How To Grow Into A $25,000,000.00 / Year Marketing Ad Budget & The Team To Get You There – With Tyler Garns

Daryl Urbanski and Tyler Garns discussed the importance of marketing, networking, and creating a positive work culture in building a successful business. They emphasized the need for entrepreneurs to prioritize their employees' well-being, provide value to others, and measure performance to stay on track. Garns shared his experiences in advertising and technology, highlighting the importance of coding in online marketing and understanding tech for business growth.

They also discussed common challenges businesses face during growth, such as generating revenue, lead generation, fulfillment issues, and managing finances, and emphasized the need for a strong team culture, delegating tasks effectively, and investing in the right places. Finally, they emphasized the importance of personalizing marketing efforts to target specific individuals and segmenting audiences based on key questions or demographics to tailor marketing efforts further.

Why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to effectively measure your copywriter's conversion results and the challenges inherent to quantifying design output.

  • Discover strategies that move beyond automated marketing for greater business impact, especially pertinent for disillusioned Infusionsoft users considering cancellation.

  • Understand the to-dos behind improving task completion rates, an underrated, yet critical team productivity metric.


Interview Highlights

Marketing and business growth with a successful entrepreneur and mentor.

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews Tyler Garnes on creating multimillionaire business owners.

  • Tyler is a marketing wizard and half mad scientist, instrumental in Daryl's career and many small businesses' success.

  • Tyler has worked with numerous huge clients, including Goldman Sachs, and is known for his Infusionsoft expertise and marketing experience.

Career path from high school friend to pharmaceutical sales to internet marketing.

  • Tyler Garns shares his career journey from photography to pharmaceutical sales to web development.

  • Tyler Garns searched for businesses with potential for a community using Google and email them about a product called Community Architect.

  • He wrote a bot to automate the search process and find email addresses to contact potential customers.

  • Tyler Garns shares his career journey from internet company to VP of Marketing at Fusion soft.

Coding importance for online business owners.

  • Tyler Garns believes coding has been instrumental in his success but can also be a hindrance.

  • Understanding tech allows business owners to dream bigger and build more.

Overcoming challenges in business growth, including vision, delegation, and team building.

  • Tyler Garns: Every business hits plateaus, but they're different for each stage.

  • Daryl Urbanski: Tyler Garns overcame challenges by focusing on results.

  • Tyler Garns: He helped hundreds of businesses grow through consistent lead generation.

  • Tyler Garns struggled with vision and delegation after leaving Infusionsoft.

  • He built a new team and adapted his business strategy to better serve clients.

Building a successful business through a strong team culture.

  • Daryl Urbanski and Tyler Garns emphasize the importance of a high-quality team with diverse skills and strengths.

  • They prioritize culture and delegation of operational tasks to focus on their respective areas of expertise.

  • Employees must feel job serves their personal lives, not the other way around.

Measuring performance in a team using key metrics.

  • Daryl Urbanski and Tyler Garns discuss the importance of defining key metrics for team performance and tracking them regularly to ensure improvement.

  • Tyler provides examples of how to create metrics for various roles in a business, such as copywriter or web person, and how to measure their performance.

  • Tyler Garns seeks open dialogue with team members to measure performance, prioritize tasks, and maintain a balance between quality and productivity.

  • Garns encourages team members to grade their own work and average grades to find a fair measurement of quality and productivity.

Business growth, copywriting, and team management.

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of employee retention and training.

  • Daryl Urbanski and Tyler Garns discuss the importance of measuring and optimizing copywriting efforts.

  • Tyler emphasizes the need for concrete metrics to track the effectiveness of copywriting campaigns.

Effective messaging and positioning in marketing.

  • Tyler Garns emphasizes the importance of strategy and messaging in automated marketing campaigns.

  • Garns and Daryl Urbanski discuss the need for solid messaging and a clear target market to stand out in a busy global marketplace.

  • Tyler Garns emphasizes the importance of clear messaging in marketing, citing that a lack of clarity can lead to a high bounce rate and missed conversions.

  • Garns outlines four key elements of power positioning: identifying the target market, offering a solution to their problems, highlighting what sets the company apart, and creating a clear call-to-action.

Marketing strategies for small businesses.

  • The speaker agrees with the guest that focusing on a specific target audience is important for marketing success.

  • The guest explains that defining a "beachhead" or specific target audience is crucial for expanding a business's reach.

  • Daryl Urbanski and Tyler Garns identify common habits of successful business owners, such as tracking key metrics, investing wisely, and segmenting their audience.

  • Tyler Garns emphasizes the importance of modeling successful strategies rather than simply copying them, and provides examples of how to do this in business.

Growing businesses with Infusionsoft and providing ongoing support.

  • Daryl Urbanski and Tyler Garns discuss the importance of lead source tracking and investing wisely in business growth.

  • Tyler Garns introduces the Double Your Sales Club, a guided instructional program for growing businesses using Infusionsoft education and tools.

  • Tyler Garns and Daryl Urbanski discuss the WCS club, a bonus for clients buying Infusionsoft services.

  • The club provides long-term support, education, and a community for clients to get results with Infusionsoft.

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Writing targeted marketing materials by focusing on one ideal customer.

  • Daryl Urbanski and Tyler Garns discuss the importance of personalizing content for individual customers.

  • Tyler explains the "power of one" exercise for writing landing pages, copy, and emails.

  • Write targeted content to a specific person, using personalized details and emotions.

  • Segment audience based on key questions asked in forms, to create meaningful marketing groups.

Using Infusionsoft for marketing and sales with a focus on personal connection and vulnerability.

  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of self-love and stable confidence in social situations.

  • Tyler Garns highlights the power of vulnerability in personalized marketing emails.

  • Tyler Garns emphasizes the importance of vulnerability in email marketing.

  • Daryl Urbanski recommends Tyler's free resources for improving CRM usage.

  • Daryl Urbanski and Tyler Garns discuss business growth and overcoming challenges.

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