How To Advertise Your Business Online with Justin Brooke

Justin Brooke and Daryl Urbanski discussed the current state of the ad industry, focusing on the dominance of Facebook and Google and the impact of their algorithms on smaller advertisers. They emphasized the importance of understanding these dynamics to build successful ad campaigns, and Justin expanded on this idea by highlighting the growing complexity of internet advertising and the need for technical marketers who understand programmatic software and data analysis. 

The Justin Brooke also discussed effective strategies for achieving maximum return on investment in Google advertising, generating leads, and mastering advertising skills to achieve success in the industry.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Learn how to reach a wider audience by advertising your online business.
  2. Learn how to save money on online advertising.
  3. Learn tips and strategies for increasing brand awareness by advertising online.


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Episode Highlights

Paid media and advertising with industry expert Justin Brooke

  • Daryl Urbanski interviews Justin Broken on paid media expertise.
  • Justin Brooke shares insights on building profitable ad campaigns.

Digital advertising strategies, focusing on Google and YouTube ads

  • Justin Brooke explains Facebook and Google's dominance in the ad industry, with Facebook favored for its smaller advertiser approach.
  • Justin advises against relying on a single, large campaign and instead recommends multiple small campaigns.
  • Native ads are strong for mass market offers, but not suitable for niche niches.
  • Daryl Urbanski learns about search ads and retargeting ads for his business.
  • Justin teaches people to use search ads, retargeting ads, and valuable content for their business.

Google ads, keyword targeting, and newbie mistakes

  • Use $1-$5 day methods to build a retargeting list and scale safely.
  • Set up branded search ads first for product name, business name, and retargeting.
  • Newbies make expensive, untargeted ad campaigns without skills or experience.
  • Daryl Urbanski and Justin discuss testing small and scaling big in advertising.

Using Google's smart display campaigns for effective advertising

  • Daryl Urbanski and Justin discuss testing different ads and landing pages to optimize marketing efforts.
  • Justin suggests optimizing for "Add to Cart" instead of "Conversion" to improve algorithm optimization.
  • Justin explains smart display campaigns, a scalable and profitable advertising tool.
  • Google's algorithm tests headlines and images for maximum effectiveness, untouched for 14 days.

Using Google's smart display campaigns for affiliate marketing

  • Justin Brooke explains how Google's Display Campaign Optimizer can help advertisers save money and increase conversions.
  • Justin  suggests setting a daily budget of $100-$200 for the cost per action (CPA) campaign, citing potential for high returns.
  • Justin  advises those with established products to consider the $1,400 or $2,000 budget for the CPA campaign, as it can provide a reliable shot at making a million dollars.
  • Justin 's smart display campaign veered off track into coupon land, leading to poor lead quality.

Optimizing ad campaigns for better sales

  • Daryl Urbanski shares his experience with Facebook ad campaigns, emphasizing the importance of troubleshooting and optimizing campaigns for better results.
  • Justin  discusses the micro issues that affect the macro goal of sales in ad campaigns, such as impression, click, time on page, and conversion rate.
  • Justin  analyzes website performance, identifies areas for improvement (page load speed, cart abandonment rate)
  • Justin  uses micro conversions to identify specific issues and optimize campaigns for better sales

Using lower ad budgets, optimizing campaigns, and prioritizing phone and page leads

  • Daryl Urbanski and Justin discuss the importance of using lower ad budgets for better ROI.
  • They emphasize the need to remove emotion and work on campaigns like a mechanic works on a car.
  • Daryl Urbanski recommends starting with a page and then adding phone calls to maximize revenue.
  • Justin suggests focusing on pages first and then incorporating phone calls for higher earnings.

Copywriting and sales page formula

  • Justin recommends using a tried and true formula for sales pages, starting with a clear problem statement and addressing related issues.
  • Justin emphasizes the importance of being bluntly clear about the problem and avoiding cute or clever language.
  • Justin discusses the importance of understanding the market's buying trigger and testing different angles to find the most effective approach.
  • Justin shares insights from a book on advertising, including the concept of "contrary and reason" and the importance of testing different angles to find what works best for the market.

Marketing strategies for established businesses, including targeting advanced customers and using programmatic advertising

  • Daryl Urbanski discusses the importance of catering to different segments of a market, such as beginners and advanced customers, to maximize profits.
  • A client of Daryl's, Frank the Mover, successfully expanded his business by creating a low-ticket offer for budget-conscious customers while maintaining his high-end brand for premium services.
  • Justin predicts internet advertising will become more sophisticated and programmatic, requiring technical marketers to stay competitive.
  • Justin Brooke believes technical marketers will play a crucial role in understanding event triggers and algorithms for advertising success.

The future of marketing and the role of humans in AI-driven targeting

  • Justin discusses the importance of data in advertising and how it will continue to be a human-driven process for the next 10 years.
  • Justin believes that AI will not replace human touch in advertising, at least for the next decade, as it is still in its early stages of development.
  • Justin predicts AI will replace human experts in 10 years, but emphasizes the need for basic understanding of algorithms and their vocabulary.
  • Justin advocates for daily habits of learning and absorbing new information on algorithms to stay relevant in the industry.

Paid advertising strategies for business growth

  • Justin discusses the importance of having a supportive community in digital marketing.
  • Justin and guest discuss the pros and cons of different campaign types for newbies.
  • Daryl Urbanski thanks Justin for coming and shares 3 questions for them to reflect on.
  • Justin invites listeners to reach out for help overcoming challenges and achieving dreams.

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