Are you looking to level up your life and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way? Well, good news - it's totally possible! With a few key mindset shifts and some actionable steps, you can start showing up as your best self and seizing every chance that comes your way.

In this episode, Michael Marcial joins us. He talks about why it’s time to ditch the self-doubt and start believing in yourself. You’re capable of achieving amazing things, and the only thing standing in your way is often your own limiting beliefs. So, start practicing self-compassion and focusing on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Then, get proactive and start seeking out opportunities that align with your goals and passions.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn practical tips on how to show up as your best self.
  2. Discover actionable strategies for seeking out and making the most of opportunities.
  3. Gain insights into the importance of mindset shifts.

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Episode Highlights

How Michael Marcial Started in Business

  • Michael Marcial comes from a family of traditional routes, but he always wanted to create something of his own.
  • His first entrepreneurial venture was at the age of 19 when he partnered with a friend who was making electronic drum sets and started scaling the business.
  • They scaled it to about half a million a year before they were acquired by a larger company.
  • He faced many challenges and setbacks during his entrepreneurial journey, especially learning real responsibility and accountability.
  • He had to work his full-time job to pay the bills and spend 6-7 hours every night working on the business.
  • He had to give up parties on the weekends and commit to his business.

Success Habits Michael Marcial Developed

  • Michael shares habits that have helped him in his work with big names and hundreds, if not thousands of people.
  • The thread that connects his habits over the years is consistency.
  • Consistency in balance, focus, dedication, sleep, nutrition, relationships, and learning.
  • He emphasizes that consistency is a hard game, but it's necessary to win at something.
  • The 10,000 hour rule is a good example of the importance of consistency in becoming an expert.
  • His days are relatively scheduled, and he does the same things almost every day.
  • He has specific inputs that help him, such as having a dinner date night with his daughter every Tuesday and eating well enough to have the energy he needs.
  • Overall, consistency plays a significant role in achieving success and accomplishing goals.

Tips for Business Starters

  • Michael emphasizes the importance of hard work and skill development in achieving success, but acknowledges that hard work alone may not be enough.
  • He advises skilling up and seeking mentorship to get the right skills and people around oneself to achieve one's goals.
  • He also emphasizes the need for self-awareness and the ability to pivot if needed to achieve success.
  • He shares his personal journey of pivoting from making electronic drum sets to becoming a business thought leader, which has resulted in a multi-seven-figure business.
  • He discusses his passion for speaking on stage and explains that while public speaking is often considered the number one fear, many entrepreneurs enjoy it and find it to be an effective tool for growing their business.

The Importance of Public Speaking

  • Michael and Daryl discuss the balance between impact and income in business.
  • Michael questions whether it's necessary to choose between impact and income.
  • Many people claim to do their work solely for impact, but end up unable to continue due to exhaustion.
  • Michael argues that having income as well as impact can be more valuable, and emphasizes the importance of having something of value to offer beyond a free presentation or product.
  • Daryl emphasizes the importance of reinforcement, testing, and follow-through to have a long-term impact.
  • Daryl also discusses the value of charging for help in areas like job hunting, and the potential for income to support charitable efforts.

Michael Marcial Talk Structure

  • Michael discusses the importance of a talk structure for speakers and authors.
  • He follows a structure called "the positivity train," which varies depending on the speaker's objective.
  • The first piece of the puzzle is the title, which must break the listener's thought pattern and draw them in.
  • Some examples of hook titles include "What we know about orgasm is dead wrong" and "Top 10 myths about X."
  • The talk structure should not start in a negative low-energy manner, as it won't draw the audience in.
  • Instead, it should begin in the middle with a neutral energy level and then move on to the most positive and engaging story.
  • He uses the example of his daughter being the highlight of his life and discusses why it's important to bring her up.

Showing Up For The Great Talk

  • Michael discusses the importance of delivering a great talk in TEDx events and public speaking in general.
  • He explains that the audience and impact are significant, as millions of people can watch your speech, and therefore it is essential to avoid making mistakes by just winging it.
  • He emphasizes the value of hiring a professional TEDx speaker coach to help write an excellent and world-class speech.
  • He asserts that Thought Leader can guarantee a minimum of 50,000 views on a client's talk within 90 days of the talk going live, and sometimes even a hundred thousand views.
  • He also assures that clients' authority is not built on the back of mediocrity, and therefore, they specialize in TEDx because it is the biggest exposure to date that one can have.
  • Thought Leader's TEDx talk writing process includes coaches, who are professional writers and have done at least one TEDx talk themselves.
  • The coaches take clients through the writing process and offer professional feedback before signing off the client's talk as professional grade.
  • The blog highlights the importance of accountability in the process of learning and graduating from any training, as the goal is to deliver the best possible output

Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

How Michael Marcial Maximizes Great Content

  • Michael talks about leveraging TEDx talks for business success.
  • He emphasizes the importance of utilizing the content from a TEDx talk and marketing it to a large network of people, including speaker bookers and book publishers.
  • The social proof provided by a TEDx talk can also help individuals secure paid speaking gigs without having to jump through the usual hoops.
  • He recommends using a TEDx talk as the ultimate calling card to attract new opportunities and clients.
  • The talk can be leveraged for various purposes, including coaching, courses, and corporate deals.
  • Daryl compares leveraging a TEDx talk to Geico's successful marketing campaign that consistently promotes its "15 minutes can save you 15% on car insurance" message.
  • Both agree that using a TEDx talk with a lucrative offer on the back end is a smart business move.

Software Technology versus Thought Leaders

  • Michael argues that AI will not replace thought leaders, but rather increase the need for a personal touch in communication.
  • He emphasizes the importance of clarity in delivering a message and having a mentor or coach to guide individuals towards their goals.
  • He also discusses the benefits of having multiple coaches in achieving success, drawing parallels to training for the Olympics.
  • The costs of pursuing success through self-teaching or with the help of coaches are compared and contrasted.

About Michael Marcial

Michael Marcial is a TEDx speaker and a thought leader, renowned for his expertise in entrepreneurship, innovation, and social impact. He has received numerous accolades for his work in empowering underserved communities and promoting sustainable development. His thought-provoking talks and insightful writings have inspired many to pursue their passions and create positive change in the world.

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