HustleGPT: Guide to Startup Identity Design and Market Strategies with Jackson Fall

If you're an early-stage startup, nailing down your identity design and come-to-market strategies are crucial steps in building a successful business. Your brand identity needs to stand out from the crowd and communicate your mission and values effectively. At the same time, your come-to-market strategies should capture the attention of your target audience and drive growth.

In this episode, Jackson Fall joins us to discuss HustleGPT. HustleGPT specializes in helping startups create unique and effective brand identities and come-to-market strategies. With Jacson’s expertise and creative hustle, he can help any businesses stand out in a crowded market and achieve success.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn about the importance of early-stage startup identity design.
  2. Get insights into how HustleGPT helps startups create unique and effective brand identities.
  3. Discover how HustleGPT's creative hustle can help your business stand out.

Episode Highlights

How Jackson Fall Started in the Industry

  • Jackson Fall did not come from an entrepreneurial family. His mother was a trained chef, and his father was an actor.
  • Jackson has always loved new ideas and new technologies.
  • He had a particular interest in tech, apps, and social networking as a concept when he was 12 years old.
  • Jackson felt a disconnect from the world of tech and apps when he moved to Oklahoma at the age of 12.
  • He started a video podcast to interview people who made content on the internet back in 2008-2009.

How Jackson Fall Discovered His Niche

  • Jackson had to learn design to make a website to host his podcast on, and the first website he ever made for a client was for a cafe.
  • Jackson dropped out of high school at 17 years old and moved to San Francisco to work in the Silicon Valley tech world. He worked for an early stage startup called Ressie, where he learned how to work on a product team and how to do mobile app design.
  • Jackson realized that he did not want to be a product designer and did not like San Francisco that much, but he made some amazing friends there who were his heroes. He left San Francisco and came to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he started his design agency.

How HustleGPT Came About

  • Jackson and his friend Stephan were chatting about their projects, and Stephan mentioned his morning project that would summarize Twitter threads using GPT-3.
  • They then joked about giving the language model infinite power to see what it would come up with.
  • They eventually wrote a prompt that said: "You are HustleGPT, you have $100. I will do anything you request to make more money as long as it's legal and physically possible".
  • The first thing HustleGPT suggested was to buy a used lawnmower and put flyers around the neighborhood.
  • They added a prompt that said no manual labor.

Building Jackson Fall E-Commerce Store

  • Jackson Fall started an e-commerce store after his AI assistant suggested affiliate marketing.
  • The AI assistant's idea was to choose a niche and start writing content that links out to affiliate sites or links so that every time someone clicks through the link and buys the product mentioned in the article, they get a commission.
  • Jackson chose an eco-friendly niche and named his website green gadget
  • He was specific about every aspect of the landing page and wanted it to be something that his AI assistant made.
  • Jackson used the same window to chat with his AI assistant, and he could pull it up on his phone since it saved all his chat history.
  • He prompted his AI assistant to authorize him to go out and hire a few humans.
  • Jackson believes that the AI assistant is much more than a calculator or encyclopedia, just like how Google is more than a library.

Rat Park Experiment

  • Daryl discusses an experiment called Rat Park, where rats were placed in a utopian environment with an abundance of food, no predators, and everything they could want.
  • The experiment showed that all the rats died off because they had no drive for survival, and the population collapsed on itself.
  • The experiment also showed bizarre parallels such as packs of male rats attacking each other, everyone having sex with each other, and a group of rats called the "beautiful ones" that lived at the top and didn't mate.
  • This experiment leads to discussions about transhumanism and expanding beyond biological constraints.
  • They also discuss how good science explanations are hard to vary without changing the outcome, and use the example of Galileo's theory about the sun being the center of the universe.

Artificial Intelligence and Human Labor

  • Jackson’s experiment is to make himself the assistant to the AI, which is an art project and not meant to replace people.
  • He created a website,, and hired a person to build it out.
  • Two content managers were also hired to generate content for the website, which will be linked to an affiliate site.
  • They plan to allocate cash to Facebook and Instagram advertisements.
  • The project is still ongoing, and it is interesting to see where it goes.

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How HustleGPT Works

  • Jackson discusses how he has human-organized backups for almost everything since GPT-3 sometimes makes little factual errors.
  • He advises people not to take GPT-3's word as God and to always double-check the information.
  • Daryl discusses Jackson's new project, Green Gadget Guru, and how people are investing in it and working together to create it.
  • Jackson mentions that most people are working on their own projects, and there are weekly challenges to spark creativity.
  • They discuss the importance of using these tools and how people who can use them in tandem with their own human ingenuity will have a significant advantage.
  • They also emphasize the need to be careful and use the tool at one's own risk, and not to rely solely on it.

Limitations of Artificial Intelligence

  • ChatGPT cannot provide information on current events
  • Bing AI is better for research and is hooked into the internet
  • Bing is better for long timeframe comparisons, while ChatGPT is better for up-to-the-minute information
  • Bing can provide personalized travel itineraries and book flights and accommodations, but ChatGPT cannot yet take action on the user's behalf.

About Jackson Fall

Jackson Fall is an expert in artificial intelligence and machine learning, with a focus on developing cutting-edge chatbot technology. He has experience in both industry and academia and has worked with major tech companies to develop AI-powered products. Fall is passionate about pushing the boundaries of AI and creating technology that can improve people's lives in new and innovative ways.

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