What Is The Role Of Knowledge Management Systems In Business | Business Operation System

Daryl Urbanski discusses the importance of knowledge management systems in business. He highlights their ability to collect, organize, and make knowledge sharing readily available. This knowledge is used for training, decision-making, and preventing 'Sacred Knowledge problems' in scaling companies. He emphasizes the role of these systems in ensuring that knowledge is not lost or forgotten as companies grow.


Episode HighLight

The importance of knowledge management systems in business.

  • Knowledge management systems collect, organize, and make knowledge readily available. This knowledge sharing is used for training and decision-making.

The Power of a Shared Innovation Approach

  • Advantages of knowledge sharing innovations from one unit across the franchise network.
  • Impacts of shared innovations on the growth and progress of the network.

"When you allow each unit to innovate, to share, you're not just rising alone. When the tide rises, all the boats rise with it."

Incorporating Innovations into Business Systems

  • The step-by-step approach to integrating new knowledge management tools into established systems.
  • Assessing the value of a proposed innovation.

"Agility in updating systems is a critical factor in turning separate innovations into a collective one."

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