How To Turn Interviews Into Leads, Sales & Cash – With Tom Schwab

Tom Schwab and Daryl Urbanski discussed the importance of strategy in business growth, highlighting the need to identify and address customer problems, prioritize customer pain, and leverage podcast interviews for traffic and leads. They emphasized the importance of over-delivering during interviews, building relationships with podcast hosts and their audiences, and focusing on ideal customer prospecting. Daryl Urbanski and Tom Schwab also stressed the need for a solid strategy and utilizing content marketing to attract visitors and turn them into customers.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Learn how to effectively pitch your business through podcasting and other media platforms.
  2. Discover common mistakes made by entrepreneurs while leading their business and understand how to avoid them.
  3. Understand the importance of promoting your brand and the different strategies you can employ to engage your audience


Episode Highlights

Transitioning from offline to online marketing with a focus on podcast interviews with Tom Schwab

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews self-made millionaires and shares their success strategies.
  • Tom Schwab shares insights on leveraging podcast interviews for business growth.

Using podcast interviews for business growth, with emphasis on strategy and content marketing.

  • Tom Schwab emphasizes the importance of strategy in using tools effectively.
  • Tom Schwab believes that powerful tools amplify creativity and skill, but can also be used for good or bad.
  • Tom built a national business through inbound marketing and content, despite starting during recession.
  • Tom overcame fear of asking for help and believing in themselves to succeed in business.
  • Tom Schwab shared their journey from startup to national presence, highlighting key milestones and mistakes made along the way.
  • Tom Schwab emphasized the importance of answering questions and providing value to customers, rather than just buying traffic or selling products.

Marketing, sales, and customer needs.

  • Daryl Urbanski and Tom discuss the importance of asking customers what they need help with and providing valuable insights in an interview setting.
  • Daryl and Tom share their experiences with conducting market research and using tag clouds to identify common themes and phrases in customer surveys.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Tom Schwab discuss the importance of addressing customers' pain points in business.
  • Tom Schwab reveals that the best compliment he ever received was an insult from a customer, highlighting the importance of focusing on customers' needs.

Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

Marketing and sales strategies, focusing on prospecting and serving customers

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses problem-solving and marketing, emphasizing the importance of understanding customers' problems and providing solutions.
  • Daryl also shares insights on how to approach marketing and sales, focusing on helping and serving people rather than selling products or services.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the importance of prospecting for podcast appearances.
  • Tom emphasizes the value of targeting ideal customers for maximum impact.
  • Podcast exposure alone is not enough; conversion rate is crucial for success.

Pitching podcasts with a personal touch

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of building relationships before pitching podcast hosts.
  • Urbanski shares a marketing strategy involving writing articles for associations and giving presentations to farming clients.

Using podcast interviews to grow businesses

  • Tom highlights importance of building personal relationships and long-term thinking in podcast interviews.
  • Tom advises against selling products during interviews and instead focuses on teaching and building trust.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares insights on how to make the most of podcast interviews for business growth.
  • Daryl emphasizes the importance of promoting the episode and repurposing content for maximum impact.

Using podcast interviews to generate traffic and leads for businesses

  • Daryl Urbanski shares tips on how to get traffic for your content, including borrowing from others' audiences.
  • Guest Derral Eve advises starting with a small number of high-quality videos to build a following.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses challenges of reaching ideal customers in a crowded market.
  • Podcast interviews generate better traffic and leads, with higher conversion rates.
  • Tom emphasizes the importance of following systems and routines for success.
  • Tom Schwab provides a checklist for podcast preparation to avoid mistakes.

Creating and testing offers for podcast interviews to convert listeners into leads

  • Daryl Urbanski and Tom discuss the importance of leveraging abundance and relationships to build a successful podcast.
  • Tom offers inbound marketing consultation services to help podcast guests craft their offers and test them effectively.
  • Tom Schwab suggests using personal assessments on a website to help self-select clients into different funnels.
  • Tom and Daryl Urbanski agree that customers are the only experts with their businesses, and their actions and dollars vote every day.

Podcast growth, access, and competition

  • The future of podcasts and interviews will be more effective and less memorable of the medium.
  • As podcasts grow, it will become harder to get on top podcasts due to increased competition.
  • Tom predicts podcasts will become more competitive, and getting on shows will require more effort.
  • Tom has talked to over 3 million people on podcasts, finding it easy and convenient.

Podcasting, guesting, and marketing with an experienced host

  • Daryl Urbanski values building relationships with guests and doing background research before interviews.
  • Urbanski believes in being honest with listeners about the quality of interviews and may not release poorly conducted ones.
  • Daryl Urbanski shares insights on podcasting and its potential for business growth.
  • Daryl Urbanski thanks Tom for the interview and encourages listeners to take action.

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