Enhancing Brand Visibility Through Content with Monette Quiogue

Content marketers must adapt to industry changes by being open-minded and effective communicators. Monette Quiogue and Daryl Urbanski emphasize the importance of asking the right questions and having an open mind, while Monette highlights the value of reading for content marketers. The group also discusses the significance of tailoring content to the target audience and utilizing feedback to inform content strategies.


Episode Highlights

Marketing career path and industry insights with Monette Quiogue

  • Monette Quiogue's father, Macker, was a respected marketer in the Philippines.
  • Monette Quiogue followed in her father's footsteps in the industry, but took a different path than him.
  • Monette started her career in the film industry late, at age 27, compared to her contemporaries who were already in leadership roles.

Content marketing strategies and industry history

  • Monette Quiogue worked in film for 3 years, made 8 films, and left to pursue other creative opportunities.
  • Monette transitioned into advertising as a copywriter for campaigns and later became a creative director before starting her own boutique firm.
  • Studied content marketing, found strengths in long-form writing.
  • Monette Quiogue recommends studying industry, finding niche, and adjusting tone for different sectors.
  • Monette Quiogue advises younger colleagues on the importance of studying the industry and its history to better understand its evolution and future trends.
  • Monette Quiogue shares a personal anecdote about borrowing books from the library and keeping them until the end of the semester to ensure access to information for academic purposes.

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Content marketing skills and behaviors, including open-mindedness, flexibility, and reading widely

  • Daryl Urbanski describes the process of finding answers in the past, including visiting libraries and manually searching for relevant books.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Monette discuss the evolution of research, including the shift from physical encyclopedias to online keyword research.
  • Monette shares her experience with using keywords and search engines for research, highlighting the importance of skillful searching.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Speaker 1 discuss the role of prompt engineering in content marketing, emphasizing the value of asking the right questions.
  • Open-mindedness and flexibility are crucial for effective client service in content marketing.
  • Monette emphasizes the importance of reading and learning about different industries and expressing oneself through writing.

Storytelling, word choices, and content marketing

  • Monette discusses importance of reading fiction for content marketing insights.
  • Monette discusses the importance of word choices in content marketing.

Content marketing ROI and monetization strategies for clients

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses Geico's use of creative marketing strategies to sell insurance.
  • Monette explains how content marketing can build leads and increase visibility.
  • Monette emphasizes the importance of understanding diverse aspects of a company to appeal to various searchers.

Content marketing and sales process

  • Monette describes marketing as farming, nurturing a community over time to raise leads and sales.
  • Engaged group is like a garden, requiring ongoing care and attention to yield fruit.
  • Monette emphasizes the importance of a sales process in content marketing, citing Chet Holmes' book "The Ultimate Sales Machine."
  • Monette agrees, highlighting the need for direct feedback to improve content effectiveness, especially in today's data-driven landscape.

Using social media to gather feedback and improve product launches

  • Monette shares insights on celebrity endorsements, citing a failed campaign where a celebrity endorser didn't work as expected.
  • The team learned from negative feedback and adjusted their approach, using it to improve their marketing strategy.
  • Monette shares insights on using social media to sell books directly to fans.

Content marketing strategies and the power of books as a marketing tool

  • Matt Frazier shares how he shifted his mindset from hating negative comments to seeing them as free coaching.
  • Monette and Daryl Urbanski discussed the power of technology in content marketing and the importance of establishing thought leadership through book publishing.
  • Quiogue emphasized the value of books as a content marketing tool and a way to establish thought leadership, despite the rise of digital media.
  • Monette shared insights on how to market oneself through physical books, emphasizing their value in establishing authority and creating a lasting impression.

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