Building A Thriving Professional Life with Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena

The conversation focused on leveraging social selling, remote teams, and LinkedIn lead generation to scale businesses. Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena and Daryl Urbanski emphasized the importance of building relationships, understanding people's needs, and consistently prospecting. They also stressed the value of honesty, creativity, and strategy in building successful businesses. They both shared their insights and experiences on how to effectively generate leads and sales on LinkedIn, highlighting the need for a personalized approach and consistent effort.


Episode Highlights

Marketing, sales, and psychology with a focus on building relationships and understanding people's behavior

  • Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena's family background is in traditional entrepreneurship, with her mom selling food and her dad working in banking.
  • Mary studied psychology in college, which influenced her approach to marketing and sales.
  • Psychology helps understand buying behavior and build relationships.
  • Meeting people, having conversations, and building relationships are key to sales.

Sales techniques, personal growth, and career development

  • Daryl Urbanski and Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena discuss the importance of asking questions to build relationships and close sales.
  • Urbanski shares an example of a Facebook message exchange where he was direct and honest with a potential collaborator.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena discuss their parents' influence on their career choices.
  • Mary Shelah Yballe Bahenashares how they transitioned from sports to personal training and business growth.
  • At 21, the speaker started selling personal training services in Cebu, but found it challenging and eventually transitioned to a call center job.

Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

Generating leads and sales online for a digital nomad

  • Daryl and Mary reminisce about their experiences in Cebu, Philippines, including traffic and transportation challenges.
  • Developed skills in appointment setting, lead generation, and sales for various industries.

Using LinkedIn for business growth, including profile optimization, posting, and engagement

  • To build trust and connections on LinkedIn, post relevant content, including client results and tips, and engage with others in groups.
  • Mary sells virtual assistant services as a personal touch.
  • Mary emphasizes importance of personality and giving in sales.

Sales strategies, automation, and personalized outreach

  • Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena: Prospecting is often overlooked but crucial for sales success.
  • Offer value and solve problems to improve show up rates and closing rates.
  • Chet Holmes' book highlights that only 3% of the market is ready to buy now.

Sales strategies, AI, and industry future

  • Recency bias influences buying decisions, prioritize recent interactions.
  • Daryl and Mary agree that AI is a tool, not a replacement, for sales professionals.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Mary emphasize the importance of strategy, execution, and referrals in business success.

Building a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy with Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena

  • Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena  emphasizes importance of solving client problems and delivering results.
  • Daryl and Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena discuss the importance of hard work and personal responsibility in achieving success.
  • Daryl and Mary Shelah Yballe Bahena discuss LinkedIn marketing strategies and networking tips.

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