Small Business Coaching Packages | Secrets to Building, Growing, and Automating Your Business with Bob Britton

Small business coaching packages, business automation tools, and online marketing are the future of the business world. Bob Britton is the CEO of Marketing Automation Group. He shares his experiences and insights on how owners can use these business operations management tools to succeed.

In this episode, Bob shares the importance of having a personal business coach and using automation applications. He emphasized the importance of employing the right strategies to attract the right customers.

If you are interested in automating and growing your business, check out small business coaching packages.

Here are the three reasons to listen to this episode:

  1. Learn about automation and other business operations.
  2. Discover tips to build, grow, and automate your business operations.
  3. Understand why automating your business operations is important.


Episode Highlights

Small Business Coaching Packages | Starting Business

  • Bob has been a mechanic since he was 20 years old.
  • He realized he needed to build his own Small Business Coaching Packages to be successful and to support his family.
  • He bought a million-dollar business in a terrible location. He started a business without knowing the essentials.
  • He learned the churn and burn lesson. There were a lot of customers, but he did not have management skills. The income keeps getting "burned.”
  • When he realized his business processes were burning, he hired a mentor. That changed his company for the better.

The Importance of the Small Business Coaching Packages

  • You and your team will learn about Small Business Coaching Packages.
  • It will help business owners to be creative and discern their businesses.
  • Work on the perception of who you are and what you do, and these will drive customers to the business.
  • Act on the perception to retain customers.
  • Personal business coach can help with mental challenges such as feelings of doubt, anxiety, and fear.
  • When you're running a business, it is difficult to watch your every move. You will need a business operations manager who can guide you.

Small Business Coaching Packages | Direct Response Over Marketing Versus Branding

  • Understand how to use different business operations and strategies in your existing processes.
  • Attract prospects that convert to retail business buyers, and direct response gives that kind of result.
  • He had to figure out how to do results-based marketing, which is the right strategy.
  • Recommendations for Those Who Are Struggling TO IMPROVE business operations
  • Have a financial goal every month.
  • For five minutes, list the reasons why you think you can achieve the goal. Then, read the list every morning before going to work.
  • Train yourself after conditioning your mental state.
  • Accept that you will get smarter because of failures.

Proper Attitude of a Small Business Coaching Packages Operations Manager

  • A personal business coach can teach skills and techniques. But, at the end of the day, you must be confident with yourself and your decisions.
  • Be obsessed with generating revenue.

Common Mistakes of Business Owners

  • No investment in skills
  • No confidence
  • No foundational knowledge
  • No prior business operation
  • Not willing to do work
  • Not loving what they do
  • They learn the rules but do not understand the nuances that come with those rules.
  • Overthinking

Lead Magnet and Refining Sales Pitch and Presentation

  • A lead magnet is something you would trade someone to know what they are.
  • Different niches respond differently to different strategies. So, there is no way to tell if one is better than the other. We offer a better way to optimize your performance and productivity through our business coaching packages.
  • With a personal business coach, you have the opportunity to try different approaches to know what works.

Automation and Human Touch

  • Keep the personality in communication
  • For example, Uber is automated. But, it does its job without losing the personal connection needed in a business transaction.

The Future of Automation 

  • Automation platforms like CRM will continue to be in demand and help businesses.
  • Every business field will have specifically-designed automation platforms.

Evolutions in the Field of Automation

  • Online marketing is the future. It has been here for a few years, and it already offers a big help to companies.
  • It has gaps, but those are points for improvement.

About Bob Britton

Bob Britton is the winner of the InfusionSoft Ultimate Marketer of the Year Award in 2010. He built an Small Business Coaching Packages , and he expanded his business. Now, he serves as a personal business coach to help other business owners in their journey of maintaining and growing their companies.

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