How To Get Your Paid Media To Work With Justin Brooke

Justin Brooke and Daryl Urbanski discussed mastering paid media strategies for business growth. They emphasized the importance of testing and learning, investing in training, and detaching emotions from money invested in ads. Daryl and Justin also discussed the increasing use of AI and machine learning in digital marketing, with the potential to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and enhance client satisfaction. Both highlighted the importance of understanding the target market, conducting thorough keyword research, and creating effective ads that resonate with the audience.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Learn how to reach specific audiences with highly relevant content.
  2. Understand how paid media campaigns can be used to generate leads and conversions.
  3. Discover tips and strategies to build brand awareness and create positive associations with your business.


Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

Episode Highlights

Paid media and entrepreneurship with Justin Brooke.

  • Justin Brooke is an expert in online advertising, generating billions of ad impressions and millions of dollars in sales for clients.
  • Justin shares insights on how to make paid media work for businesses and what to do when things go wrong.
  •  Justin shares their entrepreneurial journey, from selling sweets in school to turning $60 into six figures

Digital marketing strategies and overcoming challenges

  • Justin turned unpaid internship into six-figure business through applied knowledge.
  • Justin overcame challenges by being willing to move to Idaho for an in-house internship with Russell Brunson.
  • Justin emphasizes the importance of detaching emotions from money when running ads, like in poker.
  • Justin teaches the "Five by Three" method for ad targeting and testing.

Identifying target market through market research and analyzing competitors' ads and keywords

  • Daryl Urbanski shared his experience of using Facebook ads to grow his martial arts school, targeting different interests and demographics to find success.
  • Justin shared a similar story of using ad campaigns to promote his digital real estate training, focusing on different targets and interests to drive sales.
  • Justin discovered the most effective ad copy by testing multiple variations and analyzing their performance.
  • Justin uses tools like SEMrush to research the market and identify profitable niches.
  • The Justin uses SEMrush to analyze competitors' ads, keywords, and landing pages.
  • The Justin creates a market map to identify the top competitors and their unique angles.

Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

SEO research, keyword selection, and product development

  • Daryl Urbanski and Justin discuss the importance of keyword research for SEO, with Justin sharing a personal experience of optimizing 900 keywords to only find that 9 were driving sales.
  • Justin emphasizes the risk of SEO without proper research, highlighting that only a small percentage of keywords can lead to significant sales.
  • Daryl Urbanski discusses testing different offers and ads to determine which ones work best.
  • Justin shares their approach to creating a product by writing the first chapter or module and testing it with a squeeze page.

Marketing strategies for building a successful business

  • Justin shares a mistake many entrepreneurs make: validating ideas before creating a product.
  • Daryl Urbanski emphasizes the importance of establishing a steady lead flow and consistent sales to have a successful business.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Justin discuss building sales pages after research training, with Justin emphasizing the importance of relating to prospects, educating them, and motivating them to buy.
  • Justin shares their experience on sales letters, webinars, teleseminars, and paid ads, noting that marketing trends change like fashion and that it's important to adapt to stay effective.

Marketing strategies, including using SEM and Rush to find out what customers want, and preferring written content over video or audio

  • Relate to audience, not medium, for effective marketing.
  • Follow up is key to success in online business, capture audience on platform and sell what they want to buy.
  • Urbanski suggests picking up the phone for more in-depth customer insights.

Entrepreneurship, marketing, and business growth strategies

  • Daryl Urbanski and Justin discuss the importance of having multiple businesses for multiple streams of income.
  • Justin believes in having multiple businesses, but also acknowledges the importance of personal preference and focus.
  • Justin emphasizes the importance of testing and iterating in digital marketing.
  • Justin shares a quote about humans overestimating what they can do in a day and underestimating what they can do in a year.

Common mistakes in ad campaigns and the importance of focusing on the customer's problems

  • Daryl and Justin discuss common mistakes in marketing and advertising, including treating it like a lottery, underestimating testing needed, and assuming people care about the product.
  • Justin emphasizes the importance of understanding the customer's problems and needs, rather than focusing on the product or service being sold.
  • Justin and his friends have a mindset of not expecting their ad campaigns to fail, but rather being prepared for potential challenges.

Split testing and targeting for digital marketing campaigns, with a focus on Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads.

  • Justin creates multiple ads and split tests them to find what works best.
  • Justin focuses more on split testing ads and landing pages than sales page.
  • Justin recommends Google Ads over Facebook Ads due to Google's maturity and ability to target with precision interests.

Using machine learning and bots for targeted advertising

  • Justin discusses targeting pet owners on Google, using in-market audiences and keywords to reach buyers of premium dog food.
  • Justin offers $1,000 per hour for more targeted advertising tactics, citing examples of CPV (cost per view) tactics used by competitors.
  • Daryl Urbanski: Discusses future trends in marketing, including AI bots and the need for human oversight.
  • Justin Explains that while AI is still developing, marketers will need to tell bots what to do, not create ads.

Using AI in marketing, with insights on targeting and saving time

  • Daryl Urbanski and Justin discuss the importance of staying ahead of the curve in the advertising field, particularly with regards to new technologies like bots.
  • Justin highlights the potential benefits of using bots, including saving time, increasing client base, and making more money, but also acknowledges that they are not yet perfect and will take time to develop.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Justin Brooke discuss making pay traffic work, sharing their collective experience and tips.
  • Justin invites listeners to reach out for help, providing resources such as his website and free daily newsletter.

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