Starting a Business with Jermaine Griggs, $70 to 7 Figure Empire, 2x Marketer of the Year Winner

The beginning is one of the most challenging parts of starting a business. Most entrepreneurs enter into careful planning of every single detail of their business process and wait a long time before crossing the bridge and stepping out of their comfort zone.

In this episode, entrepreneur and musician Jermaine Griggs shares his experiences and valuable life lessons that he learned as a young entrepreneur. He talks about how he started his journey as a musician and eventually starting his business. He also gives insights into how you can sustain business growth and the importance of reading and building your knowledge base and skills as an entrepreneur. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to start a business, listen to this podcast, and learn how to overcome the challenges you may face along the way.


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Episode Highlights

Jermaine’s Background

  • He became an entrepreneur at a young age.
  • Her grandmother inspired him as she beautifully plays the piano. 
  • He eventually also played the piano and started with church songs. He created a community group that would go around and play gospel songs and, at the same time, play for the church. The parents in their church wanted him to mentor their children.  

Starting a Business: Hear and Play’s Beginnings

  • He launched Hear and Play on August 6, 2000.
  • Its vision is to introduce to the people his style of playing. He wants it to be a resource to aspiring musicians who are not trained traditionally (playing sheet music). 
  • He aims to reach those who play music by ear. Thus, the name of his company.
  • He started his business by selling his workbooks to his students. Jermaine reshaped it, sold it online, and there has been a higher demand since then.   
  • He started with just $70 and did not even have money for marketing. He sought ways and created guerrilla strategies to accomplish things.
  • Jermaine reinvested his first earnings. He understood that leverage takes time, as well as energy and resources.                        

Analysis Paralysis

  • In starting your business, you don’t need to know all the answers. 
  • Waiting can also be an opportunity cost.
  • Be willing to go out even if it eventually goes wrong. You can always correct something in motion, but you cannot do something about anything that does not exist.

Effective Marketing Strategies When Starting a Business

  • You cannot always rely on online marketing. There is a need to find and look for alternative strategies.
  • Have target lists.
  • You should have the control and autonomy.
  • Learn how to communicate in a way that makes people desire and want your product, moving your customers to action.

Overcoming the Challenges When Starting a Business

  • Remain committed 
  • Try new things 
  • Do not fear failure 
  • Keep up with research 

Managing Growth

  • Use the leverage of paid media.
  • When transitioning, you have to be smart about using your money.
  • Reinvest your money.

Key Points About Leverage

  • Always begin with the end in mind.
  • Make sure that things are efficient.
  • You need to set-up things appropriately so that you don't need to be in every step of the process.
  • Be aware of your assets.
  • Do not let your marketing assets be idle.

Habits That Lead to Success

  • Know how to invest your time.
  • Be flexible and open to reading. Reading about marketing, psychology, and persuasion gave him practical skills in being a natural salesperson.
  • Be committed and consistent.

Importance of Reading

  • It can lead to your growth.
  • It can improve how you carry yourself with people with different interests.
  • Specialized knowledge helps you push through and make progress in that direction.

About Jermaine

Jermaine Griggs is an author, entrepreneur, musician, minister, mentor, and public speaker. Because of his passion for music, he created Hear and Play Music, an instructional company that specializes in teaching piano by ear. He also built, which helps businesses automate marketing, leading to higher returns.
Jermaine was awarded the Boy Scout’s “Man of Character” award for being able to give back and help his community. He is also a member of the board of Operation Jumpstart of Long Beach, a youth college mentoring organization UCI’s Alumni Association, and UCI’s Applied Innovation Center.

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