through his LinkedIn.

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