The Secret To 1000 Leads and Monthly Client Closures with Royan Nidea

Daryl Urbanski and Royan Nidea discussed the importance of lead generation and client acquisition for scaling businesses. They emphasized the need for a strategic approach, leveraging automation and training appointment centers. Later, Daryl and Royan Nidea explored the potential of virtual assistants in scaling up businesses, highlighting the importance of combining thoughts and learning from others.

They both also discussed the importance of discovering a deeper purpose and meaning in life and business beyond financial success, and emphasized the need to control one's habits and actions, serve others, and prioritize relationships. Additionally, they discussed effective sales strategies, including identifying a specific problem and creating a promotion that addresses its benefits, asking questions to initiate a conversation, personalizing the message, and prioritizing the customer's experience.


Interview Highlight's

Royan Nidea Scaling businesses with lean operations through client acquisition strategies

  • Royan empowers businesses to contact 1000+ leads daily and close 2-3 clients monthly.
  • Royan Nidea quit college, worked in call center, discovered importance of lead generation and sales closure.

Finding purpose and control in life

  • Royan shares their entrepreneurial journey, overcoming financial struggles and regret.
  • Royan emphasizes the importance of serving others after financial success.
  • Hyper-successful individuals may be running away from past traumas or psychological scars.
  • Daryl and Royan discuss control and freedom in their lives, with a focus on taking control of one's life to achieve deeper meaning and purpose.

Delegation and outsourcing for entrepreneurs to regain control and grow their business

  • Control over time is key for entrepreneurs, especially with delegating tasks.
  • Being fit, rich, and happy requires effort, but it's worth it for entrepreneurs.
  • Delegation is key to overcoming burnout and scaling a business.
  • Focus on small, achievable tasks to move the needle, then delegate or outsource.

Marketing strategies for businesses, including identifying target audiences and testing products

  • Daryl Urbanski outlines a 7-step plan for solving a specific problem and selling products/services.
  • Royan Nidea notes most common mistake in cold emailing is trying to sell in first message.

How to start conversations and sell products by asking questions

  • Royan suggests asking questions to start a conversation, as it can help gauge the other person's interests and needs.
  • Daryl Urbanski provides an acronym (Ford Dreams) to help think of topics to talk about, including family, friends, occupation, recreation, and money.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Royan discuss the importance of starting conversations with potential clients and asking questions to build rapport and establish trust.
  • They emphasize the need to tailor outreach messages to the recipient's self-interest by asking "what's in it for me?" and providing clear explanations of the value proposition.

Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

Optimizing online presence and outreach for sales success

  • Daryl Urbanski and Royan discuss the importance of qualifying over pitching in sales.
  • Optimizing one's online presence is crucial for credibility and taking sales seriously.
  • Royan Nidea Optimize online presence, outreach for opportunities.
  • Invest in multiple LinkedIn accounts for mass outreach.

Automation, delegation, and outsourcing in business, with a focus on the Philippines

  • Royan Nidea advises against automating or delegating too quickly, emphasizing the importance of testing messages and processes first.
  • Royan emphasizes the importance of understanding the system and process in sales delegation.
  • Daryl Urbanski agrees, highlighting the need for leaders to be knowledgeable and accountable in their delegation.
  • Daryl Urbanski envisions combining outsourcing and AI to create jobs in the Philippines.

Entrepreneurship, setting goals, and the importance of thinking time.

  • Daryl Urbanski and Royan discuss the importance of holistic entrepreneurship, including health and relationships.
  • Daryl Urbanski's clients prioritize relationships over career goals.
  • Royan emphasizes the importance of thinking and having time to brainstorm, stating that working within constraints can lead to innovation.
  • Richard Branson is a billionaire who values thinking and believes that working efficiently is key to success, according to a story shared by the Royan Nidea.

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