Turning Stories Into Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars – With Shane Johnston

Daryl Urbanski and Shane Johnston discussed their experiences in product launches and digital marketing, emphasizing the importance of customer-centric approaches and creating valuable tools for potential customers. They also shared their personal journeys in overcoming fear and taking action to achieve success in business. Additionally, they discussed the effectiveness of storytelling in marketing and the challenges of selling hot tubs in a competitive market. Throughout the conversation, they highlighted the significance of passion, excitement, and social support in driving personal and professional growth.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview:

  • Discover how to incorporate an emotional narrative in your advertising strategy, with expert tips from Shane's journey.

  • Learn how to use storytelling to increase profit margins, informed by real-time, success stories.

  • Understand the essentials of creating a compelling narrative that resonates with customers, drawn from Shane's rich experiential knowledge.


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Interview Highlights:

Product launches and digital marketing with entrepreneur Shane Johnston

  • Darryl Urbanski interviews Shane Johnston on digital marketing and product launches.
  • Shane Johnston shares his story of transitioning from entrepreneurial family to marketing and sales expert.

Overcoming fear and taking action to achieve success

  • Shane Johnston shared how San Diego trip was a turning point in their life, overcoming fear and taking risks.
  • Shane pushed past fear and took a 6-week trip to California, meeting clients and growing their business.
  • Shane rented a convertible Mustang and met mentor Amy Porterfield, leading to product launch and private Facebook group.
  • Shane Johnston learned that people buy into stories, not products, and encourages listeners to step through fear and make things happen.

Building business partnerships and overcoming fear of failure

  • Daryl Urbanski and Shane formed business partnerships and friendships after meeting through a mutual friend.
  • Daryl Urbanski is a coach who loves to support people in their journeys, regardless of their size or success.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Shane shared a powerful lesson about embracing imperfections and building a tribe through their own experiences.
  • Shane expressed self-doubt about not feeling as good as other product launchers, but Daryl's business coach encouraged her to keep moving forward.

The importance of authenticity and storytelling in marketing

  • Shane shares insights on the importance of authenticity and real connections in social media, citing Instagram as an example.
  • Daryl Urbanski agrees and adds that storytelling is a key aspect of human communication, with a focus on learning and cultural passing on.

Entrepreneurial mindset and career evolution

  • Daryl Urbanski and Shane discuss entrepreneurial spirit and mindset.
  • Shane shares their career journey in technology, from programming PBX switches to consulting for investment banks.

Creating a new product offering for a client, with a focus on streamlining processes and providing a valuable solution

  • Shane presented a business case to GE's management team, proposing to consolidate disparate groups into one cohesive unit.
  • Shane Johnston's CFO worked with Jack Welch's team to boil down the 100-page case to a single page, impressing the CEO with the potential cost savings.
  • Shane shared his experience of pitching a new service to Jack Welch and receiving a $120 million deal.
  • Shane incentivized sales reps by giving $1,000 to those who started working with him, even if the deal hadn't closed.
  • Shane presentation at the annual sales conference was well-received, with everyone rushing the stage and carrying him out.

Entrepreneurship, advertising failures, and business lessons

  • Daryl Urbanski shares his entrepreneurial journey, from consulting to retail store ownership.
  • Urbanski's first year in business saw excessive advertising and marketing spending, with little success.

Advertising techniques from a 100-year-old book

  • Shane Johnston discussed their struggles with advertising and marketing, including a pivotal moment where they attended a seminar led by Carol, who taught them about a 100-year-old advertising technique.
  • Shane emphasized the importance of the book "My Life and Advertising" by Lucy Hopkins, which they still use today for inspiration and guidance in their marketing efforts.

Using storytelling to sell products

  • Daryl Urbanski learned brewing company's process, amazed by complexity and interest.
  • Urbanski told story in chunks, left readers with cliffhangers, and offered coupon to try beer.
  • Shane struggled to apply lessons from a conference to their business, so they took a week off to research competition.
  • Shane Johnston discovered that many competitors were using high-pressure sales tactics and misleading information to sell hot tubs.

Using storytelling in advertising to increase sales

  • Shane Johnston created different email addresses for each publication to track responses to their ads.
  • Shane Johnston sales skyrocketed after they started providing valuable information and stories to their customers.

Profit per square foot in retail store

  • Daryl Urbanski praises a colleague for creating a buying tool that gained trust and led to sales.
  • Dealer realizes 50% of products not profitable, decides to cut inventory in half.

Handcrafted pool tables, their manufacturing process, and the story behind the logo

  • Shane learned about the craftsmanship behind pool tables, including how each table is unique and hand-carved by skilled artisans.
  • The CEO shared the story of how the company creates the metal medallions used on the tables, which are similar to coins minted by the government.
  • Shane learned about a Spanish mission in Nogales, Mexico, and its beautiful church with intricate ceiling art.
  • Shane shared the story of the mission and its artisans with the store staff, showcasing the handcrafted tables and their significance.
  • Shane shared personal story of creating customized furniture, emphasizing the importance of storytelling in marketing.
  • Shane approach focused on providing an emotional connection through storytelling, leading to increased referrals and sales.

Marketing and storytelling for business success

  • Daryl Urbanski and Shane share their experiences in marketing and advertising, highlighting the importance of storytelling and building relationships with customers.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of storytelling in marketing, citing the success of his own business.
  • Shane highlights the need for emotional connections in marketing, rather than just focusing on features and benefits.

Creating a successful product launch with a focus on personal transformation

  • Daryl Urbanski and Shane discuss how to help people achieve their desired end results through a three-step process: identifying a cornerstone client, expanding to more clients, and proving repeatability.
  • Shane emphasizes the importance of having transformational results and a clear understanding of one's life experiences and skills when working with clients.
  • Shane shares personal story of helping client turn around business from near bankruptcy to million-dollar launches.
  • Shane emphasizes importance of emotional storytelling in marketing, citing client's transformational result.

Marketing strategies for coaches and consultants

  • Shane emphasizes the importance of measuring metrics to attract affiliates and JV partners.
  • Shane 3-phase process involves getting beta clients, transforming them, and scaling the program for 1520 people.
  • Shane discusses using multiple marketing channels to reach audiences and increase profit.

Marketing strategies for small businesses, focusing on storytelling and ad lift

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses how to create a remarkable experience for customers by sharing stories of success and using them to attract more customers.
  • He emphasizes the importance of repeating the process at scale and testing different marketing strategies to find what works best.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Shane discuss the importance of storytelling in marketing, with Shane Johnston highlighting the concept of "ad lift" and the need to educate, entertain, and tell stories to potential customers.
  • Daryl Urbanski asks Shane how businesses can get in touch with them, with Shane Johnston mentioning the importance of providing valuable content and building an email list.

Developing mental capacity and mindset for success

  • Daryl Urbanski and Shane discuss ad writing and storytelling techniques.
  • Shane offers a free mini training and PDF for crafting effective ads.
  • Developing mental capacity and mindset is key to success.

The power of social support for achieving flow and personal growth

  • Shane emphasizes the importance of connecting with a supportive social group to achieve flow and maximize productivity.
  • The collective momentum of a group can help individuals overcome individual inertia and achieve their goals.
  • Daryl Urbanski values and appreciates his friendship with Shane and the projects they've worked on together.
  • Daryl Urbanski encourages listeners to reach out to Shane for help with their dreams and goals.

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