Mastering innovation From the Inside Out: Unveils The Power of Systematic Inventive Thinking in Business Growth with Yoni Stern

This insightful interview features Yoni Stern, an acclaimed specialist in innovation from within one's existing framework. Stern is the Senior VP of Business Development at SIT Limited, a global leader known for transforming organizations and driving growth.

This interview is an invaluable resource for business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs, especially those from small to medium businesses who are looking for direction in these challenging times. Yoni shares his profound wisdom on leveraging what an organization already has to drive innovation and growth. His useful advice is underpinned with a deep sense of empathy and a practical approach that businesses can implement immediately.

Reasons to Listen

  1. Learn how to embrace and leverage your company's existing resources and advantages for innovative growth.
  2. Discover the power of systematic, inventive thinking and how you can apply it to your business strategy.
  3. Understand how widening the definition of innovation can improve your processes and lead to transformative changes.

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Interview Highlights

Staying in Business Long Term -Yoni Stern

  • The only way to ensure long-term survival in business is to act with love.
  • Nurturing love for your product, service, and audience will help in understanding and serving them better.

"If you are trying to be in business long term, the only way to act is with love."

Systematic, Inventive Thinking

  • Identify and inventory your existing resources before imagining new ways to utilize them.
  • Visualize desired outcomes and set clear plans to achieve those outcomes.

"A goal is a plan. Otherwise, you're just dreaming if there's no plan."

The True Scope of Innovation -Yoni Stern

  • Innovation should not be narrowly defined nor constrained to specific areas.
  • Processes can and should be made better through innovative thinking.

"You can have innovation in anything."

Learning More About Systematic, Inventive Thinking

  • Numerous resources exist to understand and master systematic, innovative thinking.
  • These methods are taught at prestigious Ivy League universities.

"We teach systematic, inventive thinking at Ivy League universities."

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