Improving Employee engagement & Initiating Gratitude Strategies – With Lisa Ryan

In beautifully grounded conversation between Daryl Urbanski and our esteemed guest, Lisa Ryan, discerning listeners are taken on a journey of growth, appreciation, and success. Lisa Ryan, a life strategist and a business tycoon, shares about her career trajectory while bringing the nuances of the business world under the lens. This interview's relevance lies in its potential to enkindle the spark of entrepreneurship, making it a must-listen for aspiring business owners, managers, or anyone seeking to reignite their career journey. The key takeaway messages not only improve your business acumen but also enlighten you personally.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to build an engaging work environment anchored on a foundation of appreciation.

  • Discover the influence of daily practices and mindset on personal and professional success.

  • Understand effective communication strategies to drive positive change within your organization.


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Interview Highlights

Lisa Ryan: Overcoming Career Limitations

  • Lisa Ryan shared the importance of understanding that there's life outside work.
  • Effective communication and positive reinforcement were highlighted as means to overcome these obstacles.

Lisa Ryan: Establishing Success-Boosting Habits

  • Lisa emphasized on a living a life with no regrets.
  • Her strategy for employee engagement focused on a culture of appreciation.
  • She suggested daily practice of scouting for goodness as fundamental.

Understanding Mindsets and Their Implications

  • Growth mindset and fixed mindset were discussed extensively.
  • A compelling statistic was shared: People who keep a gratitude journal are 25% happier.

Emphasizing Positive Communication: A Key to Successful Employee Engagement.

  • Stressing on the importance of employee appreciation, Lisa suggested that it creates a workplace culture people desire.

Reflection on Key Lessons and Their Implementation

  • Lisa implored listeners to identify their 'AHA' moments from the conversation.
  • She emphasized on the benefits of immediate implementation of these lessons.

Notable Quote: "Small hinges swing big. If you never take the time to do it yourself, you'll never experience those benefits."

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