Unraveling The Mystery of People-Centric Selling, Tech-Savvy Tactics, And The Power of Cold Calling In Today's Market with Graham Rawlinson

In our latest interview, we welcomed the powerhouse of salesforce, Graham Rawlinson. With a generous knowledge bank constructed over 35 years in sales and sales management, Graham is currently the mastermind behind Progressive Concepts Inc., having served as its leader for 27 years and claiming the title of the longest-serving Sandler franchise in Canada.

 This comprehensive conversation houses precious insights from a seasoned professional who believes in the potency of dedicated service. His methods of transforming regular sales models into channels of problem-solving responsiveness is a topic of significance for every sales-focused individual or team presents. This interview is a critical tool for learning how to establish genuine connections with prospects, implementing advanced sales technology, and fostering an accountable sales team. By tuning into this conversation, audiences will gain the ability to elevate their sales trajectory in today's rapidly changing market.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Learn how to transition your sales approach from transactional to transformational.
  • Discover the importance of sales team composition and leadership in business progression.
  • Understand the evolving face of sales in the current technological era.


Interview Highlights

Changing The Sales Approach with Graham Rawlinson

  • Graham emphasizes the transformation in the sales approach where people now love to buy rather than being sold something.
  • He advocates for understanding the needs and wants of prospectus to create solutions rather than pushing a product or service.

"The first rule is people love to buy, they hate being sold. The best way of doing that is really find out what they need and what they're looking for".

The Right People In The Right Seats

  • Graham discusses the importance of team composition in sales, citing that most companies falter by having incorrect sales hires.
  • He cites the age-old wisdom from Jim Collins about transforming a good company to a great one through team management.

"Most companies don't have the right people in the right seats. 75% of sales hires are actually incorrect".

The Leader Wears The Crown -Graham Rawlinson

  • Identifying the right leader and team members is essential, with attributes like assertiveness, emotional stability, likability, will to achieve, and openness to experience being key.

"Make sure you've got the right people in the team".

Keeping Up With Technology

  • The ever-evolving technology in sales demands consistent updating to keep up with the trends.
  • The concept of sales enablement is towards becoming a necessity in current times.

"If you're not keeping up with what's going on, you're going to be left behind".

Demand More From Your Sales Team

  • Business owners should expect more from their sales team and be wary of complacency.
  • Focus on finding a deeper purpose rather than just earning money.

"As a business owner, expect more from your sales team".

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