Gain More Sales Like A Ninja: The Best Way To Increase Sales with Esther Kiss

Daryl Urbanski and Esther Kiss discussed how media landscapes have transformed over the past three years, impacting publicity strategies. They shared insights on adapting to these changes and emphasized the importance of staying updated on industry trends and utilizing various channels to reach target audiences. Later, Daryl and Esther Kiss discussed recent shifts in content creation and publication processes, including the impact of editorial processes on content quality and the decline of pay-to-play practices. 

Esther Kiss also shared insights on leveraging publicity opportunities to drive business growth, emphasizing the importance of understanding the target audience, crafting stories that resonate with them, and building credibility through publication features. Finally, Esther Kiss emphasized the importance of focus and kindness in building strong relationships, prioritizing tasks, and staying updated on industry trends.

Here Are Three Reasons Why You Should Listen To The Full Episode:

  1. Gain new insights and tips that will help you boost sales.
  2. Stay relevant in today's fast-paced business.
  3. Give you the insights you need to be confident.


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Episode Highlights

Media changes, pitching to publications, and building relationships

  • Esther is a PR ninja who helps experts get more publicity online.
  • Media has changed since last interview, with more focus on online platforms.
  • The landscape of writing for publications has changed, with a shift towards more editorial control and a decrease in the use of contributing writers.
  • Publication platforms like Forbes, Inc, and the Huffington Post have shut down their contributing platforms, and now require writers to pitch directly to editors or established writers.
  • Esther suggests collaborating with influencers by offering valuable insights and perspectives that align with their audience's interests.
  • Building relationships with influencers through social media and other channels can help establish credibility and trust before pitching content ideas.

PR strategies for small businesses, including building relationships and crafting tailored stories

  • Daryl Urbanski and Esther discuss PR strategies, including building relationships and providing personalized recommendations.
  • Esther questions the effectiveness of different PR formats for various industries.
  • Identify target audience and craft stories tailored to their needs.

Leveraging media appearances for business growth

  • Reverse engineer content to align with freebie offer to monetize interviews.
  • Leverage interviews as credibility builder for existing sales and marketing funnels.
  • Use featured articles in autoresponder series to build trust and rapport with subscribers.
  • Showcase media appearances to accelerate client acquisition cost reduction by 90%.

Marketing strategies for credibility and attention

  • Daryl Urbanski shares his experience of being doubted by someone despite his credible achievements.
  • Esther emphasizes the importance of showcasing one's credibility to build trust with prospects and customers.
  • Esther emphasizes the importance of getting people's attention and building a relationship before pitching a product or service.
  • Esther Kiss discusses the use of remarketing to target people who have already shown interest in a product or service.

The importance of critical mass in media interviews for achieving goals

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses critical mass for interviews to gain exposure and build audiences.
  • Daryl Urbanski: Momentum in media requires 10-30 interviews, but goals and budget matter.
  • Esther: Goals and budget determine best approach for media momentum.

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Book launch strategies for authors, including planning, interviews, and building momentum

  • Esther provides guidelines for book launch planning, including timing and interview strategy.
  • Authors should be strategic with where they invest their time in podcasts, as some have millions of downloads while others have fewer.
  • Esther advises authors to appear on multiple podcasts to reach a wider audience and build trust through consistent messaging and unique insights.
  • Bonding with listeners through personalized interactions and golden nuggets (unique insights) helps accelerate trust and loyalty.

SEO strategies for building authority and credibility online

  • Esther advises on creating fresh, unique content that's optimized for SEO, citing Google's preference for original content.
  • Esther agrees, emphasizing the importance of building authority and credibility through offline and online communities.
  • Esther highlights the importance of SEO for personal branding, citing the visibility of interviews and content on higher authority websites.
  • Esther shares a ninja technique for dominating SEO by getting content on multiple sites of authority, pushing competitors to page two.
  • Esther noticed highest-performing clients have a strong focus and are kind to everyone.
  • Be kind and acknowledge others, even if they can't help you now, to build relationships.

PR strategies for business success, focusing on local TV experience and building a tribe

  • Esther Kiss emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and focus in achieving success.
  • Esther advises against getting distracted by bright, shiny objects and prioritizing tasks based on bandwidth.
  • Start with local TV experience before pursuing national interviews (Esther Kiss)
  • Don't hire a publicist until your business is at least at a high six-figure mark (Esther)

Leveraging publicity for business growth with tips from an expert

  • Esther Kiss advises focusing on making $20,000 to $100,000 a month before worrying about cutting expenses.
  • Esther Kiss agrees, emphasizing the importance of credibility and sharing results with clients.
  • Esther Kiss establishes a self-assessment tool on her website to help entrepreneurs determine if they're ready for media exposure.
  • Daryl Urbanski recommends Esther Kiss's assessment and checklist as a blueprint for getting featured on other shows and in the media.

PR strategies for business growth with Esther Kiss

  • Esther discussed how to determine which media to go after for business success.
  • Esther emphasized the importance of understanding target market needs before pitching media.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Esther invite listeners to take an assessment to determine if PR works for them.
  • Esther provides her contact information for listeners to reach out to her directly.

About Esther Kiss

Esther is a ninja in PR. She helps experts get more publicity online, so they get more leads and sales. She does all that through Born to Influence. She gotten many of her clients on TV, newspapers, and top podcasts.

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