Turn Your Stress Into Success – With Vicki Higgins

Vicki Higgins: interview revolves around a topic that is crucially relevant to our modern lives—stress and its transformation into success. Our esteemed guest is an eminent scholar with extensive research and expertise in addressing stress-related issues. He presents a new perspective on stress, one that views it not just as a dreaded predicament, but the precursor to all sorts of diseases and ailments. This thought-provoking conversation is crucial for anyone feeling overwhelmed by stress in various aspects of life including health, career, finances, and relationships. As you delve deeper into this interview, you'll gather valuable insights on recognizing the manifestations of stress and harnessing it for your benefit.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to translate stress from being a catastrophic element to being a game-changer in the pathway to success.

  • Discover the stages of stress, and how it affects the human body and psyche. Understand how you can use this information to your advantage.

  • Understand the significant influence of stress on your health, career, finances, and relationships, and receive expert guidance to navigate these areas positively.


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Interview Highlights

Vicki Higgins: The Four Stages of Stress

  • Unveiling the four stages of stress and the importance of recognizing them as part of our lives.

  • Deep dive into stage three, when the body prepares for emergency, activating the stress hormones.

  • Understanding stage four, where the body returns to homeostasis after being in 'fight or flight' mode.

"Stress, we have defined it, boxed it, now it's time to unfold and assess it."

Vicki Higgins: The Impact of Stress

  • How stress influences various aspects; health, career, finances, and relationships.

  • The importance of daily gratitude practice to curb stress and harbour positivity.

"Each area of our lives touched by stress, is an area waiting to be explored and improved."

Harnessing Stress for Success

  • The realization that our brains are wired for survival, not happiness.

  • Stress serving as an indicator of an impending problem or solution.

"Stress is your brain's call to combat, a sign to solve or strategize."

Incorporating Higher Energy Centers

  • Shedding light on the higher states of emotions leading to peace and tranquility.

  • The beautiful opportunity stress presents to step into a new reality for life.

"Stress pushes us to tap into higher energy centers, to emerge from the usual and embrace the extraordinary."

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