Personal Business Coach | Sales Strategy and Skills: How to Attract Customers and Scale Your Business with Chandler Bolt

The conversation revolved around the significance of self-publishing for entrepreneurs, writers, Daryl Urbanski and Chandler Bolt, and coaches to establish themselves as authorities in their niches. Attention to detail, care, and handholding were emphasized as crucial in respective areas of expertise. Cash flow management, quality over price, and effective communication were also discussed as key factors in business success. Daryl and Chandler highlighted the importance of taking bigger risks to achieve success and emphasized the value of studying successful entrepreneurs and improving understanding of numbers. Morning routines and discipline were also cited as essential for career growth and personal development.

Here are the three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

This interview is like your own personal business coach.

  1. Discover Chandler’s journey in launching a successful self-publishing school.
  2. Learn about how to attract customers through effective sales strategy and negotiation process.
  3. Find out the habits and routine Chandler practiced to get his business acumen and performance management.


Episode Highlights

Self-publishing books for entrepreneurs with Chandler Bolt

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews Chandler Bolt on his entrepreneurial success at 20.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Chandler Bolt discuss the importance of self-publishing for experts and entrepreneurs.
  • Chandler Bolt shares his journey into self-publishing, highlighting his attention to detail and commitment to his clients.

Creating and selling a successful ebook

  • Chandler Bolt's first book, "The Productive Person," became a success after a mini launch and sales of over 100 copies per day.
  • Bolt realized the potential of passive income as he saw the book's earnings while snowboarding with friends, leading to a lightbulb moment.
  • Chandler Bolt discusses his journey from struggling with writing in college to becoming a successful author and entrepreneur.
  • Bolt shares challenges he faced, including poor writing skills and lack of confidence, but overcame them through simple processes and teaching others.

Managing cash flow challenges in business

  • Daryl Urbanski shares his biggest learning curve in business: dealing with upset customers and payment processors holding back funds.
  • Urbanski advises himself to plan ahead and give plenty of heads-up to payment processors to avoid cash flow issues.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes managing cash flow as key to success.

Prioritizing tasks and providing high-quality service to customers

  • Chandler Bolt plans their days and weeks to stay productive and proactive in business.
  • Chandler Bolt shares insights on prioritizing quality over quantity in business.

Pricing strategy for a business, focusing on charging a premium price for quality products/services

  • Setting expectations well, readjusting when needed, and being selective with customers to provide premium service.
  • Charging a premium price attracts higher-quality clients, who tend to be better clients.
  • Chandler Bolt's father was a construction business owner who prioritized quality over cheap prices, which the speaker later adopted as a strategy for their own businesses.
  • Chandler Bolt found that raising prices and focusing on quality led to more profitable and satisfying work, rather than attracting cheap customers who only care about price.

Setting payment terms and turning away business

  • Set payment terms, avoid special juggling.
  • Reset relationships with missed appointments.
  • Turn away business with clear payment expectations.

Marketing, sales, and persuasion techniques

  • Chandler discusses the importance of pre-selling and executing on a business idea, citing their successful self-publishing school program as an example.
  • Chandler highlights the impact of Robert Cialdini's book "Influence" on their sales and marketing strategies, emphasizing the importance of understanding human psychology in business.
  • Chandler Bolt shared a story about a jewelry store owner who doubled the price of earrings and sold them immediately.
  • Chandler emphasized that people buy based on perceived value, not just the actual price.

Taking risks and improving financial literacy in business

  • Quality and good value are key for consumers.
  • Take advice from someone you'd gladly switch places with.
  • Don't mix business advice with personal life issues.
  • Chandler is working on taking bigger risks and being more numbers-focused to achieve success.
  • Chandler is studying books like "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits" and "Traction" to improve his entrepreneurial skills.

Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

Rockefeller habits and how they led to success in business

  • John D. Rockefeller was a business magnate who focused on numbers and made informed decisions based on them.
  • Chandler never had a non-profitable month in his business, which grew significantly due to his aggressive approach.

Taking calculated risks and tracking key business metrics

  • Reflects on a successful business launch, emphasizing the importance of taking risks and focusing on numbers.
  • Chandler discusses the launch of a product without being ready, highlighting the potential benefits of taking calculated risks in business.
  • Chandler praises the listener for taking calculated risks and following business fundamentals.
  • Chandler discusses importance of tracking key metrics, including cost per lead, cost per sale, net profit, and cash flow.

Customer segmentation using RFM (recency, frequency, monetary value) to maximize marketing ROI

  • Recency, frequency, and monetary value are key to understanding customer behavior.
  • Chandler highlights RFM analysis for effective marketing segmentation.

Morning routines and launch strategies for a successful online business

  • Morning routine helps him feel more productive and focused (cold shower, dressing for work, etc.)
  • Excited to work on new habits and projects, such as meditation and language learning
  • Launch of self-publishing school had biggest success rate in industry.
  • Key components of launch included good affiliates, Facebook ad traffic, and a new book.

Entrepreneurship, business growth, and overcoming challenges

  • Chandler is helping experts publish and market their books.
  • Chandler aims to create 200 new multimillionaire business owners through entrepreneurship.
  • Chandler shares his wisdom and experiences with enthusiasm and gratitude.

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