Firing Up Your Health and Wellness: The Spicy Way to Boost Healthy Lifestyle Habits with Cate Stillman

Get ready to grab your popcorn and settle in for an adventure. Today we're diving deep into the world of health. We're exploring the mechanisms that drive change over time. So, put on your thinking caps and get ready to evolve your understanding of health and wellness!

In this episode, Cate Stillman breaks down complex concepts into bite-sized pieces. She explores the practical applications of wellness thought in fields like medicine and ecology. So, whether you're a seasoned scientist or just someone curious, this episode is sure to give you plenty to chew on.

Tune in to learn more!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Gain insights into the future of business and health.
  2. Learn about the impact of diet and lifestyle on health.
  3. Discover effective learning strategies.

Episode Highlights

Cate’s Personal Background

  • Cate Stillman was not guided by what people told her to do, and instead pursued mission-based work from an early age.
  • She became interested in global environmental and international politics while in high school.
  • Stillman started an organization called Students Concerned About Tomorrow in high school. She learned she could make a difference.
  • While her father was a company guy, her grandfather on her Jewish side started a bar in Brooklyn. It indicated some entrepreneurial spirit in her blood.

Cate’s Journey to Self-Employment

  • Cate left global environmental politics to pursue Ayurveda and yoga studies.
  • There are few jobs in holistic medicine and Cate did not want to live as a broke yoga teacher.
  • She studied about physical health, mental health, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness, and physical wellness
  • Cate had a natural interest in understanding how money worked and the connection between finance and impact.
  • Writing, research, and communication skills learned in college have served Cate as an entrepreneur.
  • Learning and getting good at what you do is a default in business.
  • It’s essential to focus on being good at what you do and getting results for people in today's transparent world.

Health and Wellness Habits

  • According to the World Health Organization, health is not merely the absence of risk factors.
  • Cate talks about community building and how important it is in life, such as health and business.
  • Habits are discussed as a crucial factor in achieving success or getting into trouble.
  • By practicing a wellness journey, people can achieve optimal health.
  • The culture of a business is crucial to its success and having people who fit into that culture is important.
  • Business is a group of people solving the pain of another group with a product or service.
  • The importance of community dynamics is emphasized. Making money isn't enough to feel fulfilled or satisfied.
  • Even successful people may feel like they could keep an active lifestyle despite their accomplishments.

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Expert Advice for Small Businesses

  • Cate recommends focusing on what's working and leveraging those strengths in building a small business.
  • Leveraging affluent clients can help in building an impactful company and overall health.
  • Daryl agrees and shares his own experience in starting high-end programs to develop materials. She built out a ladder program.
  • Group dynamics are important. Building a community of belonging and becoming can be a strength for growth.
  • Collaborative intelligence is essential for dynamic groups. Specific structures can activate it.

Entrepreneurial Mistakes

  • Daryl and Cate discuss the mistakes made by clients in the wellness space.
  • One of the biggest problems is not having a process-driven sales or enrolment cycle.
  • They recommend creating a packaged and priced service that leads to a transformational journey.
  • They suggest a service cycle of a year to stabilize habits and develop action-oriented links.
  • They emphasize that businesses need to get results first before creating a business around that.
  • They recommend a better sales process for those who want to price to premium and drive results to premium.

The Future of Health and Wellness

  • Cate believes the future of health will see a greater divide between healthy and unhealthy people. The healthy will be even healthier. The unhealthy will become consumers.
  • Chronic inflammation is the leading cause of healthcare spending in the US. But the only cure is a change in diet and lifestyle.
  • Unhealthy living is expensive, lowering potential and neuroplasticity.
  • Learning about health requires investment in time and effort. But it is worth it to achieve deep focus, energy, and a sense of going downstream.
  • Big business and pharmaceuticals are creating more drugs for specific imbalances. They tailor them to the consumer.
  • Smart people are getting smarter and have smarter children because they are feeding them well. They allow them to have a fasting rhythm.
  • In terms of business, hybrid models of online and offline interactions will continue to accelerate growth.

About Cate Stillman

Cate Stillman is a pioneering figure in the world of wellness and yoga. Her mission is to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern living. In 2001, she founded Yoga Healer, which has since grown into a global community of like-minded people. They seek to thrive in their bodies and achieve their life goals. Over the past two decades, Cate has dedicated herself to helping people.

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