Have you ever wondered about what makes successful entrepreneurs stand out from the crowd? It's ten important habits that distinguish them. Let's explore these habits one by one and see how they contribute to an entrepreneur's journey to success.

Habit NO#1: Early Risers

The most successful of people are early birds who start their day while the rest of the world is still asleep. This habit allows them the time to plan and start their day ahead, without distractions. Apple founder Steve Jobs used to begin his day by 4:30 am.

Habit NO#2: Continuous Learners

Entrepreneurs never stop learning. They are voracious readers who soak up new knowledge and challenge themselves. Thomas Edison said: "I find out what the world needs, then I proceed to invent". This implies an unending cycle of learning and producing.

Habit NO#3: Goal Oriented

Successful entrepreneurs have a clear vision of where they want to go and they set well-defined goals. Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, has always emphasized the importance of setting an exact goal, and then backing it up with a detailed execution plan.

Habit NO#4: Networking Enthusiasts

Good entrepreneurs understand the value of connections. They take every opportunity to network and build relationships that can leverage their business. Virgin group's Richard Branson is a known networking enthusiast.

Ancient Secret

Habit NO#5: Health Conscious

Entrepreneurs understand that good health is key to maintaining the energy and focus required to run a business. Many entrepreneurs, like Jack Dorsey of Twitter, are known for their rigorous health regimes.

Habit No#6: Risk Takers

Entrepreneurs are not deterred by the potential risks associated with their business ventures. Because of their strong vision, they are willing to take calculated risks. Elon Musk, for example, was ready to stake all his personal wealth on SpaceX and Tesla.

Habit NO#7: Time Management Gurus

Entrepreneurs are masters at time management. They prioritize tasks effectively and ensure perfect execution. This is because they view time as a precious and finite resource. Mark Zuckerberg, for instance, is known to dedicate specific time slots for 'deep work'.

Habit NO#8: Resilient

Successful entrepreneurs understand that failures are part of the journey. They are resilient and use their failures as stepping stones to success. Take JK Rowling for example, whose Harry Potter manuscript was rejected 12 times before it got published.

Habit NO#9: Creative Thinkers

Entrepreneurs are constantly inventing new solutions for problems. They are highly creative, and this creativity extends beyond the products and services they create. Walt Disney brought us Disney World, a product of his immense creativity.

Habit NO#10: Passionate

Successful entrepreneurs have a deep passion for what they do. This passion drives them to work tirelessly, overcome obstacles, and ultimately achieve their goals. Steve Jobs once said, "People with passion can change the world".


Developing these habits may not guarantee instant success, but they will ensure you are on the right path. As they say, "Success is a journey, not a destination".

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: How important is passion in entrepreneurship?

A1: Passion is extremely essential. It is the fuel that drives entrepreneurs to keep going, despite obstacles.

Q2: Why is networking important for entrepreneurs?

A2: Networking helps entrepreneurs to build mutually beneficial relationships, seek advice, and explore potential collaborations.

Q3: What if I am not a risk-taker?

A3: Taking calculated risks is a crucial part of entrepreneurship. But as a risk-averse entrepreneur, you can focus on detailed planning and research.

Q4: How can I become a better time manager?

A4: Starting with creating a daily schedule can be of great help. Prioritize tasks depending on their urgency and importance.

Q5: Can I be successful if I am not a morning person?

A5: Not all successful entrepreneurs are early risers. The key is to understand when you are most productive, and structure your day accordingly.